The Dark Forces In Control Of The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire Are The Source Of The World Crisis – Richard C. Cook

Today’s spreading world crisis dates in its current phase from over 500 years ago, when the small island nation of England, having renounced Catholicism over King Henry VIII’s marital woes, embarked under his daughter Elizabeth I on an occult project of world conquest.[i]

This goal was to be accomplished through worldwide mercantile colonization, including heavy involvement in the international slave and drug trades, and war against a succession of leading European continental powers: Spain, France, Holland, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottomans, and Russia. The rival that could not be immediately suppressed was the U.S., which declared independence in 1776. So recapture of the U.S. also became a priority.

The nation that resisted most vigorously was France. England attacked France by ruining its currency via credit bubbles, leading directly to the destruction of French society through the Seven Years War and economic collapse, followed by the French Revolution. The looting of India and China also helped fuel the growth of England’s empire, feeding generations of estate-building by the gentry in the fabled English countryside. See this.

By 1694, when the privately-owned Bank of England was founded, what soon became Great Britain had been taken over by international financial predators practicing the system of fractional reserve banking that utilized usury augmented by compound interest to generate unending undeserved profits. This was a method of grand larceny accomplished by creating paper money “out of thin air” with a small amount of gold as backing (i.e., the “gold standard).

Title page of the first quarto for the Merchant of Venice (1600)
Image: Title page of the first quarto of The Merchant of Venice (From the Public Domain)

Jewish bankers became prominent in operating this system which had first appeared as a force in the empire of Venice (see Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice). The Rothschild family out of Germany gradually became the system’s most visible controlling force throughout Western Europe.[ii] (The Rothschilds of London set the price of gold well into the 20th century.)

Starting around 1835, the Rothschilds began to infiltrate the U.S. under their agent August Belmont (neé Aaron Schönberg), with the Morgans and the Rockefellers setting up the infamous “Money Trust” as U.S. partners. The Rothschild’s headquarters was and is the square-mile “City of London.” The British “Royals” are their sponsors and puppets, enjoying incredible wealth as a still-ongoing payoff for the bankers’ veneer of legitimacy.

The British had been able to use the bankers’ money to bribe European statesmen into joining the British-led coalitions that destroyed Napoleon, who was trying to wrest Europe from banking control. By influencing the Russian Czar Alexander I (after assassinating his predecessor Paul I), Britain was able to goad Napoleon into invading Russia, a mistake that led to his downfall and to Britain’s being able to mold and fashion its modern empire during the rest of the 19th century.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S., first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, lusting after America’s own empire, foisted on the country a financial system where national government debt would be used to capitalize a central banking system through the First Bank of the United States. This piece of idiocy was in imitation of the Bank of England. The result today is devastating U.S. sovereign debt of over $36 trillion. Repetition by governments around the world has created a crushing burden of debt that reached over $300 trillion worldwide by 2023.

This debt can never be liquidated, often with only the interest paid off, or else rolled over with more debt that crushes populations with inflation and makes every nation a predatory insect against all others. Another effect of massive sovereign debt is to create constant pressure for nations to sell off public assets like public land, utility systems, and even roads and other infrastructure to banks, investment funds, and other financial institutions keyed to private profit, not the public good. This is a way of life throughout the Collective West and its financial colonies.

Returning to history, Britain tried but failed to destroy the U.S. via the American Civil War, but President Abraham Lincoln saved the Union by issuing interest-free Greenbacks. After buying American assets for pennies on the dollar in the Panic of 1837, Rothschild agent August Belmont had risen to become chairman of the Democratic Party which ran General George McClellan against Lincoln in the election of 1864 with the aim of ending the Civil War in the South’s favor.

Britain supplied the South with its weapons. The Times of London editorialized that the U.S. government must be destroyed, due to its policy of creating an indigenous U.S. currency in contrast to interest rates of 30-50 percent demanded by the New York-London Rothschild banks to keep Union armies in the field. Lincoln was assassinated by a conspiracy run by British intelligence out of Montreal. Pinning the blame solely on John Wilkes Booth was a prelude to the “lone assassin” narratives that continue today.

