The Finnish Prime Minister’s Party Videos Prove That She Doesn’t Consider Russia A Threat – Andrew Korybko

If she had any serious concerns about her country’s much larger eastern neighbor, she’d never place herself in a position where she couldn’t immediately respond to the worst-case scenario that the Mainstream Media has been hyping up for nearly the past half-year about an allegedly “imminent Russian invasion” of Finland, nor would she ever get intoxicated and thus unable to properly react in that sudden event.

Much ado has been made in the US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) about the supposed “threat” that Russia poses to neighboring Finland, which is the official basis upon which it applied to join NATO. That was always a false pretext though, as even that country’s ambassador to the bloc admitted to CNN in late May that he hadn’t seen any “direct military threats” from Moscow after Helsinki made its fateful decision, which in any case isn’t the “major defeat” for that Eurasian Great Power that it’s popularly being spun as. Nevertheless, the narrative continued to be pushed to the Western public that this former part of the Russian Empire was at risk of being “invaded” at any moment.

Lo and behold, none other than Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin herself just discredited that artificially manufactured perception after two videos leaked of her wildly partying on a Saturday night while she was officially supposed to be on duty. Not only did she appear intoxicated, but a mystery man who isn’t her husband was also filmed intimately dancing with her, not to mention that some of those around her were heard using Finnish slang that refers to cocaine. Marin’s response to was defend her right to a night out, deny that she’d done anything appropriate, and submit to a drug test whose results will be made known later next week even though tests exist that easily provide for near-instant results.

Without touching upon her scandalous personal life and speculation about the state of her marriage after the mystery man that she was filmed with appeared to be kissing her neck while her husband was presumably sitting at home that night with their four-year-old daughter, the recently leaked footage proves that she certainly doesn’t consider Russia a “threat”. If she had any serious concerns about her country’s much larger eastern neighbor, she’d never place herself in a position where she couldn’t immediately respond to the worst-case scenario that the MSM has been hyping up for nearly the past half-year, nor would she ever get intoxicated and thus unable to properly react in that sudden event.

Marin’s controversial videos also come shortly after a comparatively milder scandal in Germany that was nevertheless similar in spirit. Two German Ministers visited Kiev late last month where they took a picture with the city’s mayor and their country’s Ambassador to Ukraine while celebrating with champagne. Critics lambasted them for behaving so carefree in what the MSM has incessantly tried to convince everyone is supposedly the world’s worst conflict zone since World War II. The takeaway from that scandal was that it completely discredited claims that everyone in Kiev is living in fear of Russian missiles when the reality is that everyday life returned there months ago after only a very brief hiatus.

Taken together, the Finnish Prime Minister’s videos and the German Ministers’ photo show that the so-called “Russian threat” is nothing but a media manipulation that doesn’t objectively exist otherwise those leading officials would never have been caught relaxing so casually in the face of an alleged “Russian invasion” plot and a “non-stop rain of Russian missiles” respectively. Quite clearly, if the Finnish Prime Minister feels comfortable enough wildly partying on a Saturday night with mystery men and folks who chat about cocaine in her presence shortly after two German Ministers enjoyed a friendly champagne lunch in Kiev, then Russia obviously isn’t the “threat” that the MSM misportrays it as.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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