The US Ministry Of Woke Propaganda Wants To Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees ZeroHedge News

The US Ministry Of Woke Propaganda Wants To Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

There’s a saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

But I think that there are people who learned from history and want to repeat it.

Don’t get me wrong. If you walked up and asked someone like the little short guy from Facebook who sat on some books at his congressional hearing so he could see over the table or that dude with the dirty looking beard from Twitter or all those so-called journalists frothing at the mouth on CNN whether they wanted to turn our nation into a carbon copy of Hitler’s Germany, they’d be positively aghast at the very notion.

Yet every day on social media, people like me try to share innocuous things, like an article about taco seasoning, I kid you not, and we’re told we aren’t following “community standards.”

For the record, I had waited 15 minutes between posting that article on my personal timeline and was then trying to share it on my frugal living Facebook page. If I’m in trouble for taco seasoning, it probably won’t be long until they kick me off entirely, so if you found this post on social media and want to make sure you see all of our articles, please go here and subscribe  – you’ll get a free, full-length copy of The Prepper’s Workbook when you do. You can also find me on GabMeWe, and Twitter (for the moment).

If you think this is only happening to conservatives, you’re wrong. I’m an anti-politician, anti-war, lower-case L libertarian who believes that gay married couples should be able protect their legally grown weed with guns.

The American Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

The concept that they and their platforms might be the modern version of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda has probably never even crossed their mind. In fact, these people think they’re actively fighting Nazis.

In this essay, I’m not even talking about the horrors of the Holocaust itself. I’m explaining about the very idea that media should all be government-mandated, dissent should be silenced, and those who have different opinions should be crushed was at the very heart of the Reich.

Censorship in WWII Germany was the key to controlling the populace and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels eagerly took control of the news, literature, filmmaking, theatre, music, and all forms of broadcasting in order to present the illusion of a united front that eagerly and vehemently supported Adolph Hitler and all the evils that occurred under his reign.

Does this sound familiar?

The current culture of outrage and cancellation is busily trying to shut down dissenting opinions. They’re picking through social media posts from a dozen years ago and “canceling” someone for a meme they posted or an offhand remark they made way back when. It’s obvious that the goal is to silence anyone who might have some small amount of influence over others in order to show the rest of the country, “Look, everyone agrees! We must be right because all the popular people say we are!”

It’s a worrisome fact that most of the people holding the microphones right now have the influence, power, and money to set the tone for our country. They have the platforms, the money, the power, and the ability to silence the rest of us peons who simply want to be left alone with our guns, our gardens, our favorite websites, and our own religious beliefs.

The fact that the United States is even considering a position called the “reality czar” should alert you to the fact that reality will not be judged by what’s happening – you know, actual reality – but by what this “czar” is told the people should believe to be the truth. And yes, there are people who really, truly believe there should be a reality czar like this yahoo at the New York Times.

Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a “reality czar.”

It sounds a little dystopian, I’ll grant. But let’s hear them out.

Right now, these experts said, the federal government’s response to disinformation and domestic extremism is haphazard and spread across multiple agencies, and there’s a lot of unnecessary overlap.

Renée DiResta, a disinformation researcher at Stanford’s Internet Observatory, gave the example of two seemingly unrelated problems: misinformation about Covid-19 and misinformation about election fraud. (source)

He even admits it “sounds a little dystopian.” You THINK? Perhaps that is because it is positively and unarguably dystopian. That might be why it sounds that way. And he’s not alone.

Another dude at Wired thinks we need a literal federal Ministry of Truth to monitor deepfakes and disinformation. (Much like the Patriot Act is not patriotic, I’m pretty sure we should not expect a Ministry of Truth to be truthful.)

So, what about a new federal agency? A central body tasked with combating disinformation, parsing fact from fiction and thereby ensuring Americans’ collective sanity when the flood of fakes truly arrives: a Bureau of Information, a Department of Facts, a Ministry of … Truth!

