The New World Order Guidestones In The US State Of Georgia Bombed And Destroyed – Andrew Anglin

Wait, so is this some kind of hoax, or is QAnon doing bombings now?


A mystery-shrouded monument in the US state of Georgia was severely damaged in an explosion early on Wednesday. It was later demolished entirely, for safety reasons.

State and local authorities are investigating the incident as a bombing. The granite Georgia Guidestones were built in 1980 and featured messages for humanity in eight languages with a dedication to the “Age of Reason.”

The preliminary information indicates that unknown individuals detonated an explosive device at around 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 6th,” the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a statement, adding that authorities in Elbert County asked for its assistance with the investigation. The site is currently cordoned off until bomb disposal technicians can examine it.

One of the wings of the monument has been “completely destroyed” and the capstone damaged, according to Christopher Kubas, executive vice president of the Elberton Granite Association.

Helicopter footage taken by the Greenville, South Carolina-based WYFF-TV shows one of the four vertical pillars in pieces on the ground, with two major chunks missing from the horizontal slab on top of the monument.

“I am sad for the US and for the world,” said Kubas, pointing out that the monument was a major tourist attraction, with up to 20,000 people coming to visit every year.

While the messages inscribed on the monument were considered controversial by some, Kubas said they may have been meant for some future generations, “after maybe a cataclysmic event,” to avoid making the same mistakes as their ancestors.

Video released by the GBI on Wednesday evening show a silver sedan approaching the monument, and the moment of the explosion. No suspects have been identified yet.

“For safety reasons, the structure has been completely demolished,” the GBI said on Wednesday evening.

Envisioned as the US version of the famous Stonehenge megalith in England, the Georgia Guidestones were carved out of local granite in 1979 and unveiled in 1980. The mystery man who commissioned the monument, who used the pseudonym Robert C. Christian, said he represented “a small group of loyal Americans,” and paid top dollar for the makers to follow his very specific plans.

The structure is located about 90 miles (140 km) east of the city of Atlanta, at an elevation of 750 feet (230m) above sea level. It was exactly 19 feet 3 inches (5.87m) tall and incorporated 107 metric tons of granite.

“Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason,” said a smaller plaque erected off to the side. On the pillars themselves, ten messages were carved in eight languages – English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. It was not clear which languages were on the pillar that was destroyed.

So, we’re going to do some quick background here, as I assume many of the readers don’t even know what this is.

I was involved in the early 00s conspiracy movement, so I’m very familiar with the Georgia Guidestones. Basically, throughout the 1990s and up through 2010 or so, most “alternative media” had been spun off of shortwave radio. The shortwave radio right-wing conspiracy movement was (probably) created by the CIA as a way to keep people prone to radicalism from becoming communists or in some way developing anti-American sentiment. It was all extremely patriotic and pro-American, and also alleged a communist conspiracy against America, that was linked to Freemasonry.

Though I do think the movement was created by the CIA (probably), it was basically a free for all, where anyone who could afford a few hundred dollars worth of equipment could start broadcasting on a shortwave, and spreading various informations. This is what Alex Jones emerged from, though Jones was at the tail end of it, and at the beginning of creating an internet version of the shortwave right-wing conspiracy movement.

Overall, a lot of what these people said was true, but it was also linked into stuff about UFOs, and other nonsense. Alex took a pretty hard line against UFOs, while also sometimes claiming they existed but they were coming from secret underground US military bases. Alex is a lot different now than he was then.

The biggest change in the direction of the fringe right-wing happened as a result of 4chan, when people started talking about the Jews a lot more. There was a fair amount of talk about the Jews on shortwave, though it was usually in the context of Jews being behind communism, and it was often drowned-out by Freemasonry stuff. William Cooper was by far the most infamous shortwave broadcaster, and he put together a very long (it’s 30+ hours, and it’s still available on series about “Mystery Babylon,” which linked all of history going back to ancient Egypt to an Illuminati Freemasonic cult.

