The Next Pandemic Is Just Around The Corner And Will Complete The End of America – The Burning Platform

This is one helluva article. More fear porn? Or, truth?  You decide.  The authors claim Ebola is coming to America.  It will complete what Covid started … the end of America as you’ve known it. This goes far far beyond the idea that The Elites want to start a new religion. They are already gods. And they know now is their time — a short window of opportunity unique in human history —  to enslave you, or kill you. Religions, all of them,  give no other options.

Excerpts from article follow.

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With Covid Losing Its Grip Over America, the Next Deadly False Flag Is Almost Upon Us


The next false flag event is beginning to show itself. With covid losing its grip on most of America, it is time to introduce a deadly kill shot and the picture is beginning to crystalize.

Before this article reveals what is next, it is time to first take stock of where we are at and how we got here. Why? Because what lies ahead very likely contains the kill shot, both literally and figuratively, and forewarned is forearmed. Rest assured, the globalists fully plan to have the nation totally subjugated by this September (2021).

What Did the Fake Covid Reporting Accomplish?

The goal of every communist regime that has ever existed is centralization for the purposes of control and eliminating competition. This is precisely what the planners of this so-called pandemic achieved.

Beyond communism taking over America, we need to realize a second truth: The goal of communism is wealth redistribution for the purposes of absolute control of essential services in order to achieve self-enrichment as well as  to control the population that is being robbed blind (eg food, medicine, etc). Keep these two truisms in mind as we explain what is happening to our economy.

The Johns Hopkins Revelation

The covid conglomeration was only designed to go so far and it has been effective. However, the people and some of their local governments are rising up! Phase two is ready to begin and the globalists are hiding it in plain sight.

Ebola Gummy Worms

I will make this simple and reprint an excerpt of the kill shot that is coming your way, word for word, from the original source. EXCERPT FROM PAGE 6 follows;



This report examines the current state of preparedness for pandemics caused by “high-impact respiratory pathogens”—that is, pathogens with the potential for widespread transmission and high observed mortality.

Were a high-impact respiratory pathogen to emerge, either naturally or as the result of accidental or deliberate release, it would likely have significant public health, economic, social, and political consequences. Novel high-impact respiratory pathogens have a combination of qualities that contribute to their potential to initiate a pandemic. The combined possibilities of short incubation periods and asymptomatic spread can result in very small windows for interrupting transmission, making such an outbreak difficult to contain.

The potential for high-impact respiratory pathogens to affect many countries at once will likely require international approaches different from those that have typically occurred in geographically limited events, such as the ongoing Ebola crisis in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Numerous high-level reviews have been commissioned in recent years to take stock of global preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. These reviews have assessed current preparedness structures and capabilities, have identified existing gaps, and have proposed recommendations for strengthening outbreak prevention, detection, and response.

But preparedness for a high-impact respiratory pathogen pandemic has received little specific focus in these high-level reviews. While there has been some focus on improving international and national capacities for pandemic influenza, specifically after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, there have been few (if any) high-level reviews or recommendations focusing on the possibility of other high-impact respiratory pathogens with pandemic potential.

The lack of global attention on and consideration of this threat speaks to the urgency of addressing preparedness for epidemics and pandemics that might be caused by high-impact respiratory pathogens. While there is overlap between the systems and capabilities required to respond to any disease outbreak, a high-impact respiratory pathogen poses serious additional challenges that deserve special consideration.

In preparing this report, Preparedness for High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemics, we reviewed dozens of high-level reviews of global preparedness and conducted interviews with international experts in pandemic preparedness and response. The state of national and global readiness in 10 functional areas were examined: global preparedness mechanisms; multisectoral involvement and coordination; surveillance, monitoring, and assessment; health systems and clinical management; community engagement; risk communication; research and development for medical countermeasures; nonpharmaceutical interventions; accidental release and biosafety; and deliberate use and biosecurity.

In our findings, we detail capabilities and gaps that would likely hamper efforts to respond to a high-impact respiratory pathogen. The report identifies priority actions for countries, international organizations, and other stakeholders to pursue that would mitigate the public health, economic, social, and political consequences of the emergence of a high-impact respiratory pathogen.




“Why is the report appearing now? Why is this report coming on the heels of a greatly exaggerated pandemic that is quickly running out of steam?

Steve Quayle and myself have been talking about Ebola coming to America, in earnest, for quite some time. It would appear that this phenomenon is phase two. And with Ebola, the fraudulent reporting of numbers does not have to incentivized ….

… Ebola kills 90% of the people who are exposed.”

SOURCE: The Common Sense Show

This is one helluva article. More fear porn? Or, truth?  You decide.  The authors claim Ebola is coming to America.  It will complete what Covid started … the end of America as you’ve known it. This goes far far beyond the idea that The Elites want to start a new religion. They are already gods. … Continue reading “The Next Pandemic Is Just Around The Corner And Will Complete The End of America”
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