In the West, there is almost nothing left of the classic division of political parties and movements into left-wing and right-wing ones.
If we were to judge the political life of the countries of the collective West solely on the basis of the concrete activities of political parties that alternate for decades on the stage of the political theater and in power, we would give the right to all those political theorists who like to speculate about the “twilight of ideologies”. Let’s take the British Labor Party and the Conservative Party as an example. Both parties are positioned in the center of the political spectrum, very close to each other, although the Labor Party is on the center-left and the Conservatives on the center-right, but the general impression is that their official ideological positions are more a matter of folklore and tradition than real ideological practice. In reality, the political ideas that these two parties stand for overlap to such an extent that it has become very difficult for well-informed British voters to see any fundamental ideological differences between the two camps, which does not mean that they do not exist. It’s the same with the Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Of course, there are ideological differences between them, but they are clear only to politically educated Americans, while as far as the rest of the world is concerned, it is only about nuances that mean little, especially when we talk about the continuity of aggressive U.S. foreign policy. The seeming ideological impersonality of the collective West is strongly contributed by the frequent unprincipled coalitions and “big tent” parties, which are characterized by ideological colorlessness.
In short, from whatever angle we observe and analyze the political life of the West, we cannot avoid the impression that there is almost nothing left of the classic division of political parties and movements into left-wing and right-wing ones. To illustrate, we could use the popular Horseshoe Theory, usually attributed to Jean-Pierre Faye, a French philosopher, and writer. In this visual representation of the political spectrum, the distinct Right and Left are not on diametrically opposite sides of the same axis, but, on the contrary, they are very close to each other and almost touch at the ends of the “horseshoe”. Almost all the mainstream political parties of the West would be somewhere in the middle of the horseshoe on this political spectrum. Political parties that, unlike the mainstream ones, as a rule, have never enjoyed the generous support of financial elites would, in that case, more than symbolically, be somewhere at the end of Faye’s horseshoe. For example, in Germany, such parties would be the left-wing “Die Linke” and the right-wing “Alternative für Deutschland”, two parties with authentic political programs that, together with their electorate, have suffered systematic marginalization since their foundation until today. Although this is really not an exact mathematical science because every political spectrum and the theory behind it have a large number of critics and opponents, if we were to use any other presentation similar to this one, we would again notice that the ruling political parties of the collective West are always grouped somewhere in the same zone.
However, to conclude that ideology in the West is dead would be a mistake equal to the assertion that the devil does not actually exist, and only because the unholy wants us to think so. The apparent ideological impersonality is only an expression of the fact that the real ideology of the countries of the Western conglomerate, led by the USA, is hidden deep and firmly embedded in their constitutions and laws. That ideology has been patiently upgraded and expanded for decades in order to become an untouchable dogma that has elevated itself above all criticisms and condemnations. Quite expectedly, the plutocratic elites are the only ones with a clear motive, almost unlimited means, and the opportunity to create an unconventional and unnatural ideological system that will serve only their interests and which will be impossible to question. It would be very naive to think that this monstrous ideology is an internal problem only for those countries that practice it, because its creators, financiers, and advocates have hegemonic, imperialist, and neocolonialist plans and ambitions for which it was created after all. Aspects of this ideology that are easily recognizable and felt in the internal political life of the countries of the collective West simply serve the purpose of realigning those societies for the continuation of even more aggressive expansions and military interventions.
Andrew Gamble, Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield and at the University of Cambridge, stated in May 2021 that numerous ideologies have sought to shape Western societies in the past, but that the doctrines of “ordered freedom”, free economies, and strong states, continued to dominate the ideas of “authoritarian nationalism”. Although Gamble sees the role of socialist and conservative ideologies in the countries of the Western Bloc, he recognizes what is often called “Western liberalism” today as an ideological thought that absolutely dominates the political life of the collective West, and it must be recognized that this is an undeniable fact. After all, this is not strange, given that both Western socialists and conservatives not only allowed but also actively helped the permanent incorporation of the ideas of Western liberalism into the laws of their countries. This very fact gives us the impression today that all classical ideologies in the West are dead. Because they are increasingly limited by the constitutions and laws of their countries, Western conservatives and socialists are increasingly difficult to distinguish from liberals, which is why it is more common to talk about left and right liberals instead of real conservatives and socialists. Parties that are truly socialist or conservative are pushed to the margins of political life and often forced to lead an extra-parliamentary political struggle in which they are characterized as extremist and radical. Yet, the real extremists are, in fact, the destroyers of all the traditional values on which civilization was built, namely the advocates and promoters of modern liberalism, which, as we can see, is no longer positioned only on the left but increasingly covers the space of the center-right.
