Well done, Yevgeny…. well done. Enjoy your retirement. Lot’s of bloodthirsty warmongering but “deeply out of touch” Deep State officials who for 24 hours publicly orgazmed in support of those that until yesterday they branded as terrorists, are today deleting their tweets and experiencing brutal hangover and post-masturbation guilt. Wagner is now stationed within 100km of Kiev -Putin knew Prigozhin was planning something at least 48hrs in advance, but didn’t stop him -Putin weeded out disloyal figures -The “negotiation” was announced 1hr after Ukraine restarted counteroffensive Still think it was a coup?
Here’s a story about a mercenary leader. He amasses a huge militia over the years, helping his sponsor country in multiple conflicts around the globe. He helps his sponsor country invade another country, and his troops are often the most effective part of the war effort. Over time, tensions grow between him and the sponsor country’s military leadership, and he accuses them of screwing up the war and leaving him and his troops to clean up their mess. Eventually, he strikes a deal with an enemy country for…let’s say $6.2 billion to turn on his sponsor. He accuses his sponsor of double-crossing him and killing many of his troops, starts a mutiny and takes over the control center for the war effort. He closes on the deal with the enemy and receives the money once his troops approach the sponsor’s capital. Then out of nowhere, he cancels the whole thing once he has the money in hand, and brings his troops back to the frontline. And in a shocking twist that no one saw coming, it turns out that the leadership of the sponsor country was in on it with him all along. Now they’ve got billions more for the war effort, the enemy is caught flat-footed, and he gets to keep a decent share of the money for himself.
-Wagner is now stationed within 100km of Kiev
— Jackson Hinkle
-Putin knew Prigozhin was planning something at least 48hrs in advance, but didn’t stop him
-Putin weeded out disloyal figures
-The “negotiation” was announced 1hr after Ukraine restarted counteroffensive
Still think it was a coup? pic.twitter.com/RYa6stvf0e(@jacksonhinklle) June 25, 2023
Kim Dotcom: Did Putin and Prigozhin Play the CIA to the Tune of $6 Billion? – Richard Abelson
Kim Dotcom then posted this meme suggesting the $6.2 billion for Ukraine that Pentagon accountants “discovered” in June were actually pocketed by Prigozhin in return for his aborted coup attempt.
Hacker Kim Dotcom has offered his take on the “Wagner Coup” in Russia, intimating that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin may have collected billions from the CIA to stage a coup, and then aborted the coup.
Did the CIA get double crossed by Prigozhin? $6.2bil missing? Who won?
— Spetsnaℤ 007
What's your opinion?(@Alex_Oloyede2) June 25, 2023
Several observers such as Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene have speculated the Wagner Coup may have had US backing.
Whole lot of neocons deleting pro-Prigozhin tweets right now
— Jack Poso(@JackPosobiec) June 24, 2023
On Saturday, Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz had offered his explanation of the background of the inner-Russian strife:
My view on the actions by Prigozhin and the Wagner Group in Russia:
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) June 24, 2023
This started as a power struggle between Prigozhin and Shoigu. In the beginning of the Special military operation Shoigu and his team made mistakes and Prigozhin became of strong critic of Shoigu.
“This started as a power struggle between Prigozhin and (Russsian Minister of Defence Sergei) Shoigu. In the beginning of the Special military operation Shoigu and his team made mistakes and Prigozhin became of strong critic of Shoigu. Prigozhin then had success in Bakhmut with Wagner Group presenting himself as a better military leader than Shoigu.
In my view Shoigu then provoked Prigozhin by limiting ammunition supplies to Bakhmut resulting in Wagner Group losses and a strong reaction from Prigozhin. Many of you have seen the video of Prigozhin attacking Shoigu and the Russian military leadership.
Ammunition deliveries were restored and victory in Bakhmut was achieved but the video outburst by Prigozhin was likely counterproductive for him because the Kremlin and senior political leaders in Moscow saw him as a loose cannon who can’t be trusted. Prigozhin doubled down predicting a massive loss for the Russian military claiming that it was not ready for the Ukrainian counter-offensive. He claimed that the Russian troops are badly equipped and poorly managed by Shoigu.
With the Russian military successfully repelling the Ukrainian counter-offensive Prigozhin had played himself into a corner and his time was running out because Shoigu and his Generals delivered a major victory for the Kremlin. In my view the actions by Prigozhin are an act of desperation because he has lost the power struggle against Shoigu and is likely facing serious retaliation.
Western media claims this is an attempted coup against Putin. That’s nonsense. The popularity of Putin within Russia and in the non-western world has never been higher. However this war between Prigozhin and Shoigu is an unwelcome distraction for the Kremlin and the most likely outcome will be the arrest or termination of Prigozhin.”
