The Fate Of Russia Depends On Elimination Of Its Current Liberal Elite, Formed In The 1990s And Composed Of Historical Criminals – Alexander Dugin

On the new attack on the Crimean bridge. Note the frenzied obstinacy of the enemy. It is a hallmark of the Malorossi, but now it looks menacing.

They started shelling Donetsk in 2014 and have not stopped a day.

They attacked the territory of old Russian regions – Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk – and continue.

They started killing Russians with terrorist attacks, and they do it again and again.

They attacked nuclear facilities, and they do it again and again.

The same applies to the Crimean bridge: as long as Ukraine exists with this insane population and this maniacal regime, it is simply foolish and irresponsible to think that anything in its behaviour will change. In my opinion, it is necessary to put an end to the simulation of a peaceful life in Russia, postpone the elections (we have already elected Putin, and any other person obviously is not) and move on to actual mobilisation.

Personnel changes are inevitable; delaying them becomes suicidal. We are dealing with a completely insane, extremely aggressive enemy. And he has the West behind him. There is no cure for rage.

And of course, once again, we must turn to the causes.

Who prepared and carried out the collapse of the Union?

Who applauded it and took advantage of it?

All of them are responsible for the catastrophe in which we find ourselves and which, in fact, has only just begun.

The current Russian elite was formed in the 1990s. It is composed of historical criminals. 

Liberalism is a crime against Russia. Putin started to change this, but for 23 years, including SWO, 5% of the liberals fled, 0.000001% were forcibly punished or expelled, another 15% changed their ideas to patriotic (sincerely or out of necessity, it does not matter). And the rest of the (liberal) accomplices are in place. And now they are obstructing with all their might the process of the country’s transition to the army, patriotic reforms and the rebirth of civilisation.

Gorbachev and Yeltsin, long cursed by the Russian people and history, are not yet cursed by the elite. Perestroika and the reforms of the 1990s, which for the people and history are a betrayal and a catastrophe, including all the leading figures of the time, are ‘the golden age’ and ‘the beginning of the personal success story’ for the elite. Now we are fiercely at war with 1991, with Gorbachev, with Yeltsin, with that Anti-Russia that has grown stronger first of all in Russia itself.

Without this Anti-Russia in Russia, there would be no Anti-Russia in Ukraine and other post-Soviet states, no Anti-Russia pop of Pugachev and Galkin, no Anti-Russia of immigrants undermining Muscovites.

You cannot defeat the consequences without eliminating the causes that led to the catastrophe.

Another thing: isn’t what is happening in Russia a ‘latent civil war’?

On one side are the people and the army, which after mobilisation is almost the same thing. On the other side are the liberal towers who persist in their opposition to further steps in the patriotic direction.

Only Putin, personally, prevents the situation from moving from the latent to the open phase.

Wasn’t that the point of Wagner’s mutiny? It could have been and was only put out by Putin, the fuse of civil war. He is legitimate not only for the people, but also for the will of heaven, for Providence. But the still liberal elites are not. They are not illegitimate on either side.

The beginning of the SMO was the moment of the parabolic invasion of the higher beginning of our history, as the Russian people were originally created for the future – for the final battle with the civilisation of the Antichrist. That battle begins right now.

He cannot sacrifice the people and the Putin front, which is above the fray.

He does not want to sacrifice the elite.

Theoretically, however, a new elite can be created, and quickly too, but a new people is impossible by definition, even if the liberals in the 1990s thought seriously about it, slowly exterminating and seducing the old ones.

Civil wars have their own inexorable logic. A revolution from above can prevent a revolution from below, and the revolution from above can be creative, while the revolution from below will tear everything apart, but the preconditions for this are created by the very top: their politics alienated from society, exploitative, irresponsible and short-sighted.

The situation is becoming more and more acute: either revolution from above or civil war.

Acting harshly does not mean launching a nuclear attack immediately. We should try other measures that have not yet been employed.

  • drastic removal of enemy agents from key state positions,
  • a reshuffle of personnel,
  • initiate a large-scale mobilisation of society,
  • stop saying ‘we have been deceived’, simply eliminate this argument, because only those who believe can be deceived, but it is a crime to believe the West,
  • abolish peace in the country,
  • and declare war in the country.

What is a State of Emergency (Ernstfall)? It is when the peacetime and its rules end and the non-peace-time begins. For everyone, not just the inhabitants of the new regions or the Belgorod region. In non-peaceful times, the rules of emergency apply: the danger threatens the country, the entire society, the entire state, so all means are good to repel it.

If only this (and we have not yet started) were not enough, then we should move on to consider attacking the enemy with nuclear weapons.

This is what the Kiev regime fears: that we will stop ranting and start actually fighting it by conventional means. Then it will fall. That is why the West delays in every possible way through its agents – and who are Russian liberals if not Western agents? – and provokes us to switch immediately (!) to some extreme scenario (or rather, fearing the consequences at the last moment, not to switch).

It is only in a state of emergency that one determines who has true sovereignty. The sovereign who declares a state of emergency and makes decisions under its conditions, relying not so much on law as on will and mind. The subject is only born in a state of emergency. In other cases, it is a conditional subject (subject or object), and only the state of emergency puts everything in its place.

Translation by Lorenzo Maria Pacini

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