The U.S. was able to develop its railroads and industry, particularly mining, only by using Rothschild gold-backed money. This allowed the domestic Money Trust to take over U.S. industry, leading to the Rothschilds’ seizure of the U.S. through the Federal Reserve “Insurrection” of 1913. Thus the British and its bankers were able to monetize U.S. industrial might in order to activate the process of annihilating Germany. This was Britain’s main 20th century geopolitical project which continues as a major imperial enterprise today.

Image: Coat of arms granted to the Barons Rothschild in 1822 by Emperor Francis I of Austria (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Leading the British takeover of the U.S. was President Theodore Roosevelt, who had two uncles who served in the Confederate navy and who gained power when British operatives assassinated President William McKinley in 1900. Nathaniel Rothschild had set up a secret society, the Roundtable, in order to channel the South African gold and diamond wealth of the late Cecil Rhodes to fulfill Rhodes’s mandate to “recover America for the British Empire.”

One of Roosevelt’s assignments was to run for president on the “Bull Moose” ticket against incumbent Republican William Howard Taft in 1912. This split the Republican vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who was blackmailed by his handler and bankers’ agent “Colonel” Edward House, to saunter into the White House and rubber-stamp the Federal Reserve Act.

The British Roundtable was mirrored by the Pilgrim Society, which married U.S. and British aristocrats into a common power base. Britain created “Chatham House” as a permanent lobbying institution for endless imperial war, which was matched in the U.S. by the Morgan-Rockefeller-funded Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR continues to advocate for global imperial dominance to this day. Its house organ is Foreign Affairs magazine.

Simultaneously, a different type of revolution was brewing. Europe’s Jews, heavily influenced by Marxism, used Rothschild money to form the Zionist movement that began to infiltrate Anglo-American governance with the aim of creating the apartheid Jewish state in Palestine we know today. An underlying cause of World War I, World War II, the annihilation of Germany, and today’s slide into World War III was to create the state of Greater Israel as a world-dominating force.

This is part of what lies behind the WEF, WHO, “Great Reset,” etc. (See British journalist Douglas Reed’s classic magnum opus, The Controversy of Zion. See this.)

One of my correspondents claims that one origin of the Zionist revolution can also be traced through the Spanish Inquisition. He states that today’s world revolution is not entirely Jewish and cites Victor Hugo as a source of information via Hugo’s play Torquemada. He also cites the CIA-facilitated 20th century Operation Condor in Latin America as a related movement. This was a large-scale fascist conspiracy exemplified by the Pinochet regime in Chile that held much of Latin America in the grip of military-intelligence terror from at least 1975-1983. The U.S. government itself from the Reagan administration until today (i.e. the “Deep State”) has many of the characteristics of Operation Condor and the Inquisition.

The takeover and twisting of Christianity by Christian evangelical Zionists using the Jewish-financed Scofield Bible has also played a critical role. Also critical was the funding of Zionism by the elite among the three-four million Jews who had emigrated to the U.S. from Eastern Europe and Russia and had begun to take over Hollywood, along with U.S. media, finance, organized crime, and eventually government. One of my grandfathers thought he would “get rich quick” by working for the Jewish mob and lost everything he had. This is not to deny, of course, that countless Jewish immigrants and their descendants have been good citizens and important contributors to society.

At the same time, a major project of the Jewish intelligentsia during the 20th century was to marginalize Christianity by hiding behind the façade of “civil liberties.” Another was to saturate young minds with pornography, often disguised as “entertainment,” ruining decent family life. British intelligence and the Anglo-American/Jewish bankers also fomented the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, with the Jews running the Soviet Gulag and murdering millions of Christians before they came under attack themselves from Hitler. Even then, many Jews were employed in running Hitler’s concentration camps. (See Douglas Reed, cited above.)

All this was in line with the basic philosophy of ruling the population by Marxist leveling while reserving the lucrative top echelons for themselves. This strategy can be seen today in the installation of the “woke” liberal philosophy for the increasingly impoverished masses while keeping control in the hands of the billionaire class and their political lackeys. The strategy is spelled out in detail in the Protocols.

Thus the U.S. itself was becoming a “Bolshevik” state as it was supplying much of the firepower for “Allied” victory in World War I and World War II, including Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union and the genocidal bombing of Germany and Japan. But the Soviet Union, which had facilitated the founding of Israel, was now declared the enemy, thus starting the Cold War.

