The Torture – Alessandro Mannocchia

A common figure of speech goes: I feel like I’m living in a movie.

Yes. And this torture, this obligation to live in a false reality, is a form of cruelty represented and very well illustrated in a famous 1944 movie (Gaslight, by Georg Cukor [1]) in which the “Gaslighter”, the manipulator, makes you believe you perceive reality in a deformed and different way, contradicting the victim’s reaction and judgments. A movie where violence is enacted by inducing the victim (a young wife) to strongly doubt her judgments, so as to gradually lead her to believe that she does not have a reliable and objective idea of what surrounds her, and will gradually begin to believe that she is going crazy.

Here [Italy in Covidian days], we are unfortunately not in a movie and not even in 1944, rather we are in 1984 of Orwellian memory. We are facing the violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

A real torture

This is the biggest health-political scam of the century, a crime against humanity.

It is a scam that has been going on for a couple of years, a real torture that damages not only freedom, but also dignity, and undermines people’s psychological balance.

In fact, the right to freedom is denied as this narrative heavily conditions all daily choices and often provides for the coercion of the human person to perform certain actions or to assume not freely chosen attitudes.

See: Art 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) [2].

The health, political, economic, media and social scam actually denies the right to relational and social life, as the type of stress to which the human person is subjected strongly distrusts him in this direction and is aimed at obtaining his isolation.

Art 16, 20, 12 (Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

The pandemonium generated by this pandemic denies the right to health and social security: the stress that it continues to produce is a real “psychological” weapon, a weapon of mass destruction that deprives the human person, first of his mental health and then of the physical one; all this, in parallel with what is called “Gang Stalking” [3]. A very serious crime that is not currently contemplated in the Italian penal code. And the fact that this phenomenon does not have standardization and regulation makes anyone exposed to this risk: it is therefore also a social security problem.

Art 22, 28, 5. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

The violations of fundamental freedoms and constitutionally guaranteed rights, the harassment and coercion that people suffer, are all deliberately studied, planned and organized persecutory actions, perpetrated through a set of hostile acts, which are often not individually attributable as crimes or explicit violence but, on the whole, they are seriously damaging the mental and physical health of the victims.

The vexatious action is carried out through institutionalized terrorism: media, health and political and, last but not least, social, because through this obscuration and manipulation, a kind of collective hypnosis, we have reached self-control and control over others (collective psychosis) producing stress, a condition that, protracted over time, leads to maladjustment disorder (DDS), which can cause asociality, aggression, misanthropy, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and, in more serious cases, lead to suicide or homicide.

The vexatious action also induces the syndrome of post-traumatic stress disorder in its various forms, depressive and anxious (PTSD). The goals are the conditioning of individuals, their control, manipulation, and indoctrination, conformation, formatting and even lobotomization, I add.

In short, a “programming” that, if it does not eliminate you through the inoculation of harmful or lethal sera, gradually leads to psychic destruction by inducing paranoia (madness) and / or physical elimination through suicide.

This torture is in place for a banal dystopia: you obey it for it to end, but it is precisely because you obey that it will never end. The solution is no longer to resist, but to react.




[Translator’s note: This column takes inspiration from the situation in Italy but it now evident that this analysis is shared in all the Western world.]


Original column by Armando Manocchia:

Translation by Costantino Ceoldo

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