Since liberalism historically arose as a response to absolutist monarchism, and later developed as a reaction to various forms of totalitarianism, it is more than interesting to analyze how it came to be that what is today considered modern liberalism in the West acts precisely from the positions of increasingly radical authoritarianism and dogmatism. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the first great men of history who saw through the hypocrisy of liberalism and understood that crimes committed in the name of liberal democracy are no less terrible than those committed in the name of openly totalitarian ideologies. Nevertheless, when we talk about the criticism of liberalism, the Russian philosopher, political scientist, and university professor Dr. Alexander Dugin left the deepest mark. Dugin quite rightly speaks of the “dictatorship of liberalism” because it is an ideological phenomenon and practice that establishes new totalitarianism in the name of false freedoms, which effectively abolish all real freedoms. Dugin is one of the first theorists who clearly recognized the evolution of original liberal thought from an authentic struggle for individual freedom into the monstrous ideology it is today. He realized that these mutations were so sudden, radical, and dramatic that he called the dominant ideology of the modern West “Liberalism 2.0”. In this way, Dugin wanted to draw a clear historical boundary between the liberalism of the past and the deviant, destructive, and very dangerous liberalism of the present and future. Liberalism 2.0 is, in its essence, pseudo-liberalism, the negation of all real human rights and freedoms, an ideology that has developed a very undemocratic character and does not tolerate any criticism. Nonetheless, since it is protected by very powerful instruments of repression, it has not only its sacred dogmas but also an inquisition that is able to protect them.
Geydar Dzhemal, a Russian Islamic philosopher, admitted, albeit reluctantly, that the civilized world of today is built on the principles of active liberalism. However, he also concluded that Western liberalism, as a mental space, is placed on the platform of denying any higher meaning of life, from which it expresses the conviction that hedonism should be its main dimension. And indeed, hedonism could be considered one of the fundamental principles of modern liberalism, and this becomes more and more evident if one looks at the ideologies that have developed from it, such as LGBT ideology. The Russian poet Yunna Morits, perhaps more artistically intuitively than in the language of political science, speaks through verses about the totalitarian essence of liberalism, which few today can deny and which is its second very important trademark: “Liberal dictatorship, liberal tyranny, liberal Gestapo: whoever is not with them is nowhere!”. For reasons that are certainly interesting to anthropologists, historians, and culturologists, the souls and minds of people from the East, not only top intellectuals but also ordinary people, are naturally very resistant to the dogmas of Western liberalism, which they immediately recognize as something that opposes the divine and natural order of things. This is precisely the reason that the ideas of modern liberalism never managed to take deep roots in countries such as Russia, China, India, or the countries of the Muslim world.
Of course, numerous political minds, scientists, and theorists from the West, whose work and research the mainstream media of the countries they come from, generally ignore or deliberately boycott, have bravely tackled the issue of criticism of modern Western liberalism. One of these very original critics is the philosopher and writer James Kalb, author of “The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance, and Equality by Command,” published in 2008 and quite popular in Western conservative circles. In this scientific work, Kalb explained how liberalism developed into a form of totalitarianism and dictatorship in which a comprehensive system of control over individuals and all their relationships accounts only to itself and no one else. This is not only the essence of modern Western ideologies and societies but also of all the globalist institutions that they have spawned, which have the ambition to rule the fate of all humanity as “global” without consulting or answering to anyone for their decisions and actions. Another laudable critic who deserves a lot of attention is Patrick J Deneen, an American political theorist and university professor of political science who, ten years after Kalb’s masterpiece on the theory of liberalism, published a landmark book entitled “Why Liberalism Failed.” In his work, Deneen fiercely criticized not only the American Democrats but also the Republicans, claiming that liberalism is a wasted ideology that leads only to inequality, cultural decadence, the erosion of all real human freedoms, and the rise of powerful, centralist, undemocratic bureaucracies. Exactly such bureaucracies also rule the European Union by simply making decisions that bypass all national democracies, while at the same time not accounting to anyone for their actions, no matter how bad they may be, according to the pattern previously noted by Kalb. A very often repeated criticism of numerous other political scientists and theorists, including those from the West, is that all that deepening of social inequalities, denial of traditional values, and corroding of personal freedoms that liberalism undeniably generates will, in the end, like a metastasizing cancer, destroy the states it rules and that ideology itself.