Full circle, and we’re back at dystopia. The idea might sound absurd, unimaginable even: Washington bureaucrats regulating reality itself, dictating to Americans what’s true and what isn’t.

Is it really so crazy? The EPA protects our environment, the FDA protects our bodies, the DHS protects our borders. In the era of indistinguishability, difficult choices will need to be made in order to protect our minds. When the fakes come for you and yours—when, for example, your adolescent child is deepfaked by an internet bully—you might want a Ministry of Truth that actually lives up to the name, that doesn’t falsify but certifies the truth, that assertively stamps its authority atop fake videos: “This content is not real.” American history includes no shortage of necessary (if at first uneasy) interventions, in which citizens trade some degree of individual autonomy for collective peace of mind: “FDA-approved” food and drugs; “MoT-approved” audio and video. (source)

All these people are admitting these ideas are dystopian but they’re absolutely and totally cool with that and they want you to be cool with it too. THEY LITERALLY WANT A F*CKING DYSTOPIA. 

A bunch of people think we need a “reality czar” in the United States of America.

Any person who suggests that shutting every opinion that is different from theirs is “disinformation and domestic extremism” is actually the person committing the act of domestic extremism. That’s because our founding document states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

A government-appointed reality czar would most certainly abridge the freedom of speech and the press and while it would not be a law passed by Congress, it would be an arm of the government, making such a position undeniably unconstitutional.

First of all, we aren’t a kingdom and we don’t need any czars. The term “czar” comes from Tsarist Russia (and here everyone said Trump was in bed with Russia. The irony pretty much writes itself.) A quick refresher on tsars:

Russia was ruled by Tsars who had ultimate authority on all matters of governance. The oppressive system left no room for change and brewed revolutionary ideas and aspirations…Tsars believed that they had a divine right to rule Russia, their position and power had been given to them by God. (source)

Let’s just get rid of that whole icky term, “czar,” shall we?

In fact, we already have a Ministry of Propaganda and they manipulated the election.

Many of our problems in the United States today stem from the mainstream media, which has been sh*t-disturbing and causing near-civil war for years now, and social media, which is manipulated to make us feel a certain way emotionally or to make us believe a certain way socially because “everyone else does.”

And that’s a lot more troubling than you might think. These manipulations can change something as massive as the presidential and congressional elections. There was, in fact, a joint effort to do just that and they aren’t even being coy about it.

Time magazine flat out admitted that the election was “swayed” by “steering media coverage” and “controlling the flow of information.”

And if you don’t like it? You’d better be quiet about it or you’ll get “canceled” too. Just look at what happened to Parler and what’s happening right now to Gab. Parler got kicked off their server and Gab has lost access to nearly every way they can take payments.

If you dissent, the Woke Folks will make an example of you. You lose your job. You lose your business. You get starved out. You get publicly humiliated. You get doxxed.

Now even the press is trying to silence the press.

Also, I have a news flash: “the press” is not just CNN and other left-leaning media outlets. Legally, “the press” is defined as follows:

All men have a right to print and publish whatever they may deem proper, unless by doing so they infringe the rights of another, as in the case of copyrights, (q.v.) when they may be enjoined. For any injury they may commit against
the public or individuals they may be punished, either by indictment, or by a civil action at the suit of the party
injured, when the injury has been committed against a private individual. Vide Const. of the U. S. Amend. art. 1, and Liberty of the Press. (source)

With the advent of the internet, “the press” became much, much bigger. Alternative news outlets are the press. Citizen journalists are the press. YouTubers, bloggers, and authors. We are all the press, every single one of us, and we are free human beings who have a constitutional right to dissent.

And it isn’t just the little people they want to silence. The Woke Folks want to “take down” Fox News. I’m not saying Fox is perfect – I rarely ever watch mainstream news – but they are the only mainstream holdout that isn’t far left and ready to cancel everybody.

