The ball’s now in the Rotary Club’s court over how to respond to this indisputable scandal. It can either remain silent and continue procuring military equipment for Kiev and its ‘volunteers’, including that which is being repurposed for lethal ends along the lines of the model pioneered by West Asian and North African terrorist groups like the universally banned ISIS, or it can publicly condemn those of its members who’ve made themselves direct participants in the Ukrainian Conflict through their close coordination with NATO’s ‘Blue and Yellow’ Swedish-Lithuanian proxy.
The Washington Post (WaPo) published a very detailed piece on Friday titled “Inside the transfer of foreign military equipment to Ukrainian soldiers”, which contains some startling information that should concern everyone that reads it. Casually mentioned in the text is a single sentence proving that the Rotary Club — the famous humanitarian NGO whose website states that its mission is to “provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders” – is actively coordinating with a Swedish-Lithuanian “NGO” that’s sending military equipment to Kiev, including that which is being repurposed for lethal ends in order to kill Russians.
An example of this includes the SUVs that WaPo writes “could (be) mount[ed] with a rocket launcher or machine gun, creating one of the ‘specials’ common among fighters in Libya, Syria and other recent hot spots.” The Baltic “NGO” behind all of this is “Blue and Yellow”, whose website misleadingly says that “We provide non-lethal means to Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers”. It should also be mentioned that the word “volunteers” is typically employed as a euphemism nowadays for Neo-Nazi battalions and foreign mercenaries. WaPo revealed that “a group of Rotary Club volunteers makes calls to military suppliers in surrounding countries” on behalf of this group despite that organization’s own website claiming that their network only “provide[s] food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for refugees.”
That’s obviously not the case as WaPo’s latest report proves since Rotary Club members are actively coordinating with “Blue and Yellow” to procure military equipment for Kiev and its “volunteers” that’s being repurposed for lethal ends to kill Russians. This makes the organization a direct party to the conflict and therefore means that it’s lying when it claims on its website that it only provides humanitarian relief for refugees. That’s not true since the Rotary Club is actually nowadays a Hybrid War weapon in the hands of “Blue and Yellow”, the latter of which cannot accurately be described as an “NGO” like it claims since the group actually operates as a NATO proxy. This is proven by the fact that WaPo also revealed that its “convoys” are escorted by Lithuanian and Polish police en route to Ukraine.
Upon reaching that war-torn country, they’re then met by “both regular military and volunteer militia” (the latter of which it should be remembered typically refers to Neo-Nazi battalions and foreign mercenaries nowadays), one of whom told WaPo that “these vehicles are essential. They are our firepower, our mobility.” “Blue and Yellow” isn’t oblivious to this either as proven by WaPo quoting its founder Jonas Ohman, who said that “I tell [customs officials in a half dozen countries and functionaries] all the time: 10,000 euros can be more deadly than a million if you know how to spend it.” He’s therefore very well aware that his falsely self-described “NGO” is providing military equipment that’s being repurposed for lethal ends, doing so like WaPo revealed in full coordination with the Rotary Club.
Every organization has the right to have their own stance towards Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine and this of course also includes the Rotary Club, but it’s immoral to lie on its website that it’s only providing humanitarian relief for refugees. Furthermore, this volunteer organization should be forthcoming about its members’ active coordination with the falsely described “Blue and Yellow” “NGO” in procuring military equipment for Kiev that’s openly being repurposed for lethal ends to kill Russians, including through the creation of so-called “specials” akin to those employed by terrorists in West Asia and North Africa. The Rotary Club’s literal arming of “volunteers” that in all likelihood include Neo-Nazis and foreign mercenaries should also be acknowledged on its website.
The fact that none of this has happened suggests that the Rotary Club is very self-conscious about how its supporters would react to knowing that they’re donating to and volunteering with a quasi-military organization that’s become an active participant in the Ukrainian Conflict. Their leaders would obviously prefer to hide this from the world but it was just inadvertently exposed by WaPo late last week. Far from being a humanitarian NGO, the Rotary Club has since transformed into a Hybrid War weapon being wielded by a de facto NATO proxy against Russia in Ukraine. Furthermore, its military support for Neo-Nazis there means that it’s violating its self-proclaimed “diversity, equity, and inclusion” values that it brags about on its website since those fighters are likely also using this equipment to oppress minorities.
The ball’s now in the Rotary Club’s court over how to respond to this indisputable scandal. It can either remain silent and continue procuring military equipment for Kiev and its “volunteers”, including that which is being repurposed for lethal ends along the lines of the model pioneered by West Asian and North African terrorist groups like the universally banned ISIS, or it can publicly condemn those of its members who’ve made themselves direct participants in the Ukrainian Conflict through their close coordination with NATO’s “Blue and Yellow” Swedish-Lithuanian proxy. Additionally, the Russian authorities should consider urgently launching an investigation into the group’s activities inside the country to ensure that they’re not endangering national security by participating in this military plot.