The coming conflict between Ethiopia, Egypt WND News Services

(ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER) – Ethiopia and Egypt, both American allies, have over recent years each contributed to stability in dangerous parts of the world. That is now at risk.

Ethiopia has been indispensable to Africa’s recent diplomatic and economic development. The largest participant in United Nations peacekeeping around the world, Ethiopian troops were critical to missions in Darfur, Sudan, and Somalia. Ethiopian troops constitute the largest part of the African Standby Force, the military wing of the African Union which has sent peacekeepers to conflict areas throughout Africa. Especially important have been operations in the Sahel, the territory stretching between the Sahara and the countries to its south: Chad, Mali, Central African Republic, and Northern Nigeria.

Just last week, the region’s stability was rocked by the killing of Chad’s president and a subsequent military coup. Instability allows terrorism to flourish. In 2014, 276 school girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria, subjected to forced conversions and “marriages,” prompting Michelle Obama, among others to demand America not to look the other way.

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