Hat Tip to John W. Whitehead who unknowingly stimulated my impulses and added some gems to the text below: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/04/28/the-global-deep-state-a-new-world-order-brought-to-you-by-covid-19/

During the last year a new religious cult has formed and it’s gone viral complete with all the usual trappings of holy books, symbols, mantras and high priests. The pontiff, Fauci, is leading the charge with acolytes Bill Gates et al and high status billionaires who meet regularly in a cloister called ‘Davos’ and have countless locations for incantations and prayer (vaccine centres). Their God is ‘immunisation’ which promises everlasting life for their devotees.

Of course, as with all cults, they have their heretics; they are collectively known as ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ who are vilified for not wearing the ‘Diaper-Vestment’, otherwise known as a ‘surgical mask’, by which devotees signal their submission to the hierarchy. But how do we know that this is truly a cult?

When I was training to become a humanistic counsellor in the 1990s we were recommended to read many relevant books and one that impressed me was: “Further Along the Road Less Travelled by DR M. Scott Peck: The following explains briefly about the book which many clients have found helpful: Further-Along-Road-Less-Travelled

One particular reference I found most enlightening was a series of tests to determine if an organisation is to be deemed a ‘cult’.  Community draws people in by its very interconnections (promotion by attraction); community applies no pressure for people to stay; community glories in the extraordinary differences of its members and celebrates them.

Cults, on the other hand, are characterized by the brainwashing of their members using NLP  http://www.newworldwar.org/psyop.htm by tremendous pressure to join and not to leave, and by certain ‘sameness’ of the people in them.  Here are characteristics of what makes a ‘cult’.  These may be used as a test of your own organization/s.

Idolatry of a single, charismatic leader:  Examples include the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the ‘Moonies’, Jim Jones, David Koresh all of whom ended in disaster. Others nearer home include leaders of political parties, trades union, CEOs of large corporations like IBM, who imbibe an unreal sense of amoral achievement in their employees (“contributors” in the case of IBM), and measure success in terms of material reward.

A revered inner circle: Not even the most charismatic leader can single-handedly manage an organization beyond a certain size.  He or she needs trusted disciples. Generally, all large cults have an inner circle of members who are revered by the others almost as much as the leader in some cases. They are held in awe; they are feared; they are envied; they are gossiped about. This clique exists, to a greater or lesser extent, within any large organization, government, business, university or church. The measure is the degree of unquestioned reverence or awe that prevails sufficient to allow an abuse of power by the inner circle.  Lehman Bros was a good example of this syndrome.

Secrecy of management: The inner circle operates “under the radar”, keeping all information closely held, and exhibiting features on a ‘need-to-know’ basis within the organization. Think of the executive branch of government and its obsession with secret documents and security classifications. Industrial secrets within commercial enterprises or boards of directors held at seemingly casual ‘breakfast meetings’ but which really count.  However, cult leaders do not maintain, even a pretense, of accountability for their actions.

Financial evasiveness: Some many years ago my partner in business became involved with a ‘New Age Christian Movement”.  One of the many disheartening discoveries was the group’s evasiveness over their finances – and we are both accountants!  Wondering why secrecy was so important in a non-profit organization, presumably one required to publish their accounts, I concluded that the habitual nature of cult leadership had unnecessarily contaminated this most important public area.

Perhaps the past expenses scandal involving MPs of all colours implies the veracity of the “old boys’ concept of government: “we are all in it together attitude”, and cover each other’s backsides, as we all learned in school: “Never a squealer be”.  But now, ‘because we are all in this together we are encouraged to rat on our neighbours and friends in much the same way that the Stasi operated in East Germany.

Smaller political parties have all the hallmarks of cults with venerated single name leaders all but worshipped by the ill-informed, where anyone questioning or suggesting is immediately attacked and ostracised as an ‘infiltrator’, ‘agent provocateur’, ‘working for the enemy’ – clear signs of a cult with the one charismatic leader holding together his dull and duplicitous praise singers.

Dependency: Perhaps a major reason why cults are justifiably feared is that their authoritarian leadership nurtures a culture of dependency. Rather than encouraging their members to become a group of all leaders, cults work to incapacitate their followers from thinking as independent individuals. The Catholic Church in particular, and most religious groups in general, actively display this paradigm.  The Covidians are totally dependent on the ‘science’ which they avidly follow even to the detriment of their own natural healthy immune systems.

Conformity: In order to remain ‘true-to-the-cause’ members are encouraged to act as one entity, exhibiting an oppressive sameness, and unquestionably agreeing on all things presented by the leaders, regardless of age differences, dress or whether they are male or female.  The wearing of symbols (a mask), reminiscent of the Yellow Star for the Jews in Nazi Germany, is a must for all followers, accompanied by ‘social distancing’ keeping devotees from gaining any solace from natural human contact.

