You hear about either Americans, Russians, Israelis, Turks bombing Syria, along with various internal or external Muslim terrorists on murderous rampages, and you read about all the tens of thousands of deaths, and millions who are displaced and homeless …. and, if you’re like me, it occupies your mind for a few minutes before you move on to the next story.  Or, you don’t give a shit and won’t read it at all.  “Fucken mooslims,  who cares!” Right?  One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic, said Stalin.

Here is a story about just one boy, a tragedy.  There’s no politics being pushed in this video. No blame. No hate. No revenge. It’s only about Leith, who was five years old when his whole family was killed before his eyes. He survived because his father  smeared him with blood so that terrorists would think he was dead.  Then he was captured by terrorists and held hostage for two months. Eventually he was liberated.

The journalist who filmed his liberation returns five years later to check up on Leith in this short documentary. It is also the story of an amazing teacher and a frail and loving grandmother, both doing all they can to help heal Leith’s wounded heart.

Some of you just can’t wait for America’s next Civil War. “Kill those fucken libtards, Dems, and fags — one and all!!  Restore true American values!! Fuck ’em ALL to hell and back!!!“.  I, myself, have fallen victim to such rhetoric.  And then I watch something like this, and I wonder ….




You hear about either Americans, Russians, Israelis, Turks bombing Syria, along with various internal or external Muslim terrorists on murderous rampages, and you read about all the tens of thousands of deaths, and millions who are displaced and homeless …. and, if you’re like me, it occupies your mind for a few minutes before you … Continue reading “The Story Of One Tragedy In Syria”
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