The End of Democracy? – Martin Armstrong

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I found it shocking that Canada would actually introduce legislation to suspend elections during a pandemic in the first place. But what we have to understand is that this is part of the Schwab 2030 Agenda. I do not see how they would pull that off on all levels. The model is what they created in the EU where neither the European Commission nor the President is subject to popular election. They allow people to vote for MPs but they have no power to overrule the legislation from the Commission. So is that a real democracy or even a republic in the EU? It is nothing different from China.

I also do not see how they would be able to eliminate local politicians. As long as their power is confined, then they would retain that to pretend it was still a democracy. History repeats because the passions of people have never changed. Rome overthrew its “king” in 509BC and thereafter nobody would ever have the title of king. That is also in the American Constitution. Article I. Section IX Clause VIII states clearly:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Now, when the Republic was overthrown and Imperial Rome began, the Emperors, not being kings in name, still created a monarchy that was inherited by their family the very same as a king. The titles on the coinage we can date BECAUSE they pretended to be elected. For example, COS XI meant he was elected consul for the 11th year in a row.

This is not my opinion nor is it some wild speculation. This is simply how history unfolds. Given such power, they will always gravitate to absolute power. For years I have shown the model that pointed to the start of a commodity boom in 2020 and that we were headed into an authoritarian period. As I have said before, growing up there were two families that were Jewish who fled to America from Germany because they saw where it was going. They told me that other Jews thought they were crazy and alarmists – today conspiracy theorists. It never returned to normal.

Also, for those who think that it was Hitler who invented forcing the Jews to wear a gold star marker, again that is history that simply repeats. Edward I (1272-1307) of England, the king of Brave Heart fame, also ordered the Jews to wear badges. He too eventually banned all Jews from England, confiscated all their wealth and lands, and anyone who had borrowed from the Jews had to repay that debt to the King.

So if you think this is all just my opinion, sorry to hear that. I suppose you will be one of the millions waiting for a return to normal like the Jews in Germany. There is no such return. Imposing COVID passports will be expanded and become PERMANENT. Just like imposing the Income Tax in 1913. Oh, we will only tax the rich and they will only have to pay 1%. By World War II, everyone was paying payroll taxes and the top tax rate hit 90% thanks to Marxism.

There will be no return to normal and history warns that the only way to restore human rights will be by violence. They will NEVER relinquish power peacefully. Sorry, all the protests will not deter them. They will lose because this system they are trying to impose is out of desperation for decades of fiscal mismanagement. But rather than reform for We the People, they have chosen the suppression of the people to retain power. NEVER in the history of the United States have we EVER seen armed fences to protect the politicians. These people will NOT simply hand back power. This in Chess is “check” which now compels the next move before it becomes checkmate unfortunately in so many countries with the USA being the least ready just yet. But this is the reality in many other countries now as we move into October.

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong I found it shocking that Canada would actually introduce legislation to suspend elections during a pandemic in the first place. But what we have to understand is that this is part of the Schwab 2030 Agenda. I do not see how they would pull that off on all levels. The … Continue reading “The End of Democracy?”
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