When looking at these shortwave people, you have to consider it in context: they didn’t have the internet, so sharing notes was much more complicated. They also just had to buy books, which were often difficult to find, and there was also an issue of not being able to really decipher between real books and fake documents. We now know that the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg Group were real, their publications that circulated were real, while the “leaked Navy alien autopsy” documents Cooper published were a hoax. Project Bluebeam was another fake document that said NASA was claiming to use a Hologram to do a massive sky-projection of a fake return of Jesus. The Bohemian Club was real, and all of these politicians really were going to Bohemian Grove to do some kind of mock human sacrifice to an owl god.

The Georgia Guidestones were also real, and they were often pointed to as an important part of this global conspiracy, which at its core wanted to create a one-world government run by an elite minority who would reduce the population in order to create a technological utopia. The Georgia Guidestones literally said this – that they wanted to reduce the global population to 500 million and create some kind of one-world new age religion.

I don’t really think there is a contiguous freemasonic conspiracy going back to ancient Babylon or Egypt, unless you’re just talking about Jews, but on the whole, I think the shortwave radio conspiracy movement was right about more than they were wrong about.

So, a lot of this kind of stuff took a backseat over the last 10-15 years or so, given that people began to focus more on obvious things that were happening right in front of them. Remember, in the 1990s and 2000s, you didn’t have all this weird stuff happening right in front of you (other than 9/11), so these people were mostly making predictions, many of which proved to be correct. When Pizzagate started, and then QAnon, you had a kind of resurgence of a lot of this stuff. It felt to me like deja vu all over again when I looked at QAnon saying things that were true and mixing it with just weird made-up stuff that they had no evidence for.

Alex Jones, to his credit, denounced QAnon, but there was still a lot of overlap, because Alex’s entire narrative for 30 years has been that the world is run by a group of satanic pedophile cannibals trying to create a global Antichrist government. But he denounced the fake stuff, and denounced the claim that Donald Trump is secretly working against the satanic pedophiles.

But Alex Jones, along with David Icke, talked constantly about the Georgia Guidestones, which also became a centerpiece of QAnon material. During Stop the Steal, when Alex was in Georgia he took the time to go visit the Georgia Guidestones and do a view on it.

In basically any of David Icke’s lectures, from the late 1990s up through more recently when he was grounded by censorship and the virus (and probably age, frankly), he would mention the Georgia Guidestones. (I can’t find any clips of that because of censorship, but the videos of his 4 hour long powerpoint presentations have to be available somewhere.)

The Georgia Guidestones are something worth pointing to, because it is really telling that some anonymous person built this stone monument describing a plan for a world government. But it’s not really any different than what we can read going all the way back to H.G. Wells and others associated with the League of Nations, and then all of these other groups up through the World Economic Forum, which just publishes this stuff on their public website now.

The QAnon people are the ones among the right who are really unhinged, so they would be the obvious culprits in a Georgia Guidestone bombing. Remember that guy went into Comet Pizza with a gun to “free the children from the basement.” QAnon are basically normies, usually on the lower end of the IQ spectrum, who freak out when they find out they’ve been lied to about everything and then don’t know what to believe, and like the 1990s shortwave people, can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t (although with Q that is an IQ issue, whereas in 1990s shortwave, it was a lack of internet resources, and the fact that things really were kept secret back then, whereas now there aren’t really any secrets and you can just read this globalist agenda on all kinds of different websites).

That said, this bombing could be some kind of false flag hoax, to be spun into a narrative about an underground movement of QAnon terrorists. Obviously, doing a bombing is retarded, but it might have been real. We’ll probably be able to figure it out based on how the media responds and whether or not someone is arrested. Of course, someone being arrested doesn’t prove it wasn’t a hoax, because the FBI is mass-grooming mentally unstable people on the internet and trying to provoke them to violence.

It’s a weird thing for me, having heard about this monument since the 1990s on shortwave radio on my grandma’s porch. Life ends up being like a novel, with setups and payoffs.

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