Surveillance: 21st century cults use technology to monitor their flock and Covidians have embraced this in spades. Magnify what the U.S. government is doing through AT&T on a global scale, and you have the “14 Eyes Program,” also referred to as the “SIGINT Seniors.” This global spy agency is made up of members from around the world  (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, India and all British Overseas Territories).  Surveillance is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these global Covidians.

Enforcement: Force is the tool of oppressive government and this has not been overlooked by the Covidians.  Glance at pictures of international police forces and you will have a hard time distinguishing between American police and those belonging to other nations. There’s a reason they all look alike, garbed in the militarised, weaponised uniform of a standing army.

There’s a reason why they act alike, too, and speak a common language of force; they belong to a global police force.  We have many examples of ‘police’ acting to suppress ordinary human activities in the name of the cult.

The objective is to prevent violent extremism by targeting its source: racism, bigotry, hatred, intolerance, etc. In other words, police, acting as extensions of the United Nations, will identify, monitor and deter individuals who exhibit, express or engage in heresy much like the Catholic Church of yesteryear pursued and burned heretics.  The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj8n4MfhjUc  Antifa does the job today.  Instead of burning books, the Covidians today cancel and censor any dissent and enthusiastically ban and attack the slightest signs of heresy.

Special language: George Orwell’s ‘1984’ book illustrates the concept of ‘Newspeak’ as imposed on the people much in the same way that ‘political correctness’ is applied today. The exclusive nature of cults ensures that only those who are unquestioning followers can speak the special language. It is natural for any group of people who work closely together to develop a special ‘internal’ language, a set of words which have meaning only to the group and are incomprehensible to outsiders.  Social media has developed its own unique lingua franca.

Ultimately it becomes a secret language known only to the initiates. I am sure you can think of many extant examples, “Quantitative Easing” is one recent addition: this link will offer further food for thought:  http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/   Perhaps there is a case for creating a new translation service based on transmogrifying the current lexicon.

Special documents of authority: The Covidians will be given a unique document upon joining the cult by being baptised with ‘The Jab’.  This ceremony is carried out in a ‘church’ when the practitioners, dressed in appropriate vestments, solemnly administer the ‘life-saving’ concoction often to clapping and general celebrations.

The newly initiated quickly engage their friends and family constantly asking: “if you have been jabbed” because if not, then you are doomed and death is not far away. When challenged in any way they hysterically chant their mantras and close their ears from any rational argument.  They are lost souls condemned to comply with every dictate from their high priests.

Mantras: The faithful continually chant their special incantations, we know them all as they are continually shouted from the rooftops: “Stay at home”, “Save the NHS”, “No one is safe until all are safe”, “Keep 2 metres apart” etc ad nauseam.

Dogmatic doctrine: One cult is fond of saying that they are in the process of ‘developing’ their theology and wished to enlist the aid of outsiders. This is a ploy, their dogmatic theology is already in place; they have long since become entirely doctrinaire with incessant propaganda to goad the ungodly to join their group and to prove that they are avid supporters.

“It is the latest status symbol. Flash it at the people and you can get access to concerts, sports arenas or long-forbidden pubs and restaurant tables. Someday, it may even help you cross a border without having to quarantine,” writes Heather Murphy for the New York Times. “The new platinum card of the Covidian age is the vaccine certificate.”

Heresy: All organizations exist as a group of independent people regardless of the degree to which the members have been conditioned in elitist dogma. It is remarkable how far this conditioning extends, so much so that all logical argument is dismissed, often with venom, and all non-conforming propositions are labelled heresy.

People have been burned at the stake for such things and even today examples of “necklacing’ in African cultures indicates that human nature is ever constant – driven by fear and greed – they project ‘their’ cult as the one and only truth.

Call upon God: Cults will support their dogmatism by quoting the best of reliable sources for most people in the western world. Whilst many will question the authority of the Bible and its veracity, most will acknowledge the deep wisdom described within. There always remains the call: “that God is on our side”. Even the CEO of Goldman Sachs recently purported that “Goldman is doing God’s work”. Oh yeah…so now we have identified one cult at least!  The Covidians call upon the faithful to have ‘The Jab’ without question because their God of immunisation is the only path to resurrection, otherwise known as ‘The New Normal’.

Conclusion: It is not necessary for a cult to conform to all the tests, if 3 or 4 are consistent with an organization, I would recommend caution and vigilance.  Remember, people used to scoff at the notion of a Deep State (a.k.a. Shadow Government). They used to doubt that fascism could ever take hold in America, and sneer at any suggestion that the United States was starting to resemble Nazi Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.

Hat Tip to John W. Whitehead who unknowingly stimulated my impulses and added some gems to the text below: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/04/28/the-global-deep-state-a-new-world-order-brought-to-you-by-covid-19/ During the last year a new religious cult has formed and it’s gone viral complete with all the usual trappings of holy books, symbols, mantras and high priests. The pontiff, Fauci, is leading the charge … Continue reading “The Covidian Cult is Global”
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