The Deep State Is Back The Reader’s Turn RSS Feed | The Epoch Times

They lived in fear from the minute he took office. Knowing what they had gotten away with for eight years, Democrats got busy right away to collectively go to war against President Donald Trump. For four years, they kept at it, keeping him preoccupied with a Soviet-style investigation and a burlesque-House impeachment meant to keep him off balance and unable to expose them. The fake news did its part; pummeling Trump relentlessly with biased reporting or burying positive news, while relentlessly being critical of his agenda and completely dismissive of the values of his supporters. The push for another impeachment is just a distraction, but it points to the fear. The president has not declassified the numberless documents and digital evidence that can put hundreds of them behind bars. That fear is well-founded. Trump can still ruin many of the biggest of them. He can easily ruin Biden. Hillary would …
They lived in fear from the minute he took office. Knowing what they had gotten away with for eight years, Democrats got busy right away to collectively go to war against President Donald Trump. For four years, they kept at it, keeping him preoccupied with a Soviet-style investigation and a burlesque-House impeachment meant to keep
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