Kim Schmitz then went on a Spaces discussion with host Mario Nawfal and argued that Vladimir Putin and Yevgeny Prigozhin would reach a negotiated settlement, even as a column of Wagner vehicles was approaching Moscow and many Ukraine hawks were breathlessly awaiting a coup and anarchy in the world’s largest nuclear power.
On Twitter Spaces last night people were mocking @KimDotcom for saying Putin and Prigozhin would come to a deal before he reached Moscow
— Jack Poso
Serious people listened to that and went along with it
Who ended up being right?(@JackPosobiec) June 25, 2023
Kim Dotcom then posted this meme suggesting the $6.2 billion for Ukraine that Pentagon accountants “discovered” in June were actually pocketed by Prigozhin in return for his aborted coup attempt.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) June 25, 2023
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic charged that “foreign services” were involved in the Saturday coup attempt: “I don’t want to say who was involved from the outside, but have no doubts.”, Read More
The “Russian Coup” That Wasn’t – Paul Craig Roberts
Yesterday I posted a video discussion that Larry Sparano and I had about the alleged “Russian coup.” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/06/24/the-russian-coup-that-wasnt/
Looking back at our discussion, I am satisfied that we did a good job given the unresolved situation about which there was not much information. I am addressing the “coup” again because there is a great deal to be learned from it that is not being learned.
It is discouraging to see that the Russian media is as capable of creating false narratives and setting them in stone as Western presstitutes. The Russian media has set in stone the narrative that Prigozhin, the commander of the Wagner Group which has done most of the fighting in the liberation of Donbass, launched an “armed rebellion” against Putin despite the fact that there is no evidence of an armed rebellion.
The so-called “coup” has many curious aspects and raises many neglected questions.
I acknowledge that Prigozhin had become increasingly displeased with the Russian military command. The Kremlin had not addressed the feud between Prigozhin and the Russian military brass. The Kremlin’s failure to resolve the differences is the most likely cause of events mischaracterized as a coup. For Prigozhin, the final straw was his belief that an encampment of his troops was hit by a missile from the rear, that is, from Russia, not from Ukraine. Perhaps Prigozhin was given false information for the purpose of worsening the relations between the main fighting force and the Russian high command during a Ukrainian “counter offensive.” Perhaps a missile strike occurred, but has a different explanation.
The situation exploded when the Russian Ministry of Defense denied Prigozhin’s accusation when the proper response would have been to send an investigatory team to establish the fact and if a missile strike did occur to determine the source.
In addition to tensions between the Wagner Group and the Russian military bureaucracy stemming from, for example, inadequate ammunition supplies at critical stages of the fighting, the Russian military bureaucracy was determined to exercise command over the Wagner Group, a demand or desire that Prigozhin would not accept. Getting rid of Prigozhin became a priority for the Russian military bureaucracy. As I illustrated in the discussion with Sparano, conspiracies against military commanders during war are commonplace, so an attack on Wagner forces designed to set Prigozhin off is a possible scenario. This possibility gains credibility from the immediate denial instead of investigation and from the instant official narrative of an “armed rebellion.” As there was no investigation, all that Putin knows is what the generals tell him, and that will be their side of the story.
What the “armed rebellion” amounted to was Prigozhin starting out to Moscow with a convoy of his troops to, in Prigozhin’s words, “confront corrupt generals.” Prigozhin announced in advance that he intended no coup.
But let’s assume he intended a coup and let’s accept the exaggerated claim by presstitutes of a convoy of 25,000 troops traveling with him on the roads to Moscow. How is a convoy of troops going to get to Moscow without being decimated by air attacks, and, should they arrive, how are 25,000 troops going to overcome the Russian Army, occupy Moscow, and establish a government?
The question that immediately jumped to my mind is: Why did Putin rush to embarrass Russia by announcing an “armed rebellion” unless he had no army with which to defend Moscow?
The question of the whereabouts of the Russian Army has been growing on my mind. Why, as I have repeatedly asked, has Putin, instead of using sufficient force to end the conflict, permitted it to ever-widen with increasingly provocative participation on the part of Washington and NATO? This makes no sense. It serves no Russian purpose. Why is Putin fighting a dangerous conflict not merely with Ukraine but with the West with a small private military group and Donbass militias? Where is the Russian Army? Is there one?
Or has Putin been warned by his central bank and the neoliberal Russian economists not to risk the ruble and the budget deficit by spending money on the military? Surely Russia has its own David Stockman. Has Putin been convinced that the economic threat is greater than the military threat? Has Putin decided that with his vast superiority of nuclear forces over ours he doesn’t need an army? Why do Russian leaders keep warning of nuclear war if they have sufficient conventional forces?