The U.S. had laid out its intentions for total global military dominance in studies and policy papers laid on the Franklin Roosevelt administration by the Council on Foreign Relations at the start of World War II, in creation of the National Security State, including the CIA, in 1947, in the 1991 Wolfowitz Doctrine authorizing “preemptive” war against any potential enemy not to the Empire’s liking, and in the doctrine of “Full Spectrum Dominance” on all military fronts put forth by the Bush II and Obama administrations during the early 21st century. Meanwhile, NATO would advance to Russia’s borders.

All this was codified in CFR doctrine enunciated by Richard Haass, Jewish chairman of the CFR for 20 years, that any nation must have imperial permission even to existSee here. By the time of the Empire’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia that commenced with the 2014 “Maidan” coup, Haass’s doctrine had attracted designation as the “rules-based international order” so beloved in his pronouncements by Biden’s secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin.

France’s Charles De Gaulle had seen what was happening during the 1950s and 1960s and tried to head off the Empire’s ambitions by kicking the U.S. military out of France and promoting the ideal of a confederation of sovereign European nations from “Lisbon to the Urals.” But he was deposed in a CIA-sponsored color-revolution in 1968. De Gaulle’s opponents had already tried to assassinate him 30 times. While being forced to stay in NATO, France today does not host a single U.S. military base. Nevertheless, the EU that De Gaulle helped initiate is now run by a gaggle of imperial lapdogs.

Image: Rockefeller in 1984 (From the Public Domain)

During the 1980s-1990s,  “Straussians,” known collectively as “Neocons,” joined with the denizens of the U.S. military-industrial complex like Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney, along with Rockefeller/Rothschild-dominated Big Finance to take over the U.S. government. Instrumental was David Rockefeller, who founded the Trilateral Commission to extend and rule over global finance. The way had been cleared by their 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Rockefeller’s bete noir, who had tried to restore an indigenous U.S. currency and intended to pull out of Vietnam. This cabal also got rid of President Richard Nixon, who was trying to reduce the power of the CIA and favored détente with the Soviet Union.

The 1980s and 1990s saw the banking elite behind Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker crash the producing economy. The nation saw the shipping of millions of American jobs to China and Mexico, deregulation of the banking industry to allow predatory policies like leveraged buyouts and stock buybacks, destruction of the consumer-friendly Savings & Loan industry, the cancerous growth of derivative speculation, the invasion of Iraq, and the plunging of a newly-looted Russia into depression after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union. The U.S. and NATO then ransacked and destroyed Yugoslavia.

After Israel pulled off the 9/11 attacks, the U.S., now in full obedience to Israel’s ambitions and cheered on by Britain under Tony Blair and later Boris Johnson, embarked on a series of wars in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere to complete what they saw as the project of total world domination. See this. These wars are going on to this day, with President-Elect Trump seemingly no different than anyone else in bowing down to Israel. See this.

The U.S. has also sponsored Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamist terrorists to regime-change governments viewed as independence-minded. Another type of terrorist attack; namely the COVID-19 gain-of-function “pandemic” and mRNA “vax,” were meanwhile implemented by DARPA/NATO/Big Pharma,, for global population reduction and control. One aim was to get rid of pensioners and other “useless eaters.”

The final battle against China now looms in order to complete the world takeover. But the U.S. wars have not been succeeding, with Russia returning to its Christian roots, BRICS being founded in opposition to U.S. dollar hegemony, and American/European society fracturing in new anti-woke civil wars. Beneath the surface is existential angst over the Zionist/Israeli death cult launching its own “final solution” against the Palestinians and other West Asian populations.

In fact, the U.S. under the control of the Neocons/Zionists and the Israel Lobby has made so many enemies abroad that the American “Homeland” itself is now the target. Targeting becomes easier by the day with the Empire’s rapidly crumbling infrastructure.

Infrastructure is crumbling because the public sector is totally at the mercy of predatory bond markets run by the billionaires and their usury-based hedge funds layered with derivatives issued by megabanks on margin. Meanwhile, the American Monetary Institute (AMI) has estimated that up to 50 percent of U.S. retail prices consist of compound interest charged by the banks for the use of money.