What worries the rest of the world is definitely not that, at a certain moment, this pseudo-liberalism will cease to exist, nor what kind of ideological vacuum will arise in the West after that. The real danger lies in the fact that the ideologies that Western liberalism gave birth to, could continue their lives even after its demise. It is known that the theories of advocates and ideologues of modern liberalism such as Francis Fukuyama, Richard Rorty, John Rawls, and Ronald Dworkin, despite being often far more idealistic than militaristic, have been misused as an excuse for the aggressive military expansion of the collective West. When he spoke about how liberal democracy “will always defeat autocracy”, Jans Stoltenberg, NATO’s 13th Secretary General, by the term “autocracy” meant whatever NATO chooses to call by that name, and what stands between the North Atlantic Alliance as the military fist of the collective West and the resources that the Western conglomerate needs in order to avoid its imminent economic collapse. Therefore, the connection between “Liberalism 2.0” and Western imperialism and neocolonialism is more than direct and obvious, and these extreme ideologies could, unfortunately, survive the collapse of liberal ideology and become a much more serious problem for the unconquered part of mankind. To make matters worse, these are not the only monsters of liberalism that could survive it.
Globalism, systematic and planned Americanization and Westernization, the imposition of Western crypto-satanic pop culture, favoritism of the English language, perverse interpretations of political correctness, militant feminism, aggressive LGBT and gender ideology, the promotion of pedophilia and zoophilia, open Satanism, and who knows what else could crawl out of hell are also dangerous monsters of Western liberalism. These ideologies are manifested together as an attempt to destroy all nations, traditional cultures, and religions by first destroying the traditional family, founded by a man and a woman in the desire to raise offspring together in love and harmony. Pseudo-liberalism, therefore, seeks to “liberate” the individual from that healthy security and support that a natural family provides to a normal human being, replacing it with its freakish surrogates. At the same time, the goal of liberalism is to replace the collectivism of traditional nations, societies, cultures, and religions with corporate collectivism, in which the individual at the “end of history”, will be reduced to a mere property of the company. In order for an individual to be successfully and permanently uprooted from the traditional family environment and turned into a being that can be easily manipulated for the purpose of efficient exploitation, it is necessary to fulfill a whole series of preconditions. Thus, pseudo-liberalism seeks to “liberate” the individual from all true and authentic spirituality and religiosity, from any applicable knowledge other than that which is absolutely necessary for work and production, and from any political awareness of true human rights and freedoms. Such individuals are thus completely denied the right to any kind of true self-realization, and all their life choices are narrowed and reduced to mere production, profitmaking, and consumption. This sinister goal is practically impossible to achieve if parents are not removed from the process of raising children beforehand. In the ideal case, it is necessary to bypass the parents completely and to reach the young people as early as possible, more and more often already in kindergarten, indoctrinating them, first of all, with the destructive poison of LGBT and gender ideology as a guarantee that, by creating very vulnerable individuals, the manipulation of them in the near future will be complete.
What kind of future could be intended for our children, can be guessed from the theses of Yuval Noah Harari, a prominent Israeli liberal thinker, author, publicist, and history professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Harari’s name is often associated with the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and many consider him his advisor and right-hand man, but there is no concrete evidence for this. What is indisputable is that Schwab shows great respect for Harari’s work and has invited him to speak at World Economic Forum conferences in Davos on a couple of occasions. In his books, Harari, who is, by the way, openly homosexual and lives with his husband, argues that the idea of man possessing free will has come to an end, although it has been not only present but also very important for centuries in all traditional religions, not only Abrahamic, and considered one of the most precious gifts from God. Harari also denies that human beings possess anything that could be called a human soul and even rejects the idea of a human spirit. Instead of all that, he claims that there is already technology that will reduce human beings to the level of hackable animals with the aim of achieving complete surveillance and control over them — and all that on a massive scale. As an obvious supporter of transhumanism, another monster from the ideological laboratories of liberalism, Harari believes that the vast majority of people on the planet are completely unnecessary and, using the term “useless eaters” for them, recommends video games and drugs as a way of life for future generations. Yes, Western liberalism shows a more than obvious desire to establish full control over our children and their future, and we have to ask ourselves where relativizing their ambitions could lead us in the end. Could genetically modified children be born in the very near future with patented genetic codes protected by copyright that would make these children the property of corporations for their entire lives? Before we completely reject such a possibility as the fruit of a dark imagination from some bizarre sci-fi dystopia, we should once again think deeply about all the great “successes” of the liberal ideology that we have already witnessed.
