The Empire’s New Clothes

“But he’s not wearing any clothes!” – a kid in the crowd

Good Morning Occupation Government, just add this to my dossier.

Bemusement was the only emotion that clicked for me in the buzz of the Great Debate Aftermath.  It reminded me of friends who used to banter over professional wrestling in the ‘80s.  Even though they *knew* the WWF matches were scripted, that didn’t stop the arguments or emotional involvement.  The whole Kabuki show was obviously fake, but they just couldn’t suspend the illusion, and I suppose neither can today’s personalities.

Those of you who voted for the character of Biden may have had your blinders finally lifted on the man himself.  Hand on heart, we warned you that he was senile (or at least acting so) in 2020.  That he was being prompted by his handlers when to sit, what to say, where to go, and when to “salute the Marine.”  But have you also realized it is not only our Emperor who has no clothes, but the whole American Empire?  By my reckoning the nostalgic America we knew died sometime around 2000 in a flurry of hanging chads.

Here is why: the US Government is fake.

Mere hyperbole?  In alt-America nothing is as it seems, and the government is operating under false pretense.  Each of its three branches are already infiltrated or compromised.  The Judicial branch avoided action to protect 2020 election, and its’ most crucial senior members are beholden to foreign interests and/or blackmail.  The Legislative branch may be the most compromised body of representatives ever assembled… working feverishly to suppress truth, to promote illegal immigration & voting, to investigate Americans for wrong-think, and to punish you for defying the State.

The take-down of the Executive branch makes the trifecta, but it is far worse than a senile president.  We had already elected a fake citizen who enjoyed two terms, never forget.  Incumbent hacks in both the intelligence community and Congress successfully waged a years-long investigation against another President based on faked information.  But don’t call it a witch-hunt.  The current White House occupant has had kickbacks going with China and Ukraine since he was VP, and won his presidency with fake votes.

You cannot have foreigners and unaccountable elites running the game remotely, and still call it a legitimate show.  Get this fact through your skulls and let it marinate.

The majority don’t want to see or discuss such things, because it means most of the laws and executive orders enacted since 2008 would be null and void.  Talk about a Constitutional Crisis…  It could mean inevitable civil war, so we better just pretend it is not happening.  The Occupation Government in Washington still controls all of the apparatus, and retains all of its coercive powers.  But it no longer does so by the will of the American people.

The US Government has thus become our oppressor, existing only to further its own ambitions.  It is actively hostile to freedom and truth, leaving us only a few options:

We might (1) hope for reprieve from the Military, who at least can be counted on by law to uphold the Constitution and protect the citizens of the United States – unless they were complicit in the coup.  Understand, today’s Pentagon is the very embodiment of what Dwight Eisenhower warned us about. A cadre of Generals are beating the war drum right now to push us into confrontation with Russia, Russia, Russia.  Insanity.

We might (2) hold out hope for a Trump victory in November.  But be realistic, since we are Seeing Things as They Are:  Could Trump actually ‘drain the swamp’ this time, or repeal the Patriot Act, or disband the CIA?  Would he pardon Snowden, or ship illegals back across the border?  Would he pull out of the WHO a second time, or was that just a canard?  I know I know, GITMO was expanded to hold all of the world’s elite prisoners, and we are just waiting on the arrests.  I expect none of those things to actually happen.

A Trump 2.0 presidency would only slow the advancement toward totalitarianism by a little bit.  So if we do not rebuild the entire system from scratch, then what use is tapping the brakes?  Maybe a lot of you would like living in a Freedom City, or trading-up levels to a protected security state as long as you kept a few freedoms.  You can pretend you are living out Logan’s Run, or Gattaca, while Trump endorses the next vaccine.  But for me, and many others, status-quo is already intolerable.

We might (3) try for a Convention of States as a last-ditch means of restoring the Republic, recognizing it as a unique process that is outlined in the Constitution.  This legitimate method is organized by the States, keeps the system of government intact, and Congress is powerless to stop it.  We could expect the Occupation Government to fight it tooth and nail, and thrash around like a wounded bear.

We might (4) consider a Constitutional Convention, or a breakup / Balkanization of the country, or outright Civil War, each of these being progressively messier and ending the USA as we know it.  We would have a different country when it was over — which sucks I know, but is still better than continuing on a path toward enslavement.  Better get ahead of that curve by learning how to adapt to whatever is coming. 

That is the way things are on this Independence Day, friends. America needs a Convention of States.  The system will not fix itself, nor will rushing to the polls in November.  You must look at deeper solutions, even painful solutions. I don’t know why no one else is telling you this, but I hope you’ll get ready. Mentally, Phsyically, Spiritually.

So Happy 4th of July, Readers, from across the waves. Grill a hot dog for me and crack open a Rolling Rock.

Peace be upon you in Christ

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