Perhaps Putin doesn’t use sufficient conventional force to end the conflict in Ukraine because he doesn’t have the troops.
If this is the case, then the prospect for nuclear war is more likely than I have thought, and I already thought such a possibility was extremely high. If Western provocations finally cross a line that Putin cannot ignore and his only possible response is nuclear, Armageddon is upon us.
The unfortunate effect of the Russian government and media joining those of the West in proclaiming an “armed rebellion” and setting the narrative in stone is that it serves the West’s purpose of discrediting Putin and serves the neoconservatives’ propaganda that “we can win” if we fully commit to the task. Clearly, no one in the Kremlin or Russian media was thinking when they joined the propaganda against themselves by endorsing the portrait of dissent in the Russian military that threatens the regime. The picture created of internal dissent plays into the hands of the West.
The danger is that now with more confidence, the West pushes harder against Russia. This is the unfortunate result of the failure of the Russian military brass to placate Prigozhin.
In the West the misunderstanding of last Saturday’s event is total. Even normal level-headed analysts, such as Scott Ritter and Moon-of-Alabama, have contributed to the gross misunderstanding of the event. Ritter described Prigozhin as being in “Victoria Nuland’s pocket” and working with Ukrainian intelligence cells inside Russia. Moon-of-Alabama blames the event on Putin’s use of an independent military force in Ukraine.
Perhaps the most absurd of all is the self-serving claim by unidentified “sources” of “US intelligence agencies” that they had advanced knowledge of Prigozhin’s “coup.” How could they unless they were responsible for the missile strike, knowing that it would light Prigozhin’s fuse? (Even the Russian media reported this absurd claim: https://sputnikglobe.com/20230625/american-media-claim-us-intelligence-learned-about-prigozhins-plans-for-mutiny-in-mid-june-1111453277.html ).
I will end this essay, which I hope provokes thought and awareness of how much more dangerous the situation is now, with a final observation. If there was actually a coup attempt and Prigozhin and his Wagner Group troops constituted a danger to the Russian state as Russian leaders declared, why was the situation resolved by permitting Prigozhin refuge in Belarus and the Wagner troops to be enrolled in the Russian Army? Does this indicate that the Kremlin knows there was no coup? Or does it mean that the Kremlin lacked an army with which to confront the coup and had to come to terms with Prigozhin?
Is this the appropriate conclusion of a dangerous threat to Russian national existence?:
“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Saturday evening that the criminal case against Prigozhin had been dropped and that he would leave for Belarus under guarantees given by Putin. The spokesman added that the members of the Wagner PMC involved in Saturday’s events would not be prosecuted given their distinguished service during Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.”
Via State of the Nation: PUTIN’S OPERATION WAGNER: A Consummate Chessman’s Very Risky But Necessary Black Op & Psyop
In 2021, the Foreign Policy report noted the origin of the name “Wagner” to be unknown.[87] Others say the group’s name comes from Utkin’s own call sign “Wagner”, reportedly after the German composer Richard Wagner, which Utkin is said to have chosen due to his passion for the Third Reich (Wagner being Adolf Hitler‘s favorite composer).[88][89] As such, some believe he is a neo-Nazi,[90][91] with The Economist reporting that Utkin has several Nazi tattoos.[89] Members of Wagner Group say Utkin is a Rodnover, a believer of Slavic native faith.[92] Radio Liberty cited insiders as saying that the leadership of the Wagner Group are followers of the Slavic Native Faith, a modern Pagan new religious movement.[13] In August 2017, the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak speculated that Utkin was possibly a figurehead for the company, while the real head of Wagner was someone else.[93]
Various elements of Wagner have been linked to white supremacist and neo-Nazi far-right extremists,[60][89][61] such as Wagner’s openly far-right and neo-Nazi Rusich unit,[94][95][96][97] and Wagner members have left neo-Nazi graffiti on the battlefield.[61][98] However, Erica Gaston, a senior policy adviser at the UN University Centre for Policy Research, noted that the Wagner Group is not ideologically driven, but rather a network of mercenaries “linked to the Russian security state”. Russia denies the connection and officially the group does not exist.[58][87]
(Source: Wagner Group)
Submitted by An Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer
We’re gonna make this really simple. That means using Occam’s Razor to use all know facts to arrive at the most self-evident conclusion.
First, read the subtitle of this post: PUTIN’S OPERATION WAGNER: A Consummate Chessman’s Very Risky But Necessary Black Op & Psyop.
Then read the two paragraphs above from Wikipedia describing the Wagner Group.
Next, understand that Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin, a very successful Jewish businessman and restauranteur known as “Putin’s chef”, is a fellow native of Saint Petersburg, Russia (see photo below).