Projections of our collective fears, which just a few decades ago seemed like mere conspiracy theories that could never come true under any circumstances, are today, unfortunately, part of the gloomy everyday reality in which we live. This forces us to be constantly alert and extremely cautious in relation to all the, at first glance, innovative, advanced, and humane ideas with which liberalism tries to hypnotize and seduce us. Let’s just remember how the idea of creating a global world in which, thanks to technological progress, there is a free and intensive exchange of goods and services was misused. Just as the initial ideas of liberalism, such as the necessity of protecting personal freedoms as the basic purpose of the existence of the state, were twisted into their opposite, so the initial ideas about the necessity of humane globalization were abused for the needs of a hidden neo-colonialist agenda. Instead of all nations benefiting equally from globalization, it has very quickly turned into a system that favors rich countries, while the workforce and resources of poor countries are unscrupulously exploited and their environments irresponsibly destroyed. The spread of liberal capitalism across the planet has turned out to be just a new form of Western expansion and imperialism that very often precedes brutal military interventions. As for the Western concepts of “cultural exchange” and multiculturalism, they have only led to the erosion of authentic, traditional cultures and the imposition of Western standards in everything. Globalism has raised international institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Health Organization, the aforementioned World Economic Forum, and others. All these organizations, which increasingly include some organizations that act as specialized agencies of the United Nations (UNESCO, for example), have in common an extremely low level of transparency of their actions and a very undemocratic way of making decisions. Over time, it became more and more obvious that all these “world” organizations are under the strict control of the Western Zionist and Anglo-Saxon plutocratic elites, and that they serve only them. Globalist organizations are nothing but the foundation of some new totalitarian world order and its world government, the last stage of global enslavement and destruction of all free nations.
One of the greatest ideological evils of the modern world, the vanguard and striking fist of liberalism, is LGBT ideology combined with so-called gender ideology — absolute idiocy that defies simple scientific facts, common sense, and traditional values. Those two combined ideologies and their “values” are best accepted in Western Europe, while quite expectedly, in Russia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, they encounter very strong resistance. In most cases, aggressive LGBT and gender propaganda in those conservative societies only led to an increase in intolerance in relation to “sodomites”, which is a term that is very often used in those areas for members of the so-called “LGBT community”. This intolerance is particularly related to gender ideology, which denies the obvious fact to every normal human being, namely that there are only two sexes: male and female, and that their purpose is to establish a family on the foundations of mutual love and respect between a woman and a man and to raise offspring in order to prolong the human species. Instead of something that is obvious to everyone, gender ideology propagates that the biological sex that human beings are born with does not necessarily correspond to the gender that they “feel” they belong to. Thus, Pandora’s box was opened to the whole world, although it should have remained closed forever and where it belongs — in psychiatric clinics. Facebook thus, now recognizes 58 different “genders”, other “experts” came up with the figure of 72 “genders,” and the bidding is still going on, so the figure of 100 “genders” has already been exceeded. Gender ideology “experts” such as Diane Ehrensaft, a “gender-affirming” therapist notorious in conservative circles, advocate that children can be given pseudo-medical diagnoses such as “gender dysphoria” — a “mismatch” between biological sex and gender identity, while they are still in preschool. This “diagnosis” later serves as a legal basis for changing the sex of very young children, which is absolutely monstrous. All this transgender insanity, together with the already standard demands of the LGBT population for various privileges, such as the legalization of same-sex marriages and the right to adopt children, is very brazenly and aggressively imposed on all the nations of the planet while totally ignoring their cultural and religious traditions. For example, the European Union allocated 31 million euros for integration, or more precisely, the imposition of LGBT values in traditionally very conservative and patriarchal Armenia, whose national value system is definitely diametrically opposed to the ideology of sodomites. Such violence against traditionalist societies is possible only if a nation has previously fallen under the strong political influence of the collective West and becomes completely economically dependent on it. In that case, such a country renounces its traditional culture and its values, in exchange for new loans that only lead to further indebtedness and de facto slavery. Such a nation can no longer stand up to the ideological pressures of the collective West, no matter how mindless and shameless they are. The people of such countries, of course, strive to preserve their traditional values at all costs, and all this leads to sharp internal conflicts and political instability.
