The Reopening Of Rebranded (And Tastier) Former McDonald’s Chain In Moscow On Russia Day Is Symbolic – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Russian people remain open-minded and non-biased towards their geopolitical opponents’ people and companies despite those two’s governments attempting to punish them for purely political reasons. The takeaway is that it’s the West, not Russia, that’s immorally playing politics by trying to “cancel” people, companies, and even entire cultures.

McDonald’s sold its Russian businesses to a local entrepreneur late last month who symbolically reopened a rebranded version in Moscow on Russia Day, which is a national holiday that falls on 12 June. The logo has changed and the new name will be “Vkusno i Tochka”, which RT reports as roughly translating to “Just Tasty”. Nevertheless, considering the fact that it’s literally the exact same with respect to excellent service, locally sourced ingredients, and even price, most Russians will probably still refer to it as McDonald’s.

Its rebranded reopening on Russia Day is symbolic because it signifies that not much has really changed in the country since the start of its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine apart from the departure of most Western brands. Inflation is an issue there like everywhere else nowadays, but if one wasn’t paying attention to the news, then they’d have no idea that the most intense conflict since World War II is presently playing out in the region. That just goes to show what an excellent job the authorities have done in retaining a sense of normality despite the chaos of the global systemic transition.

The same can’t be said for many Western countries, where energy prices have skyrocketed and thus hit average folks very hard. Thousands of small and medium-sized business are closing or facing the threat thereof, while in Russia the world’s most well-known fast food franchise successfully reopened under a different brand and thus retained the jobs of those 62,000 people who are employed there. Politics aside, that’s an impressive achievement that most people in the US-led West probably didn’t think was possible due to how much they’ve been brainwashed about Russia over the past 100 days.

Another point to be made is that while the average Russian patriotically supports their civilization-state and especially its foreign policy in the face of the unprovoked military threats against it from US-led NATO, most aren’t so political as to boycott the reopening of a rebranded Western fast food restaurant like McDonald’s. That’s why “Vkusno i Tochka’s” symbolic opening on Russia Day was widely attended by many people who patronized its 15 locations across Europe’s most populous city. By contrast, many Westerners are trying to “cancel” everything connected to Russia in their countries.

This observation speaks to the pragmatic and peaceful nature of the Russian people who don’t believe in punishing other people or their companies for political reasons. To be sure, many feel betrayed by those brands abandoning their customers for purely political reasons connected to the pressure put upon them by their governments, but they don’t hold enough of a grudge not to visit these locations when they reopen like what just happened with the rebranded McDonald’s. It’s under the control of a Russian businessman now, but it’s practically the exact same company apart from its ownership.

The point in drawing attention to this is to dispel the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) false portrayal of the Russian people as some kind of brainwashed zombies who are obsessed with political virtue signal due to how deeply indoctrinated they supposedly are by the Kremlin. The reality is that it’s actually the Western people that are brainwashed by their own governments, yet they’re unable to realize this because of how difficult it is for them to obtain reliable information from alternative sources after their authorities either censored Russian media or made it impossible for it to operate.

The pragmatism of the Russian people isn’t adversely influenced by their media’s support of the special operation in Ukraine unlike what the US-led Western MSM claims. It’s true that key influencers articulate a never-ending number of reasons for why their compatriots should stand in solidarity with their civilization-state during this pivotal moment in its history, but that hasn’t resulted in them wanting to politically boycott – let alone “cancel” – the rebranded reopening of the world’s most popular American fast food restaurant.

All of this is so symbolic because it was on full display during Russia Day, which celebrates their country’s Declaration of State Sovereignty from the erstwhile Soviet Union. It comprehensively discredits the US-led Western MSM’s narrative about Russia and its people, who remain open-minded and non-biased towards their geopolitical opponents’ people and companies despite those two’s governments attempting to punish them for purely political reasons. The takeaway is that it’s the West, not Russia, that’s immorally playing politics by trying to “cancel” people, companies, and even entire cultures.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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