The Ukrainian Minister’s Plea For Foreign Mercenaries Shows His Desperation – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

If Kiev was really so confident in its military capabilities, not only would it not be calling up reservists and militarizing civilians, but it wouldn’t be urgently requesting foreign mercenary assistance nor ridiculously comparing President Putin to Hitler. Its forces also wouldn’t deploy heavy weapons in residential areas in order to essentially exploit the civilians there as human shields for deterring kinetic responses to their attacks from the Russian Armed Forces.

Contrary to the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) information warfare narrative implying that the American-backed fascist puppet regime in Ukraine might end up winning its conflict with Russia, largely premised as that false perception is on the literally fake news connected to the Snake Island psy-op, the post-coup authorities in that country are becoming increasingly desperate as Russia’s special operation there continues to roll on. This is indisputably confirmed by its Foreign Minister’s plea for foreign mercenary support following President Zelensky’s announced formation of the so-called “International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine”.

The diplomatic official said that “Foreigners willing to defend Ukraine and world order as part of the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, I invite you to contact foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine in your respective countries. Together we defeated Hitler, and we will defeat Putin, too.” This panicked call for help comes after Ukraine already called up reservists aged 18-60, banned all men of that age range from leaving the country, handed out weapons to civilians, and even taught them how to make petrol bombs. Those desperate measures clearly weren’t enough to seriously inspire confidence in the country’s military capabilities among its top brass, ergo the urgent call for foreign mercenaries.

There’s another narrative contradiction in the Foreign Minister’s statement and that’s his comparison of the ongoing conflict to World War II. Up until this point, President Putin’s comparison of NATO’s planned surprise attack against Russia from Ukraine in the coming future to Hitler’s invasion of the USSR was widely mocked in the West, with most media personalities describing it as an “overreaction” or worse. Now, however, it’s officially the “politically correct” narrative to reverse the roles by grossly misportraying President Putin as Hitler and the Russian Federation as Nazi Germany. No one in the West will dare to dispute the Ukrainian Foreign Minister’s false depiction of them in such a way.

This observation also suggests just how desperate the US-backed fascist puppet regime in Kiev has become. If it was really so confident in its military capabilities, not only would it not be calling up reservists and militarizing civilians, but it wouldn’t be urgently requesting foreign mercenary assistance nor ridiculously comparing President Putin to Hitler. These developments also hint that President Putin’s appeal to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) early Thursday morning at the onset of his country’s special operation in that neighboring country might have convinced a sizeable number of them to surrender, which is why the Foreign Minister is so desperately trying to replenish his forces’ ranks in such a way.

Nor, for that matter, would Kiev’s forces deploy heavy weapons in residential areas in order to essentially exploit the civilians there as human shields for deterring kinetic responses to their attacks from the Russian Armed Forces (RAF). Anyone who objectively assesses this sequence of events will naturally conclude that the US-backed side is losing. Requesting urgent foreign mercenary assistance also implies that Kiev doesn’t fully trust those of its own who haven’t yet surrendered. They’d rather put their future in the hands of self-interested and financially driven foreigners than what they’ve hitherto presented as their own so-called “patriotic” people.

The takeaway is that everything must have suddenly become super desperate for Kiev that its President would announce the creation of a foreign mercenary legion and ask his Foreign Minister to publicly request anyone across the world who’s interested to join. What’s so troubling about this observation is that desperate people sometimes do desperate things, even more so if they’re ideological radicals like the US-backed fascist forces that are fighting against the RAF. One can only hope that they’re swiftly defeated before they cause any further harm to anyone else, including possibly their own citizens, whether through military unprofessionalism or perhaps even via a false flag attack to implicate Russia.

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

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