Although the official representatives of the LGBT+ movement firmly and persistently deny it, like with one of their official documents known as the “Pedosexual Statement” of the LGBT Foundation, independent research, such as that conducted by the Regent University School of Law in Virginia, indicates that there is overwhelming evidence that confirms the belief that homosexuality is directly related to pedophilia. This research shows that children are not only the target of recruitment with the aim of constantly expanding the LGBT community, but unfortunately, they are also the object of homosexuals’ sexual desire and brutal sexual abuse. The data obtained by Regent University, which refers to the USA, are more than frightening: for every homosexual male child abuser, there are 150.2 abused boys, while for every heterosexual male child abuser, there are 19.8 girls. Steve Baldwin, the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, DC, reacted to these studies, with the assertion that homosexuality more than obviously destroys the foundations of civilization, by destroying the traditional family and the normal childhood of children. As for pedophilia itself, it is openly promoted under the euphemism, in fact, the synonym “pedosexuality”, as a completely normal form of human sexuality, which should therefore be completely socially acceptable. In the liberal West, there has been a decades-long continuum of legal attempts to legalize pedophilia by gradually lowering the age a child must be to give legally valid consent to sex — without, of course, the right of parents to intervene to protect their children. The LGBT movement threatens children’s mental and physical health in many ways, but by far the most by the already mentioned promotion of transgenderism and gender changes, even among preschool children. And is gender change even possible, and what does it entail? The surgical butchering of one’s genitalia and “hormone therapy” do not result in real gender reassignment because the DNA of every cell of a person who has undergone such a brutal procedure still bears irrefutable evidence of the person’s actual, natural sex. Gender reassignment is, in fact, absolutely impossible and must be considered medical malpractice and a crime, especially if it is carried out on immature children who are easily manipulated. In order to keep all this madness alive, terrifying, persistent, continuous, and ubiquitous propaganda and indoctrination of the entire society is carried out in the countries of the collective West, and these are projects in which millions of dollars are invested in the midst of the global economic crisis.
The refusal of individuals to accept LGBT and gender dogmas is slowly beginning to bring with it certain consequences — often legal ones as well. Refusal to participate in LGBT activities is also seen as an illegal denial and violation of human rights. A good example of the insanity of the system that promotes the LGBT and transgender agendas is the case of 16-year-old Canadian student Josh Alexander. He was suspended last month from St. Joseph’s Catholic High School, only because, in accordance with his Baptist religious upbringing, he claimed that there are only two genders — male and female, which was perceived as psychological bullying and harassment of transgender students. Because of this kind of terror carried out by the liberal states of the West, parents increasingly accept the LGBT and gender “education” of their children, which starts earlier and earlier without much resistance. For example, when it was announced in October last year that the first LGBT-themed kindergarten would be opened in Berlin’s Schöneberg district this spring instead of a boycott, the number of applications was very high from day one. Obviously, in the countries of the collective West, and especially in Western Europe, “voluntary” participation in LGBT activities is increasingly becoming a moral and even legal obligation of every individual, which is better not to oppose. There are other examples as well. On the other side of the ocean, parents reacted violently in June of last year when it was learned that New York City spent over $200,000 for the “expenses” of drag queens who read books to children in public schools without the parents’ knowledge or approval, all within the framework of a program promoting the inclusiveness of “transgender” people. A few years ago, half-naked transsexual dancers, also without the parents’ knowledge, performed dirty dances in front of preschool children in the Manhattan public school talent show. Even Disney joined the campaign to promote LGBT ideology by deciding that as many as 50% of the characters in their cartoons must be members of one of the myriad genders of the LGBT population. All this, for the umpteenth time, confirms the thesis that liberalism really wants to get hold of our children and mold them to their will.
Even sports have not been spared from the onslaught of LGBT propaganda precisely because they are part of the traditional upbringing of children, which helps them grow into healthy and strong young adults. So Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, announced in December last year that in the future, 10% of the composition of all national teams will have to be members of the “LGBTQI+ community”. On the other hand, the insanity of transgender ideology has allowed biological men like transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, despite fully justified and very loud protests, not only to compete in female competition but to absolutely dominate it. At a time when the liberal West is ruled by twisted “political correctness”, which considers traditional courtship by men, no matter how polite and cultural, as sexual harassment of women that can be severely punished, Lia Thomas, as a “transgender woman”, is entitled to use the women’s locker room and further humiliate female swimmers by deliberately exposing the nudity of his unmodified male genitalia in front of them — which is exactly what happened last year and was not considered sexual harassment at all. Somewhat similarly, a 31-year-old Dutchman, now named Marjolein Schepers, decided last year to identify himself as a minor girl, and, in cooperation with doctors, began taking “hormonal therapy” to soon become a member of the female teenage football team. So a mature man, to his undisguised delight, now shares a changing room and showers with 15-year-old girls. The list of such deeply disturbing abnormalities is, unfortunately, getting longer every day and begins to drag on endlessly…