Loads of pundits are unironically accusing Fox of doing precisely what they do – brainwashing the masses. It’s utter madness, even if they weren’t also sharing their own opinions like they are the Gospel, to believe that opinions should be punished, outlawed, and disappeared like a terrorist getting black-bagged to Guantanomo.

A guy at The Daily Beast is rubbing his hands together in glee at the very idea of people refusing to pay for Fox on basic cable, taking away a couple of bucks per person because he believes that a report from The Lancet about the spread of Covid “put the cherry on top of the “this was basically Trump’s fault” sundae.”

Some fellow on the Washington Post doesn’t think boycotting Fox’s advertisers is extreme enough. He isn’t happy about the financial impact of defamation suits. He’s bitterly disappointed that “cable giants like AT&T, Comcast and Charter Spectrum” have failed to removed Fox and Newsmax from the airways, stating sadly,  “But the cable systems have shown little willingness to police their offerings.” He fervently wishes Fox could be “impeached.”

And he’s not alone.

On the program “Morning Joe,” Anand Giridharadas of MSNBC questioned whether Fox News “is a thing that should exist in America.”

Nicholas Kristof from the Times wrote, “We must clear an ecosystem of mass delusion spread by Fox News and many Republicans” in a recent opinion piece.

And Oliver Darcy from CNN again pointed fingers at AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Charter, and Dish—which host channels like Fox News—and said, “it is time TV carriers face questions for lending their platforms  to dishonest companies that profit off of disinformation and conspiracy theories.” (source)

Journalists who should be the people fighting the hardest for a free press are going to the mat to shut down those who they believe are engaged in Wrongthink. It’s like we woke up and instead of 2021, we’ve been transported straight into Orwell’s version of 1984.

And here’s how a real Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment works.

Once the opposition has been crushed and silenced, all that will be left is state-run media.

Like the Xinhua News Agency in communist China, everything that is published will be government approved. Let’s take a look at that news agency (emphasis mine):

Xinhua News Agency or New China News Agency is the official state-run press agency of the People’s Republic of China. Xinhua is the biggest and most influential media organization in China, as well as the largest news agency in the world in terms of correspondents worldwide. Xinhua is a ministry-level institution subordinate to the State Council and is the highest ranking state media organ in the country alongside the People’s Daily. Its president is a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party…

…The news agency has faced criticism of spreading propaganda and criticising people or movements critical of the CCP.

Xinhua is a publisher as well as a news agency—it owns more than 20 newspapers and a dozen magazines and it publishes in several languages, besides Chinese, including English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese and Korean. Scholars have noted that Xinhua tailors its pro-CCP message to the nuances of each audience. (source)

The United States of America is behaving like Communist China and Americans are not just watching, they’re cheering it on. The major mainstream networks are all vying to don the cloak of being the state-approved media outlet and they’ll probably all get a kick at it to make us believe we have a choice about the “news” we consume.

Today it might be libertarians and conservatives in the domestic terrorist crosshairs. But I assure you, if these people have their way, the target will be ever-moving until nothing is left but a shell of our great country, picked clean by the elite who planned the ultimate coup.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 02/13/2021 – 20:30
The US Ministry Of Woke Propaganda Wants To Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

There’s a saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

But I think that there are people who learned from history and want to repeat it.

Don’t get me wrong. If you walked up and asked someone like the little short guy from Facebook who sat on some books at his congressional hearing so he could see over the table or that dude with the dirty looking beard from Twitter or all those so-called journalists frothing at the mouth on CNN whether they wanted to turn our nation into a carbon copy of Hitler’s Germany, they’d be positively aghast at the very notion.

Yet every day on social media, people like me try to share innocuous things, like an article about taco seasoning, I kid you not, and we’re told we aren’t following “community standards.”

