The COVID-19 Variant Fraud – Why They Won’t Tell You Which Variant You Are Infected With. Because The Variants are Invented! GreatGameIndia

You aren’t legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19, even if it’s Delta. No test exists for any variant of Covid, and no laboratory anywhere is planning to make one. Its an open COVID-19 variant fraud and why they won’t tell you which variant you are infected with.

Most people with COVID-19 in the US are legally prevented from knowing which variant infected them.

That’s because sequencing tests have to be federally approved for results to be disclosed to doctors or patients, and most are not yet.

Lab scientists say the process of validating the tests for approval is too costly and time-consuming.

Sam Reider, a musician from San Francisco, got a call from the California Department of Public Health in June, reported Business Insider.

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