Have you ever watched the Netflix series „The Umbrella Academy”? No worries, who has watched then knows, and who has not we are not to summarise the story. This is not about it. What is important, however, that is like the Netflix, always the first in the front of progress, evolves on (trans)gender issue.
Let’s take one of the characters of this story about misbegotten super-heroes. In the first season Vanya is some typical introvert who is unaware of her (enormous) power, what makes her an example of a lack of self-awareness caused by imprinted complexes and domestic violence. In the second season, the developing to self-esteem and opening Vanya, ps. The White Violin turns out to be a lesbian. So far everything is going standard and downright boring, isn’t it? Well, not really. Because in the season 3 separated from her beloved Vanya, with no hesitation marches to the barber, orders a parted cut, begins to walk awkwardly and announces that she is… Viktor. And what, and that is it? And why am I taking your time with this silly film? Because art, especially bad one, is a mirror of an even worse reality. And the evolution of Vanya should be a memento for the lesbian and gay circles so beloved till now not only by the Netflix.
Especially since in this case it was reality that overtook the creation and what happened to Vanya, previously had been an experience of an actress who played this character. It was Ellen Page who at the age of 27 announced that she was a lesbian, and six years later discovered that she was … a man. What was solemnly congratulated by, among others Canada’s dictator, Justin Truedau. Yes, my dear. This is not a movie at all, it is happening right in front of our eyes.
Transgender instead of homosexuality
The heroine of the popular series no longer misses her girlfriend as a “normal” lesbian, absolutely not. She must turn out to be a TRANS MAN, till now not aware of that. And similar, gays are no longer gays by any means, but TRANS WOMEN, only displacing their true identity because of TERFism. The (homo)sexual revolution turns out to be a father to his children (yes, a revolution can now be a father, it’s not a mistake!) worse than the serial monster, Sir Reginald Hargreeves! I mean, the worst of the horrible.
For the sake of precision, let’s add, because some still cannot believe it, that transgender is not the same as transsexual. The latter is associated with the desire to change biological sex with surgical and pharmacological methods (what itself is already a multi-billion-dollar business in the West). Meanwhile, transgender, as the name suggests, refers to the category of cultural gender, and therefore boils down to the subjective self-determination of one’s own gender role, without any medical treatment and not necessarily forever, but in a manner which must not be questioned, what is secured by the anti-discrimination laws.
T+ total
Situation of the poor LGBs is not better even after their leading US and European organisations (including Lambda Legal, Gay and Lesbians Alliance Against Defamation and many others) have paid humble tributes to T +. Gender self-identification, on its way to monopoly, sweeps away all the hitherto milestones of progress, rights, privileges and positions of the existing sexual minorities. The very last line of defence are some feminists arguing that suffragettes have fought for equality and against discrimination not to give all these gains to the cross-dressers. Such superheroes face the courts in some States, Canada or the UK for insisting that only women menstruate. They are banned in the universities, de-platformed and removed from the public and pop-culture space, already filled with Vanyas / Viktors.
Equally hopeless is the resistance of these few lesbians who still insist not to sleep with guys just because they self-identify as “trans women-lesbians”. And for the clarification: yes, such a refusal is also a manifestation of TERFism, intolerance and fascism, and as such is subject to prosecution by progressive law, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. As today there are no more women, men, gays, lesbians, and heterosexuals, but all of them are just magnificent Transgenders! That is what the Anglo-Saxon West, our only Lord and Ruler…, our Lady and… Well, you know what I’m talking about. This is what our Trans-Masters want us to be.