Image is from Xinhua/Ting Shen

It should be obvious that the money is needed to fulfill an essential economic role as a societal means of exchange but was long ago “privatized” for the profits of the few. AMI has estimated further that all the financial transactions carried out by the banks could be done at cost at simple interest of one percent. The incoming Trump administration is planning a new attack on purchasing power by cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and public employment while planning to reduce taxes on behalf of the already-rich. They also plan to raise tariffs, cutting foreign nations off from dollar revenues, while expecting them to use dollars to invest in U.S. government debt. All madness.

It’s not ordinary people trying to survive that have turned the beautiful garden of planet earth into a war-torn polluted hellhole. It’s the Empire’s billionaire financiers and their military/religious minions.

Thus it is not difficult to explain the financial travails of the world’s national economies. Ever hear of “killing the goose that lays the golden egg”? Or “the parasite that has killed the host”? It’s exactly what has happened. But maybe the billionaires can blow up the whole world and escape to their bunkers before everything caves in or the peasants get across the moat with their pitchforks. What does the Talmud have to say about that? Trump’s army of Zionist advisers should know the answer.

And there is an alternative which has appeared at times throughout history. It’s called “dirigiste” economics, to use the French word. It means that the central government works with the private sector to build a physical infrastructure that benefits the entire society and that provides a publicly-guaranteed currency to fund development and provide a sound medium of exchange.

Before the Rothschilds and other usurers took over, Europe had dirigiste systems, especially France during its gran siècle. The 19th century American System of the Whigs and later the Republicans was a dirigiste system. Napoleon and later Charles de Gaulle both tried but failed to renew France’s dirigiste economy. Today, Russia, Iran, and China are building dirigiste systems, which is why they are defeating the West in Ukraine and will do so on all other fronts.

In the face of such sound economics, all the countries that compose the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire—including especially the U.S., Britain, Canada, Germany, and Israel—are collapsing. The U.S. could create such a system today, as outlined in the NEED Act, introduced in Congress by Rep. Dennis Kucinich in 2011 and currently on the books.[iii] If you have never heard of this critically important proposed legislation, you can blame your own government representatives. I include former Rep. Ron Paul, who called on the government to “Audit the Fed” and Rep. Thomas Massie, who introduced legislation to abolish the Fed, while neither has proposed any solution as a replacement.[iv]

Who is to blame? Those who have gutted this country for their own profit.

Long past time to start praying, America. While you take steps to fix the mess.

Richard C. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an adviser to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also download the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.


[i] For details on this and other statements in this article, see my recent book, Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023). See this. My own ancestors came to America in the 1630s as part of the Great Puritan Migration. They were driven out of England by the state religion the Tudors had created—the Anglicans—which in our day has collapsed into a “woke” mess.

[ii] The dark cabal that infiltrated Europe from Venice was not Jewish. It consisted of elite families dating in some cases from the Roman Empire that author Frances Leader calls the Black Nobility, an elite which still exists. Shakespeare was aware that this elite had reached England by his time. The emergence of usury in the ruination of English manhood was a major topic of discourse during the Renaissance period. Also see the Faust legends, such as Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. My own view is that the occult sorcery for which Faust sold his soul to the Devil was the power of compound interest. Also see my comments on John Dee in Our Country, Then and Now.

[iii] The NEED Act was based on the American Monetary Act that I helped American Monetary Institute Director Stephen Zarlenga write. This was presented to Rep. Dennis Kucinich who transformed it into the proposed legislation. The NEED Act would change the U.S. into a true democracy instead of a toy of the financial elite. The NEED Act builds on Lincoln’s Greenback system and sets up an indigenous currency system that monetizes the nation’s productivity and is not based on usury. I describe the NEED Act in Our Country, Then and Now.

[iv] It has not been recognized that the policy of “quantitative easing” introduced by the Federal Reserve and in operation since the 2008-2009 financial crisis has in fact been a major step in the direction of nationalizing the Fed as an instrument of public policy rather than being a mere handmaiden of the private bankers. This action by the Fed is a recognition that the banks can’t go on ripping off the nation forever.

By Richard C. Cook

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