The question that cannot be avoided is: why do plutocratic elites invest so much money and effort in promoting the LGBT and gender agendas? It would be more than naive to believe that this is really about humanism, altruism, and the struggle for human rights. Are there not enough homeless and seriously ill people in this world, even in the most developed countries of the West, who need all kinds of help? Is there no reason to improve the rights of workers and provide completely free education to children and young people who deserve it because of their giftedness, success, and invested effort? Isn’t there room to improve existing healthcare systems? As for the promotion of transgender ideology, there is no doubt that overpriced “hormonal therapies” and “gender reassignment” surgeries at the expense of taxpayers are becoming lucrative businesses for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, and among the profiteers, there are certainly other profitable businesses such as the porn and sex industries. Regarding the health insurance industry, one more thing becomes very clear. By declaring the former psychiatric diagnoses to be completely normal forms of behavior, which not only do not need any treatment but are even desirable, millions of dollars in savings are achieved, as insurance companies are not obliged to cover the costs of treating the insured. Of course, this leads to the denial of psychiatric and other necessary medical assistance. Instead, LGBT forms of behavior are deliberately popularized, and they, therefore, spread like infectious diseases. However, in addition to the already listed goals of liberal ideologies, one of the most obvious and important goals of such an intense promotion of LGBT and gender ideology is depopulation, apparently, a sacred dogma that plutocratic elites propagate even openly. Elites of course want to control all global resources and the workforce size, and they seem to think that there is really no need to share resources with “useless eaters”, so it is necessary to reduce the number of people several times, regardless of whether it was the infamous “golden billion” or only half a billion as it was written on the Georgia Guidestones, a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia — whoever financed the erection of that fabulously expensive “monument”: Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Satanists, or members of some other powerful secret society. Even if we were to choose to completely ignore all the numerous conspiracy theories, the vociferous advocates of monstrous liberal theories such as the aforementioned Harari are more than enough to state with great certainty that the threat of some new technological slave-owning system is looming over humanity. That dystopian system of the future would be based on some new diabolical economic arithmetic that is in contradiction with all the needs of man as a free political and spiritual being and “homo religiosus”.
That is why there is no doubt that the main ideological enemies of Western liberalism, which is, in essence, crypto-satanic pseudo-liberal fascism, are traditional and original religious and philosophical teachings, primarily Christianity and Islam, both because of the number of their believers and the geopolitical space they cover. By abusing the practically unlimited political power that gives the liberal ideology in the states of the collective West full control over the legislative, executive, and judicial powers, its advocates and ideologues very brazenly and without any hesitation go so far as to openly try to modify the original religious teachings sacred to believers. The goal is to create “liberalized religions”, whose essence would be diametrically opposed to the values of classical religions. One of the very recognizable trends of such desecration of classical religions is the attempt to create LGBT-friendly Christianity and LGBT-friendly Islam in order to oppose them to the original and traditional religious teachings. In addition, the idea of merging the two new LGBT-friendly religions into a single monstrous, globalist, syncretist concept such as Chrislam is being considered, which is basically the idea of creating an artificial world religion for the purposes of the sinister projects of the plutocratic elites. Can we then be surprised that not so long ago, in the Church of St. Paul in Malmö, Sweden, the first purely LGBT altar with a blasphemous painting appeared? The painting called “Paradise” depicted naked, same-sex couples in passionate, loving embraces in a place that represents a kind of homosexual “Garden of Eden”. A similar scandal occurred in Germany, in central Berlin, on July 1 of last year, when the imams of the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque made a very strange decision. A huge flag in the colors of the rainbow was unfurled over the windows of the mosque right before the start of Friday prayers, with the aim of “providing support” to the LGBT community in that city. Despite the fact that this is a scandalous and, for the absolute majority of believers, very offensive perversion of traditional teachings, protests in this and similar cases are generally lukewarm or nonexistent. However, if no one confronts such incidents, which are only the beginning of a massive global campaign, this worrying trend could become the rule and destroy all traditional religions because “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” — whoever said it first, Edmund Burke or John F. Kennedy.
All three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have a very negative attitude not only towards homosexuality but also towards any other type of sexuality that would be practiced outside of the traditional marital union of a man and a woman, and of course, they recognize the existence of only two natural sexes. However, this does not hinder the promoters of liberalism, who, using the numerous available levers of power, exert strong and continuous pressure on all religious communities so that they incorporate the heretical dogmas of LGBT and gender ideologies into their teachings. So far, the greatest “success” has been achieved among Protestant churches, excluding conservative Evangelical churches, which successfully resist all pressures. Unfortunately, Lutheran, United, and all 20 Reformist Protestant churches have completely opened up to the LGBT community, their ideology, and their practices.
