By Karen Kataline

Photo by Reem Al-Kashif WikiMedia Commons

The discrimination we’ve been expecting against “unvaccinated” people has begun.

It is now open season on anyone who dares to make their own decisions about what to put in their body based on their own individual choice and health. (Where have we heard that arcane idea before?)

Not only that, but take a listen to the tone with which Joe Biden now speaks to the American People: 

Would his handlers have wanted him to talk to us so insultingly if he were still running for President while hiding in his basement?

A few days ago, Biden said this:

“…the rule is very simple: Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. It’s vax’ed or masked.”

Is it any wonder that authoritarians are threatened by people of faith?  Who died and made him god?

Relatively normal, decent people are not so comfortable telling a country of 330 million people what to do–especially adults who allegedly elected them.

Conversely, the most narcissistic, ignorant and/or corrupt among us are quite assuming that they know what’s best for everyone else. They’ll even seek as much power as possible to force them into it. That’s ironic, isn’t it?

Want more irony?  We have a presidential potted plant who must be told what to tell everyone else to do!

The Presidential Potted Plant is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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