Yevgeny Prigozhin (L) assists Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during a dinner with foreign scholars and journalists at the restaurant Cheval Blanc on the premises of an equestrian complex outside Moscow November 11, 2011. Picture taken November 11. REUTERS/Misha Japaridze/Pool Summary
No one gets that close to a Russian President / Prime Minister except by highly purposeful design, especially where it concern Putin’s food and beverage. And that photo was taken nearly 12 years ago, so their relationship is at least that long.
After Kiev began the systematic genocide of Russian speakers in Donbas, President Putin’s surrogates and hardcore mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin made a plan.
The plan was to start an obviously Nazi mercenary fighting unit to carry out a variety of missions. The Wagner Group was subsequently formed for that purpose which served as a magnet for all the flaming and closet Nazis from the four corners of the Russian Motherland.
Once Moscow launched their Special Military Operation in Ukraine, the Wagner Group was intentionally utilized to accomplish the most dangerous and deadly missions during this war.
In this way, Russian Nazis were used to neutralize Ukrainian Nazis, which is exactly what happened on the most perilous battlefields throughout the Ukraine War.
In point of fact, each of those battlegrounds was referred to as a “meat grinder” by both sides of this war.
So, the main plan, as clearly articulated by the Kremlin on numerous occasions, is the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, especially Eastern Ukraine.
The very purpose of Wagner Group was to eliminate as many Nazis and Neo-Nazis as possible since Ukraine had become a mecca for them coming form all over the world.
Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Khazarian double agent
Now this is where things get very interesting indeed.
While master chef Yevgeny Prigozhin may be a great cook, he’s not a chess player like the master chess players who populate Moscow’s GRU—Russian Military Intelligence.
WAGNER GROUP: A Creation of Russian Military Intelligence
Russian Military Intelligence always knew that Prigozhin was a Khazarian double agent.
However, the only way that Team Putin could ever accomplish these crucial denazification objectives, both in Ukraine and Russia, was to have a Nazi-at-heart be the frontman.
Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin
Enter one Yevgeny Prigozhin.
That Prigozhin even felt he could buck the Russian military establishment indicates his extreme degree of mental illness and psychiatric disease which are typical of hardened Nazis. Just look at his tweets and public screams to understand the types of psychological disorders he suffered from.
How in the world did the Khazarian Cabal turn Prigozhin against Putin like this?!?!
Forever publicly begging for and/or demanding ammo, weapons and supplies as he did was always a function of the deep distrust that the generals in Moscow had for him.
In the end, he proved — in spades — that that trust was firmly rooted in reality, as the GRU had clearly established before OPERATION WAGNER was ever even launched.
In other words, Team Putin knew all along that Prigozhin was in contact with various intelligence communities throughout the West. He was a fascist through and through working closely with his handlers in NATO and masters in the Pentagon and London.
After all, Prigozhin had been a hardcore mercenary his whole career so therefore always willing to sell his services —ANY SERVICES— to the highest bidder, which he did ultimately.
KEY POINT: The original Nazis of Hitler’s Third Reich were in fact the AshkeNAZI Jewish banksters and industrialists who completely controlled Germany from the shadows. They engineered Hitler’s rise to power, fabricated the Holohoax (i.e. Holocaust deception) and made sure most of European Jewry were sufficiently scared to relocate to the Modern State of Israel. Prigozhin is cut from the same Nazi bolt of cloth in stark contradistinction to his Khazarian communist brethren. Both being worshippers of Mammon, the trigger point for this mutinous mercenary was when the Russian military canceled his contract and compelled all Wagner mercs to register with the Russian Armed Forces. Prigozhin the chef knew instantly that the gravy train had ended.
Of course, the Kremlin always knew Prigozhin was a live wire, but they used that to confuse the top NATO brass. Isn’t that what double agents are hardwired to do?
Prigozhin has no choice but to succeed at every single mission in the Ukraine theater of war to continuously keep the trust of the Kremlin, while at the same time cultivating his contacts with the West, which he did.
However, the GRU knew he was working deals on the side throughout the Ukraine, some legitimately to screw the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD; others to criminally skim off the top from Russian assets. That’s just what mercenary grifters do—24/7.
Of course, the GRU knew every single move Prigozhin made the moment he set foot inside of Ukraine, which is why they balked at so many of his fake demands.
The Prigozhin Sting vs. Putin Sting
What the final outcome of OPERATION WAGNER really came down to, then, was who would sting who first.
The London oddsmakers had it that Prigozhin was destined to burn the bridge to Moscow way before the perilously patient Putin would remove him for gross insubordination and outright treason, which is exactly what happened.
However, there was definitely a HUGE wrinkle that developed on the Putin side of this black op.