As for the Anglican Communion, which is the third largest in Christianity after the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Christianity, a schism began in it due to the bitter disagreement of the bishops precisely over the attempts of the LGBT and gender agenda to penetrate this religious community. The conservative Global Southern Communion of Anglican Churches no longer recognizes the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, as “first among equals” following the decision of the Church’s General Synod to allow Anglican priests to bless same-sex spouses. At the beginning of February this year, the Church of England, the mother church of the Anglican Communion “inspired” by gender ideology and its vocabulary, made another huge mistake. Namely, the Church of England decided to depart from the traditional teachings on the basis of which believers addressed God as “Our Father” with the use of the male pronouns “He” and “Him”. Instead, the use of gender-neutral terms and pronouns was proposed, which caused justifiable anger among believers. Much earlier, the Anglican Communion also departed from tradition by allowing women to be ordained as priests. That this great Christian church is in a big spiritual, moral, and theological crisis was definitively confirmed by the ordination of the first transgender Anglican priests in Australia in February last year and in England in January this year.
The powerful Catholic Church has readily and widely opened its doors to all disillusioned Anglican priests, even if they are married, and allows them to remain married as new Catholic priests, although according to a centuries-old rule, Catholic priests unless they are missionaries must live in strict celibacy. However, the Catholic Church also has its big problems, such as numerous scandals with pedophile and homosexual priests, which could probably be the reverse of celibacy as a restraint of natural human needs. Pope Francis has shown himself to be far more liberal than all his predecessors, and in February of this year, he made several very conciliatory statements about members of the LGBT community who are part of the Catholic Church, stressing that God is a father who does not give up his children. Admittedly, he very clearly emphasized that homosexuality is a great sin but not a crime, which is why he called for the repeal of the law that criminalizes LGBT people. However, at the beginning of March this year, Pope Francis finally dared to take a very firm position regarding transgenderism as an ideology, calling it very dangerous and its followers naive if they seek any progress in it. Also advocating for the Catholic Church to show pastoral care for such people, the Pope nevertheless emphasized that gender ideology is as dangerous and destructive as nuclear weapons and genetic manipulation and that it is part of the “global war” against marriage and the family. This way, Pope Francis really touched on the essence of the liberal agenda. Nevertheless, the general impression is that the Catholic Church is now at some kind of turning point in which it will either return to strict original principles or fall into the abyss of liberal ideologies, where new schisms and ruin await it.
Islam, with about 2 billion believers, and Orthodox Christianity, with close to 260 million followers, despite the enormous efforts of Western power centers, show great resistance to all attempts to incorporate LGBT values and gender ideology into the teachings of these two very conservative religious communities. There are very few Islamic and Orthodox Christian theologians who, in relation to the LGBT community, have a slightly more lenient attitude, which, however, is still firmly based on traditional teachings. That is why it was decided to break and destroy Islam by artificially generating fanatical sectarian hatred and starting bloody conflicts between the members of the two major branches of Islam and their numerous schools. It is about the semi-secret operations of the CIA, MI6, and Mossad, which finance and arm radical “Islamist” organizations. On the one hand, it can lead to violent sectarian conflicts among Muslims that can last for decades, and on the other hand, the reputation of Islam is damaged both in the world and among Muslim believers themselves. Namely, Islam, which is really a religion of peace and spirituality thanks to extremists financed by the West, is deliberately and maliciously equated with terrorism, extremism, and violence. In Muslim communities in the West, intensive LGBT and gender propaganda is carried out at the same time, which, at least among ordinary Muslim believers, has allegedly begun to yield results in terms of greater tolerance among Muslims towards members of the LGBT community, but not towards what they do. However, it will be more likely that Muslims in the West simply try to avoid conflict with the governments of the countries in which they live in fear of being accused of radicalism.
Orthodox Christianity is fragmented, weakened, and destroyed in a somewhat different way: by the deliberate creation of schisms and disputes of a political nature between the canonically recognized autocephalous churches, which are organized according to historical, territorial, or national principles, and the artificial creation of non-canonical churches motivated by purely political decisions. Three years ago, the CIA, probably very deliberately, with the intention of causing a stir in Orthodox Christendom, for the first time publicly released documents about its earlier connections with the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, at a time when the Ecumenical Patriarch was Athenagoras I. During the Second World War, Athenagoras I voluntarily began cooperation with the American secret services and continued to work for them until his death in 1972. Although there is no concrete evidence that the current Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I is a CIA collaborator like his predecessor, the fact that he is in a protracted conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church, against whom he leads his personal, fierce crusade, makes him, at the very least, a person who is the favorite of the collective West and who is also in an ideal place to deliver Orthodox Christianity into the hands of the collective West. Thus, Bartholomew I, beyond his canonical authority, declared the autocephaly of the non-canonical so-called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” in addition to the already existing and recognized canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which operates under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate. That new, non-canonical Ukrainian church was previously created under the patronage of the collective West by the unification of two schismatic, unrecognized, self-proclaimed religious organizations. All this encouraged the Latvian parliament to declare the Latvian Orthodox Church autocephalous, even though it had absolutely no right to do so. These precedents pave the way for further fragmentation of Orthodox Christianity in order to facilitate its union with the Vatican in the name of ecumenism. In the second phase, it would lead to the fall of that “United Christendom” under the control of liberal plutocratic elites and their ideologies. The goal is that in the end, the Russian Orthodox Church, which is beyond the reach of the collective West, remains completely isolated, as weak as possible, and deprived of the great reputation and influence it once had in the Orthodox Christian world.