For the record, I had waited 15 minutes between posting that article on my personal timeline and was then trying to share it on my frugal living Facebook page. If I’m in trouble for taco seasoning, it probably won’t be long until they kick me off entirely, so if you found this post on social media and want to make sure you see all of our articles, please go here and subscribe  – you’ll get a free, full-length copy of The Prepper’s Workbook when you do. You can also find me on Gab, MeWe, and Twitter (for the moment).

If you think this is only happening to conservatives, you’re wrong. I’m an anti-politician, anti-war, lower-case L libertarian who believes that gay married couples should be able protect their legally grown weed with guns.

The American Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

The concept that they and their platforms might be the modern version of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda has probably never even crossed their mind. In fact, these people think they’re actively fighting Nazis.

In this essay, I’m not even talking about the horrors of the Holocaust itself. I’m explaining about the very idea that media should all be government-mandated, dissent should be silenced, and those who have different opinions should be crushed was at the very heart of the Reich.

Censorship in WWII Germany was the key to controlling the populace and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels eagerly took control of the news, literature, filmmaking, theatre, music, and all forms of broadcasting in order to present the illusion of a united front that eagerly and vehemently supported Adolph Hitler and all the evils that occurred under his reign.

Does this sound familiar?

The current culture of outrage and cancellation is busily trying to shut down dissenting opinions. They’re picking through social media posts from a dozen years ago and “canceling” someone for a meme they posted or an offhand remark they made way back when. It’s obvious that the goal is to silence anyone who might have some small amount of influence over others in order to show the rest of the country, “Look, everyone agrees! We must be right because all the popular people say we are!”

It’s a worrisome fact that most of the people holding the microphones right now have the influence, power, and money to set the tone for our country. They have the platforms, the money, the power, and the ability to silence the rest of us peons who simply want to be left alone with our guns, our gardens, our favorite websites, and our own religious beliefs.

The fact that the United States is even considering a position called the “reality czar” should alert you to the fact that reality will not be judged by what’s happening – you know, actual reality – but by what this “czar” is told the people should believe to be the truth. And yes, there are people who really, truly believe there should be a reality czar like this yahoo at the New York Times.

Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a “reality czar.”

It sounds a little dystopian, I’ll grant. But let’s hear them out.

Right now, these experts said, the federal government’s response to disinformation and domestic extremism is haphazard and spread across multiple agencies, and there’s a lot of unnecessary overlap.

Renée DiResta, a disinformation researcher at Stanford’s Internet Observatory, gave the example of two seemingly unrelated problems: misinformation about Covid-19 and misinformation about election fraud. (source)

He even admits it “sounds a little dystopian.” You THINK? Perhaps that is because it is positively and unarguably dystopian. That might be why it sounds that way. And he’s not alone.

Another dude at Wired thinks we need a literal federal Ministry of Truth to monitor deepfakes and disinformation. (Much like the Patriot Act is not patriotic, I’m pretty sure we should not expect a Ministry of Truth to be truthful.)

So, what about a new federal agency? A central body tasked with combating disinformation, parsing fact from fiction and thereby ensuring Americans’ collective sanity when the flood of fakes truly arrives: a Bureau of Information, a Department of Facts, a Ministry of … Truth!

Full circle, and we’re back at dystopia. The idea might sound absurd, unimaginable even: Washington bureaucrats regulating reality itself, dictating to Americans what’s true and what isn’t.

Is it really so crazy? The EPA protects our environment, the FDA protects our bodies, the DHS protects our borders. In the era of indistinguishability, difficult choices will need to be made in order to protect our minds. When the fakes come for you and yours—when, for example, your adolescent child is deepfaked by an internet bully—you might want a Ministry of Truth that actually lives up to the name, that doesn’t falsify but certifies the truth, that assertively stamps its authority atop fake videos: “This content is not real.” American history includes no shortage of necessary (if at first uneasy) interventions, in which citizens trade some degree of individual autonomy for collective peace of mind: “FDA-approved” food and drugs; “MoT-approved” audio and video. (source)

All these people are admitting these ideas are dystopian but they’re absolutely and totally cool with that and they want you to be cool with it too. THEY LITERALLY WANT A F*CKING DYSTOPIA. 