#1 — Prigozhin was disastrously permitted to communicate with the whole world via the Internet far longer than he should have been. The irreversible damage that he did to the Kremlin’s underlying justification for the SMO is incalculable.
#2 — Even more catastrophic was the liberty that Prigozhin was given to perpetrate a full-blown, public mutiny aiming right for Moscow. This perfectly predictable eventuality has profoundly and forever destroyed trust in the Kremlin leadership. it simply never have happened and confirms that the key decision-makers were AWOL — ON PURPOSE!!!
Exactly who were those decision-makers who permitted Prigozhin to hold his position way longer than he should have?!
Those two historical realities (#1 & #2) clearly demonstrate how President Putin, Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov and the GRU were all terribly punked by Prigozhin.
Were’ talking about the single greatest humiliation in Russian military history, mind you.
And, it is this Khazarian-engineered outcome that was the very best they could hope for. Everyone knew that Prigozhin & Company was going to be made into mincemeat had they set foot in Moscow … … … but his mercs got way too close anyway. The whole coup should have been terminated in the mind of Prigozhin before it ever got out of Ukraine.
After all, even the Khazarian rag known as The New York Times has reported that the U.S. knew about the coming mutiny.
That the C.I.A. and MI6 and MOSSAD were squarely behind this entire embarrassing charade, there is no doubt … just as there’s no doubt the Kremlin know about their direct involvement form the very beginning.
US Intelligence Knew Of Wagner Plot Days In Advance, Briefed Congress
What further confirms this Occam’s Razor-derived narrative is the crazy deal that Putin cut with Prigozhin which granted him exile in Belarus with all criminal charges dropped. Given what Prigozhin knows about OPERATION WAGNER (from his very limited mercenary perspective), what else could the Kremlin do? See: Prigozhin ‘Exiled’ To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?
Was Prigozhin’s Rebellion Live or Memorex? – Tom Luongo
After this weekend’s whirlwind events in Russia we’re left with a lot more questions than answers about what happened with Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion against Moscow. I’m not here to answer any of those questions definitively because we’ll never really know.
That said, if what I think happened is anything close to the truth then this may be one of the greatest non-battlefield victories in modern history.
Let’s start with what we know. Prigozhin’s been running his mouth for months about lack of support from the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) while his boys did all the heavy lifting in Bakhmut. His issues with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu are pretty well known. It’s also likely that there’s zero love loss between Prigozhin and General Valeri Gerasimov either.
Pissing contests between military commanders are not unheard of, after all.
You could easily make the argument that Wagner was brought in to clean up the mess made by Shoigu while Gerasimov undertook the bigger task to reorient the Russian military away from Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) towards an infantry-focused army more capable of taking and holding territory.
There is this looming war with NATO after all.
You could also easily make the argument that his successes left Prigozhin in a position to demand changes and for him to begin getting a big head.
Now, let’s bring in the external factor here, the enemy, NATO. But really it is the US/UK neoconservatives who have been the ones spending every waking hour punching Russia in the face with blatant escalatory moves to try and draw Russia and Putin offside.
Nordstream 2, the Kerch Strait Bridge bombing, the staged massacre at Bucha, the Kakhovka dam explosion, the attacks at Belgorod, the arms smuggling into Odessa under the auspice of the ‘Grain deal…” The list is nearly endless.
We heard reports of the Russian FSB thwarting a smuggling operation of Cesium-137 into Ukraine to simulate a nuclear weapons attack. Salt some of this stuff to taste, but in the world I’ve come to live in there is almost nothing, no dirty trick low enough, that in desperation the Brits and their American co-conspirators would not attempt.
In my worldview MI6 and the British Defense Ministry spend all day, everyday coming up with a new way to justify a wider conflict between NATO and Russia. The destruction and balkanization of Russia has, after all, been their raison d’etre for more than 300 years.
And, so far, that heuristic has been almost perfectly accurate in predicting where things would go next.
So, let’s cut through all the bullshit about this, shall we?
In no way was this an organic affair. It’s been building for months. But what’s been building?
A guy like Prigozhin could easily become massively disheartened with Russia’s leadership. Could it be to the point of him taking up arms against Putin? Well, that’s certainly what a lot of people wanted us to believe this weekend.
And I’m in no way suggesting that it isn’t possible or even probable. It is the most likely story.
Now factor in the stories floating around out there that Prigozhin was bribed with billions for Wagner to stage his insurrection. Would anyone be surprised by this if it were ever found out?
What? the CIA with suitcases of cash for some foreign malcontent with delusions of grandeur?
The deuce you say!!
Remember folks, since we live in a world of dis- if not mal-information we have to concoct stories that fit what few facts we have along with assessing such basic things as motive, means and opportunity.