The collective West’s war against traditional religions has several goals. The first is certainly the modification of thousand-year-old traditions and their destruction by incorporating modern, pseudo-liberal, crypto-satanic dogmas into them. This further inevitably leads to dramatic, tectonic splits, the disintegration of traditional religious organizations, followed by deep disappointments of true believers, which would bring liberal ideology very close to giving its greatest enemy, traditional religions, a deadly blow with the intention of opening space for numerous syncretistic, crypto-satanic, openly satanic, and numerous other bizarre and unorthodox cults and sects that the centers of power in the West will be able to easily manage and consequently, exercise complete control over individuals. Western liberalism is the great evil of the modern world, which, with the enormous financial resources of the plutocratic elites behind it, can afford excellent political marketing that is not so easy to resist. That pseudo-liberal fascism has elevated itself above humanity and its real freedoms and needs. Like some huge, global Procrustean bed, western liberalism either cuts off the heads of thinking people who are too big for it or, by stretching, breaks those who are ordinary, simple, natural, and therefore too small. And yet, thanks to tireless and highly professional propaganda, the ideological products of liberalism, in their very attractive packages of false promises and fake freedoms without responsibility and consequences, coated with a sweet glaze of hedonism in the pink color of debauchery, successfully conceal their deeply impure and disgusting essence and the bitterness of slavery in total ignorance and dehumanization.
In his historic speech on September 30 last year, at a ceremony in the Kremlin, on the occasion of the unification of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, Kherson, and Zaporozhye regions with the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly hinted at the birth of a new and better world based on the old and well-verified values. By talking about Russia fully returning to its conservative traditions, Vladimir Putin has, accidentally or not, encouraged numerous other Eurasian, African, and Latin American states that are in more or less open conflict with the collective West to do the same. A large number of these nations are today at a major historical turning point where they will be forced to make a final choice. They now have the option of choosing to join formal and informal alliances of equal and sovereign nations that cherish traditional values, with all the inevitable difficulties and costs of such a choice. The second, seemingly easier path, at the end of which the highest price of all will be paid, is the acceptance of integration with the collective West, which inevitably leads to the death of all nations and their traditional cultures. After what happened to the nations of the European Union, not a single nation will consciously choose its disappearance, and therefore, nothing will be able to stop the awakening of a new, brave, and unconquerable world. It is a world that is ready to resist and defy American hegemony and Western imperialism at any cost because it clearly sees what fate would befall it otherwise. The seeds of the new ideology are germinating in the hearts of billions of ordinary people, and although this ideology is still nameless and informal, it will soon be able to not only give itself a good name but also clearly define its goals. Unlike Western liberalism, whose power lies in brutal financial and military power that is manifested by violence against nature in and around people, the strength of that new ideology that is being born before our eyes will rest precisely on the old, conservative, traditional values that have been tempered for thousands of years and which the collective West has so lightly rejected and is now zealously trying to destroy. That ideology of the free world is based on simple common sense, nobility, and the love of small, ordinary people instead of the greed and madness of members of powerful elites who strive to become gods and rule by creating some new unnatural laws. In this ideology, a woman and a man, mom and dad, get married because they love and respect each other and because they want to raise children in the warmth of the home in the same old, good, proven way that our ancestors have done since the beginning of time. That brave, unconquerable world resolutely rejects Americanization, Westernization, and the vile globalist agenda, whose essence is deeply neocolonial from the very beginning. It is a world that preserves and nurtures the endless wealth of its traditional national cultures and religions, striving for true freedom and equality of sovereign nations, respect, and brotherhood among people and nations. It is that multipolar world that rises unstoppably above the shackles of slavery that were intended for it and contemptuously rejects chauvinism, racism, and extremism by building new, strong, and magnificent bridges of trust and cooperation through Eurasian, African, and Latin American integrations. It is that brave, unconquerable world of the near future that will win!
By Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich