The US Cops Work For ZioCorp, Not For You – Richard Solomon

I laugh when during a citizen-police altercation, the citizen says, “You work for me. My taxes pay your salary.” Ha ha ha. By that logic, since your taxes help fund the MIC, you get a say in which country gets invaded, or doesn’t. Or politicians represent your interests because they draw their “official” salaries from the public till.

You may directly or indirectly fund cop salaries, but Wall Street cuts their checks and manages their pensions. The police work for ZioCorp—not you.

I’m not anti-police per se. Sometimes cops apprehend dangerous low-level (non-ruling class) criminals. In a tight situation, a cop could save your ass. However, that’s not their primary function.

Police help maintain order. In the US, “order” means remaining docile while ravenous oligarchs loot the system. As oligarchs grow richer the general public becomes poorer. Poverty breeds crime. A society ruled by criminals needs lots of cops.

The US military plays global cop for multinational corporations and international finance. As domestic police forces fall more in line with ZioCorp’s agenda, they increasingly resemble dystopian stormtroopers on patrol in Baghdad’s Green Zone.

The financial, psychological, and spiritual blowback of endless war brought home the war machine—a part of that being a militarized police force.

The police response to the 2012 “Occupy Wall Street” protests demonstrates law enforcement’s loyalty to ZioCorp. Wall Street’s egregious acts of fraud and theft initiated the 2008 economic crisis. Instead of prosecuting the bankers, politicians gave them a 29 trillion dollar bailout.* (*CNBC Money).

Protesters setting up camp in New York’s Zuccotti Park seems like a pretty mild response to one of the largest treasury thefts in history. Regardless, once Zionist oligarch mayor Michael Bloomberg gave the order to clear out the park, the cops came in like it was Yankee Stadium nightstick batting practice.

While Jan 6 was a Deep State operation, the lo-info suckers who were led into the Capitol Building were true believers. That they believed a silver-spoon reality TV star with a history of burning his investors would save them further proves that the US is the mecca of simulacra and simulation.

After Trump abandoned his fans, “law enforcement” hunted down the “trespassers” and turned them over to the “criminal justice system” for “processing.”

Police lap-dogging to power is universal. To enforce IMF neoliberal austerity policies, former Rothschild banker Emanuel Macron released his police hounds on Yellow Vest protesters. Scores were arrested. Many were killed or maimed. Some French cops picked up the habit of firing tear gas canisters into the faces of protesters at close range, resulting in permanent blindness.

As per Davos decree, Australian politicians imposed draconian covid lockdown rules. Antipodean police chased down and arrested people who walked maskless in parks, despite those individuals being nowhere near another person. In true state automaton fashion, Aussie cops dragged vax skeptics into covid concentration camps.

In Holland, police used their truncheons on Dutch farmers who protested the Gates-Monsanto (Bayer) agribusiness takeover.

Under orders from WEF “young global leader” alum Justin Trudeau, Canadian police beat up Trucker Convoy protesters and seized their vehicles.

When the globalists unleash the next false flag, the police will enforce whatever tyrannical dictates accompany it. A “new and improved” bioweapon release followed by compulsory mRNA jabs requires a “loyal” police force to kick in doors and drag refuseniks to mass vaccination centers.

If a Great Reset supply chain “glitch” empties supermarket shelves and people take to the streets—the cops will shoot to kill. I don’t take it personally. A cop who refused would lose his job. I’m not paying his bills. Finances aside, some police officers would relish getting the ultra-violence green light.

A big problem with American policing is that cops are “law enforcement officers” not “peace officers.” What’s the difference? A “law enforcement officer” enforces the “law,” no matter how unfair or ridiculous. Who makes the laws? The oligarchy.

A peace officer keeps the peace. His guide stone is the Constitution. Peace officers can’t exist in a totalitarian oligarchy.

While police sometimes arrest dangerous drivers, much effort goes into filling ticket quotas. Speed traps and busting people for minor infractions turned cops into revenue generators. Added interest and penalties drive poor people deeper into debt and lock them in the “criminal” justice system.

The collection of unpaid fines is a multi-billion dollar industry. Turning out debt slaves is inimical to a peaceful society.

The artificially inflated real estate market is a major component of the FIRE economy. Through rentier capitalism and government-subsidized parasitism, uber Zionists like the Silverstein and Kushner NYC real estate dynasties amass billions, while working-class people barely make rent for overpriced tiny boxes.

When renters fall behind on their payments, sheriffs enforce eviction orders. Big Real Estate’s “law enforcement” arm never questions why millions of BlackRock stolen properties remain intentionally vacant during a so-called homelessness crisis.

Scarcity capitalism is by design, and ZioCorp’s hall monitors keep the human soul thresher running.

Civil forfeiture laws allow cops to seize cash and property without trial or legal oversight. Any cash or property found on a citizen deemed “suspicious” can be seized by a cop. A citizen can spend tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees trying to recover their unconstitutionally confiscated assets.

As civil forfeiture provides a lucrative cash flow to corrupt police departments, much time and energy is devoted to stealing citizens’ property. High litigation costs and corrupt courts ensure that most of the stolen loot stays in police department coffers.

From my viewpoint, three big historical deterrents that prevented US cops from evolving into peace officers was the use of police for a) slave patrols and subsequent race control, b) plutocratic weapons against labor, and c) prohibition- particularly the drug kind.

When cannabis was illegal (it still is in some states), narcotics squads hunted down weed smokers and fed them into the prison industrial complex. Young people with promising futures received career-ruining criminal records, often with incarceration and brutal abuse from violent inmates.

When weed became profitable for Wall Street investors, the “law enforcement officer” who once busted pot users now protects corporate cannabis dispensaries. Like 1920s alcohol prohibition, the war on drugs corrupted cops and empowered organized crime. If you want to find the worst criminals in a police department, visit its narcotics division.

In 2017, two NYC undercover narcotics detectives pulled over an 18-year-old girl and found weed and a few pills on her. The “law enforcement officers” took her to their surveillance van and offered her a choice—get arrested or put out. Opting for the latter, the handcuffed girl was forced to play porn star for the debased cops’ double team sex fantasy. Fortunately, she had the wherewithal to collect samples of their DNA.

The narcs only received 5 years probation and got to keep their pensions. Peace officers would never tolerate such dishonor within their ranks. The matter would be handled in-house.

Prohibition fails because it goes after the symptom rather than the root cause. Krishnamurti said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Self-medicating in a sick society shouldn’t be a crime. Neither should altering your consciousness with a plant. Even if you support stiff drug penalties, the biggest drug dealer is the US government.

In the 1960s, the CIA’s Air America airlines flew in tons of heroin destined for inner-city drug dumps. Journalist Gary Webb exposed how the CIA created the 1980s crack epidemic to finance the illegal Reagan/Bush Central American wars. Webb committed suicide by shooting himself in the head—twice.

Before the Taliban cast out Big Satan, US soldiers protected Afghan poppy fields while Unocal Oil operative and puppet President Hamid Karzai’s brother ran Afghanistan’s biggest opium operation.

The great irony is that the US Anglo-Zionist Empire locks up the customers it helped create. America’s for-profit prison system holds the world’s largest inmate population. Law enforcement keeps the beast well-fed.

Drug prohibition zealots who call for capital punishment and long prison sentences never mention the “legal” Big Pharma mental meds (Prozac, etc.) that keep a huge chunk of the US population numbed out enough to stay on the neoliberal capitalist hamster wheel.

The best way to decrease drug abuse is to fix the social problems. The ruling class can’t do that as it requires ending kleptocracy. Is Wall Street going to share its profits with the rustbelt workers who lost their jobs due to outsourcing?

All the ruling class can do is hire more police and build more prisons—or flood flyover states with fentanyl and opioids to kill off the undesirables. The kleptocrats will probably opt for a combination of both.

Almost every society gets high. Cultures respond differently to the same drug. Some Native American tribes used peyote. Japanese white-collar workers get smashed on booze. Alcohol didn’t work well for the Native Americans. At this point, a nationwide peyote trip could be Japan’s last hope.

The ruling class determines whether a drug is good or bad, i.e. legal or illegal. Before the US war on drugs, pharmacies sold heroin and cocaine over the counter. Coca Cola used to contain cocaine. And yet America somehow functioned without a DEA.

I’m not advocating for the recreational use of hardcore synthesized drugs, but has criminalization and the trillions spent on drug enforcement improved society? It’s not the drugs—it’s the despair.

Police overreach extends into the sex lives of consenting adults. Driving sex workers underground exposes them to criminal exploitation and violence. Busting Johns can turn otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals.

Is sex more moral when a sugar daddy covers his sugar baby’s rent instead of issuing direct payment for services?

About the same time a caveman took the first psilocybin mushroom trip, a cavewoman exchanged her personal real estate for a cut of woolly mammoth prime rib. Like psychoactive substance use, ho’ing has existed since the beginning and will continue to the end. Or at least until a Star Trek Harry Mudd pimp comes out with a line of perfect replica female sex robots.

Most women turn to prostitution out of financial desperation. End scarcity capitalism and the majority of hookers would quit the business.

Society can never eliminate prostitution. A small percentage of women enjoy the fast money ho lifestyle—and there will always be men willing to subsidize it.

If cops want to go after prostitutes, start with the ones who work out of the Capitol Building. Washington DC political prostitution has caused far more harm than streetwalkers.

Unlike Herbert Hoover’s proposed “chicken in every pot,” I’m not advocating for a streetwalker on every corner. I think that sort of thing needs to be kept away from kids, “normal” women, and families.

From my viewpoint, the best solution is an adults-only red light district that houses hookers, strip clubs, outlaw bars, pornography, gambling joints, and other vice establishments,

Physics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. Within the yin-yang circle, vice energy can either have a small “red light district” compartment or a big “Wall Street commoditization” compartment.

Charles Bukowski said, “When you clean up the city you kill it.” Look what happened to New York after Times Square became Disneyfied. Let New York be New York and Mayberry be Mayberry.

Even if you remove Gypsy Rose Lee from the equation, human history would still be drenched in war and predation. People need a release valve.

Run the “puritan” program and you get a Saudi-like system that whips the poor slob who gets caught with a titty mag and a Budweiser while the royals fly in hookers, coke, and $500 bottles of Japanese whisky. It’s like those religious cults whose male members practice celibacy and sleep on concrete floors while the cult leader bangs the pretty female disciples on his Louis XIV bed.

Ruling class hypocrisy aside, run the “puritan” program too hard, and at some point you start burning witches.

Great Reset austerity requires drastic cuts to social benefits (including Medicare and Social Security). Poverty increases crime, which makes a frightened public clamor for more police and prisons. The oligarchy is happy to oblige.

Which of the criminal subsets does ZioCorp consider the most dangerous? Who is “public” enemy number one?

Are future domestic Gitmos and enhanced interrogation techniques for street criminals? What about the current 24/7 surveillance? Does ZioCorp want access to everyone’s financial records and a trackable digital currency so it can catch drug dealers? Do you want killer police robots patrolling your streets like those approved* by San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors? (*The board reversed its decision following the large public outcry.)

Most people prefer despotism over “Wild West” street crime. Yugoslavian dictator Josip Tito tolerated no backtalk. However, he provided guaranteed government jobs and pensions. Libyan strongman Momar Qadaffi offered subsidized food, fuel, housing, and free education.

Security for freedom. Quid pro quo.

The only things the US oligarchy has to exchange for your freedoms are lifetime supplies of booster shots and a free donut with each chip implant.

Give ZioCorp unlimited policing powers and like Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

What it comes down to is—are you more frightened of ZioCorp or the street criminal? If you answered ZioCorp and you can’t afford bodyguards—then you’re responsible for your own security.

If things get really bad, communities could form “neighborhood watch groups.” Just don’t call it a militia. Or you might get an early morning no-knock visit from the FBI’s SWAT team.

Besides a steady paycheck, what keeps police loyal to ZioCorp? Pensions. The combined worth of big city police pensions is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. How long before Wall Street raiders make a play for that PBA pot of gold?

Neoliberal capitalism eventually privatizes everything—schools, prisons, the military. The police will be the last socialist holdout, as the oligarchy needs them to maintain order. For those who didn’t know, public sector institutions like the fire department and police are socialist models. Or at least socialist dominant hybrids. Private sector ownership is capitalism.

When the oligarchy feels confident enough to turn public police departments over to private corporations, expect massive restructuring of benefits and pensions. When the old cops show up at city hall to protest the pension cuts, the privatized Black Water police force will send them back to their retirement communities on stretchers.

As America descends deeper into third-worldism, so will its police force. Many third-world cops subsidize their meager salaries by shaking down street vendors and prostitutes, along with issuing tickets that can be paid on the spot. The third-world policeman becomes “socially valuable” during food riots and government crackdowns. Do you think it will be different in the US?

The empire is collapsing. The bucking bronco of entropy wrests the reins from the firmest grip. The question is whether the serfs suffer an incremental “frog in the boiling pot” fate or experience the “big whoosh.”

In the “frog in the pot” scenario, ZioCorp needs the police to prevent heat-sensitive frogs from jumping out of the water. In a “whoosh” situation, cops would keep the dazed populace from going “torch and pitchfork” crazy.

Which is worse, “frog treatment” or “whoosh?” I don’t know. To quote pop music entertainer Nicki Minaj, “I’m on some dumb sh!t.”

The Radiohead song “Karma Police” says—“This is what you get. When you mess with us.” Those are the police that America needs to fear. Karma can be nastier than a drunk slag with a straight razor on Saturday night. No offense to drunk slags.

By Richard Solomon

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