NATO or Bust
Moreover, things are accelerating into the July 11-12th NATO Summit, where it is obvious the neocons are pushing for a statement or policy change that will be the ultimate punch in the mouth for Putin.
It will be one he cannot ignore because it will violate a major red line which he has laid out with stunning clarity.
Those are either Ukraine’s accession into the EU or NATO, one begets the other. For anyone thinking they are not one and the same thing, please turn in your geopolitics street cred card with the usher by the door.
But this is exactly what is being pushed by the most openly hostile members of NATO — namely UK Foreign Minister James Cleverly and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. At the same time the Brits are nearly as mad at President Joe Biden as they are at Putin himself.
Why? Because Biden is the one that blocked UK Defense Minister (and IQ 60 mouth-breathing moron!) Ben Wallace from taking over for Jens Stoltenberg as NATO’s General Secretary. This was supposed to happen next month. It’s been put on hold and Stoltenberg has been urged by Biden to stay on for another year.
The Brits are pushing the world into war.
Wallace becoming NATO Chief would ensure this.
The only good news here is that France’s military, as much as likely the American’s, would rather be caught dead in a bathroom with an underaged hooker and pile of blow than have a Brit running this war.
It’s clear have promised everyone a piece of the pie after Russia is defeated in Ukraine. The Poles get back Lvov and parts of Belarus. Ukrainian Right Sector thugs get to wipe out Russians in the Donbass, Hungary gets Transcarphia (to Viktor Orban’s credit he doesn’t want it on these terms), Georgia gets the Caucuses…. etc.
They are being cheered on by serial Death Eaters Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, who this week penned a bipartisan resolution to widen the scope of NATO’s Article 5 to include not only Russia’s use of a tactical nuke but also any radiation that resulted from a nuclear accident.
Really, Lindsey, like we can’t see the setup here at it pertains to the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant?
The bribes have been flying around everywhere. And Wallace as NATO chief would ensure that the final iteration of Britain’s ‘divide and rule’ strategy would work. But Biden said no.
And that’s the piece to this puzzle that tells me we’ve reached the crescendo of this nonsense.
That maybe, just maybe, the Pentagon and even Davos are getting off this train.
Putin – Lucky, Smart or Both?
With all of that in your back pocket now let’s look at this weekend’s events.
Here’s you quick and dirty list of hits:
- Prigozhin may or may not have been bribed by the CIA/MI6 with money and dreams of ruling the Caucuses. Long a dream of the Brits to deny Russia the oil and gas from that region.
- Oil, gas and coal Ukraine and Europe desperately need.
- He comes out with some ridiculous statement about Putin lying about the reasons for this war.
- He also implicates the Russian MoD in dispersing Wagner
- He begins the March to Moscow.
- There are unconfirmed reports of helicopters being shot down. Fighting, etc.
- The Neocons go into absolute overdrive that this is the end for Putin.
- Twitter becomes unreadable
- Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov comes out in full support of Putin
- So too, the Russian Ministry of Defense.
- There are no defectors from the Russian military
- There are small kerfluffles in St. Pete and Moscow
- Putin comes out and makes his speech denouncing Prigozhin as a ‘traitor.’ He is as angry as I’ve ever seen him.
- President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko negotiates with Prigozhin and within an hour the whole thing is over.
What started out as the ‘Fall of the Evil Russian Empire’ ended with “Suck what?” in a matter of hours.
The Neocons went from drooling in anticipation to crying in their lattes in about 15 minutes.
The final outcome is the real head scratcher if you believe for a moment that Prigozhin wasn’t someone’s puppet — Putin’s or Western Intelligence agencies.
Wagner forces would be moved to Belarus. All charges of insurrection would be dropped for those that marched. Those that stood down and didn’t back Prigozhin would be offered contracts with the Russian military directly.
Prigozhin would not be executed as a traitor.
Now, are you buying any of this? But these are the announced facts. And while the Neocons would like you to believe “this isn’t over.” Putin’s been weakened. The reality here is far, far different.
So, here are three likely scenarios as to what really happened. They are not, however, comprehensive.
#1 Prigozhin Really Rebelled
With the backing of the West, Prigozhin pushes all in. Sensing that their attempts on Putin’s rule would be successful because of assurances that hardliners in Russia have his back the CIA/MI6 go for the gold. Prigozhin’s still in a hyper-combative state, angry and distraught over Shoigu’s incompetence and Putin’s passivity.
Since backstabbing is not unheard of in the Russian oligarchy, he’s convinced of the plot against him. There may even be some money and promises of him ruling in Rostov-on-Don under the balkanization of Russia carrot dangled in front of him.
He hopes for a wider uprising against Putin’s rule, doesn’t get it, and quickly is put down.
Putin knew all about all of this, as did the West, and, like his swift moves to put down Nasarbaev’s attempt to get back into power in Kakakhstan in January of 2022 (with the obvious backing of the CIA/MI6), he gave Prigozhin all the rope he needed to hang himself.
If Prigozhin disappears in the next few weeks we’ll have a better answer.
#2 Prigozhin Set Everyone Up
Prigozhin begins his ‘anti-MoD’ ranting a day or two after securing Bakhmut and begins playing into the fever dreams of the West that the hardliners are ready to dump Putin for his passivity. This isn’t implausible. There are many in Russia who are angry with Putin for not punching back.
Attacks like Nordstream and Kerch are designed to lose Putin ‘face.’ It’s no different than Nancy Piglosi going to Taiwan for China. Make Xi lose face, get Chinese big mad. Win.
Loss of face is a big deal in domestic politics of these countries. But, at the same time, you have to realize that Putin’s been cleaning out Russia of western assets. The main reason why we know that “Putin jails reporters” is because those reporters who were jailed were foreign intelligence assets, not journalists.
Over the years of doing this, surviving multiple assassination attempts and passing laws banning NGOs, Putin has cleaned up the streets in Moscow. For this reason you have to assume that our ground game there is really weak.
It’s not hard to believe that Prigozhin could help feed them all the bullshit they wanted to hear. We are talking about people increasingly desperate to get this war past the point of no return and Putin refuses to give it to them.
So, with that background it’s easy to believe that Prigozhin sets the hook for a few months, even goes so far to take a few billion in ‘lost money’ to seal the deal.
He stages the walk out, gets on the road and ‘negotiates’ a settlement at the exact moment when his convoy would have had to make a left and go to Belarus anyway.
Scenario #3 – A Strategic Reallocation
For the past ten years I’ve watched Putin engage the West’s false flags and provocations and turn them into strategic victories by veering from the whiteboard script at GCHQ and Langley.
He prefers engaging in ‘parallel aggression’ — proportionally making a move to counter some other act of open aggression.
So, with that parallel aggression idea in your head here’s the scenario:
If you know that NATO is getting ready to widen the conflict next month and the British are supplying Ukraine with Storm Shadow missiles to soften up Crimea while the UAF struggles to make headway in the misnamed “counter-offensive,” then wouldn’t you want your best and battle-hardened troops strategically placed to respond if things go sideways?
Look at the outcome of Prigozhin’s Rebellion. Wagner is now in Belarus. The disloyal ones are cannon fodder to soak up anything Poland tries to do.
The rest are positioned to make a move on Kiev if anyone gets silly ideas of going after Crimea.
With the UAF getting ground into paste as the attacker down south, a bad situation for them gets worse now that Putin has an army he can use in Belarus.
Remember, legally, this isn’t a war. Putin doesn’t have a free hand to do certain things under the auspice of an SMO. This is why Wagner has been so important to events thus far.
In fact, I’d go so far as to say a whole lotta folks coming off their Russian military contracts may be ‘reassigned to Wagner’ in the next couple of weeks to bolster their ranks.
Your move, NATO.
Oh, and just to remind everyone, Belarus now has tactical nuclear weapons that Putin just announced he moved into country. Does he trust Wagner enough to give them those nukes? I’m not touching that one with Lindsey Graham’s dick.
And the truth is that none of these scenarios fully cover what’s happening or even what’s happened. The fate of Sergei Shoigu hasn’t been resolved. The hardliners may get their wish with a new Defense Minister of a more Prigozhin-esque character.
You can pick bits and pieces of these scenarios out and reassemble them like Legos and you’ll have something interesting and worth considering.
But it’s hard to argue with the final outcome. A big military unit with real combat experience under the harshest conditions are now stationed within 150 miles of Kiev potentially armed with tac nukes while Putin just sniffed out a another layer of 5th and 6th columnists who outed themselves in their zeal to kill Russians with American money.
“Good? Bad? I’m the guy with the gun.”
June 25, 2023 | Sundance writes Well done, Yevgeny…. well done. Enjoy your retirement.
Well, I have not written about the events with Wagner in Russia, in part because coincidentally I have a good source in St. Petersburg who told me several days ago to look out for something with Wagner and Putin. Wagner’s leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was born in St Pete (Leningrad).
Born in 1961, Prigozhin grew up as a somewhat snarky Soviet Robin Hood, a street urchin who flowed invisibly between Finland and Leningrad in a black-market social circle that, well, let’s just say I am familiar with.
When he was 20, Prigozhin was arrested for a heist and federally imprisoned for 9 years while the Soviet Union collapsed. When he exited prison Russia was different, and with St Pete now becoming a tourist destination, he joined the capitalist opportunity with a street food vending business.
Prigozhin is hard as nails, snarky as hell and very tricky.
He is one of the apex gremlins and very much still connected to the streets, very connected. He was never connected to the towers of Russian politics as the West portrays. Prigozhin doesn’t have the pedigree nor the disposition for political power.
Let me put it this way, no one knows how to play gremlin mind games against the West better than Yevgeny Prigozhin. He’s a little bit like a less refined Oleg Deripaska, and much scruffier. Also remember, in February 2018, Prigozhin was one of 13 Russians indicted by Andrew Weissmann and Rod Rosenstein for interfering in the American election through the Internet Research Agency, lol {insert eyeroll}.
Here’s where it gets interesting. Don’t share this; it’s for CTH audience only. Back in April of this year, a blogger in St Pete named Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maxim Fomin) was killed by a bomb disguised as a gift for his work reporting on behalf of free people in Russia. The bomb was inside a bust of Tatarsky given to him shortly before he was giving a speech in a cafe. A 26-year-old woman named Darya Trepova gave him the gift; she was arrested and disappeared.
Speculation, strong speculation, was that the cafe bomb was a CIA operation, because Tatarsky was considered an enemy of Ukraine. His death was a hit to the pro-Russia morale inside the region. The target, Vladlen Tatarsky, and the head of the Wagner mercenary military units, Yevgeny Priogozhin, were good friends.
Priogozhin wanted to go avenge Tatarsky’s death and remove any limits on rules of war/engagement in Ukraine. Priogozhin was willing to create massive civilian casualties in his revenge operation against the Ukraine military (lots of Nazi’s) and the CIA operatives that work with them.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said no and told/warned his generals and Russian regular military officers they were to inform Wagner that widespread collateral damage and revenge was not okay. Priogozhin was angry, very angry about this; he wanted blood. However, Priogozhin is also a snarky gremlin, don’t forget this, so any operation that could injure or trick the CIA would be a good thing. Thus, came the warning to me to ignore the front face of what the Western world would present in the past few days.
Priogozhin was/is angry and frustrated with Vladimir Putin, and Priogozhin was/is angry at the CIA.
Was the Priogozhin/Wagner operation an internal false flag intended to give the illusion of something (rebellion) while actually taking advantage of the stupidity of the West (CIA)?
I just gave you Priogozhin’s motive that almost no one knows about. Let’s keep it between us.
Here’s a picture of the horrible and dangerous Wagner boys executing their Saturday reign of terror inside Russia during the “coup” lol.
Looks like the street urchin from Leningrad cashed out thanks to the DoD/CIA, and then bailed out on Vladimir Putin. A win/win.
I hear Belarus is awesome this time of year… and even Vladimir Putin has got to admit it was all well-played.
Well done, Yevgeny…. well done. Enjoy your retirement.
The former US president has warned that ousting Vladimir Putin could make matters worse Former US President Donald Trump speaks at an event earlier this month in Bedminster, New Jersey. © Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla
Former US president Donald Trump has splashed cold water on Western hopes that this week’s conflict between military contractor Wagner Group and Russia’s top generals could lead to the toppling of Moscow’s government, warning that ousting President Vladimir Putin could have unintended consequences.
“A big mess in Russia, but be careful what you wish for,” the former president said on Saturday in a Truth Social post. “Next in may be far worse!”
Trump reacted to the unrest in Russia just before news broke that Wagner founder Evgeny Prigozhin had agreed to end his rebellion and halt his group’s advance on Moscow. Under an agreement with the Kremlin, the former Putin ally will leave Russia and be spared prosecution.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky cheered the short-lived Wagner uprising, but his Western backers refrained from openly rooting for an overthrow of Putin’s government. US President Joe Biden, who has previously called for regime change in Russia, was reported to be “consulting with allies and partners” on the situation in Moscow.
Western media outlets were less restrained in touting the Wagner revolt as an existential crisis for the Russian government. Kurt Volker, former US ambassador to NATO, told CNN that the unrest marked “the end for Putin” and “the beginning of the end of Russia’s war in Ukraine.”
Trump took a shot at his successor, saying Biden would “do about Russia whatever President Xi [Jinping] of China wants him to do.” Alluding to allegations that the Biden family received bribes from business contacts with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, he suggested that the US president was beholden to Xi.
“China and Russia, until Biden came along, have always been natural enemies, with China wanting large portions of largely unpopulated Russian land to have for their much larger population,” Trump said. “This is China’s heretofore unthinkable opportunity – much bigger than Taiwan, which to President Xi can wait.” (RT)
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