A bunch of people think we need a “reality czar” in the United States of America.

Any person who suggests that shutting every opinion that is different from theirs is “disinformation and domestic extremism” is actually the person committing the act of domestic extremism. That’s because our founding document states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

A government-appointed reality czar would most certainly abridge the freedom of speech and the press and while it would not be a law passed by Congress, it would be an arm of the government, making such a position undeniably unconstitutional.

First of all, we aren’t a kingdom and we don’t need any czars. The term “czar” comes from Tsarist Russia (and here everyone said Trump was in bed with Russia. The irony pretty much writes itself.) A quick refresher on tsars:

Russia was ruled by Tsars who had ultimate authority on all matters of governance. The oppressive system left no room for change and brewed revolutionary ideas and aspirations…Tsars believed that they had a divine right to rule Russia, their position and power had been given to them by God. (source)

Let’s just get rid of that whole icky term, “czar,” shall we?

In fact, we already have a Ministry of Propaganda and they manipulated the election.

Many of our problems in the United States today stem from the mainstream media, which has been sh*t-disturbing and causing near-civil war for years now, and social media, which is manipulated to make us feel a certain way emotionally or to make us believe a certain way socially because “everyone else does.”

And that’s a lot more troubling than you might think. These manipulations can change something as massive as the presidential and congressional elections. There was, in fact, a joint effort to do just that and they aren’t even being coy about it.

Time magazine flat out admitted that the election was “swayed” by “steering media coverage” and “controlling the flow of information.”

And if you don’t like it? You’d better be quiet about it or you’ll get “canceled” too. Just look at what happened to Parler and what’s happening right now to Gab. Parler got kicked off their server and Gab has lost access to nearly every way they can take payments.

If you dissent, the Woke Folks will make an example of you. You lose your job. You lose your business. You get starved out. You get publicly humiliated. You get doxxed.

Now even the press is trying to silence the press.

Also, I have a news flash: “the press” is not just CNN and other left-leaning media outlets. Legally, “the press” is defined as follows:

All men have a right to print and publish whatever they may deem proper, unless by doing so they infringe the rights of another, as in the case of copyrights, (q.v.) when they may be enjoined. For any injury they may commit against
the public or individuals they may be punished, either by indictment, or by a civil action at the suit of the party
injured, when the injury has been committed against a private individual. Vide Const. of the U. S. Amend. art. 1, and Liberty of the Press. (source)

With the advent of the internet, “the press” became much, much bigger. Alternative news outlets are the press. Citizen journalists are the press. YouTubers, bloggers, and authors. We are all the press, every single one of us, and we are free human beings who have a constitutional right to dissent.

And it isn’t just the little people they want to silence. The Woke Folks want to “take down” Fox News. I’m not saying Fox is perfect – I rarely ever watch mainstream news – but they are the only mainstream holdout that isn’t far left and ready to cancel everybody.

Loads of pundits are unironically accusing Fox of doing precisely what they do – brainwashing the masses. It’s utter madness, even if they weren’t also sharing their own opinions like they are the Gospel, to believe that opinions should be punished, outlawed, and disappeared like a terrorist getting black-bagged to Guantanomo.

A guy at The Daily Beast is rubbing his hands together in glee at the very idea of people refusing to pay for Fox on basic cable, taking away a couple of bucks per person because he believes that a report from The Lancet about the spread of Covid “put the cherry on top of the “this was basically Trump’s fault” sundae.”

Some fellow on the Washington Post doesn’t think boycotting Fox’s advertisers is extreme enough. He isn’t happy about the financial impact of defamation suits. He’s bitterly disappointed that “cable giants like AT&T, Comcast and Charter Spectrum” have failed to removed Fox and Newsmax from the airways, stating sadly,  “But the cable systems have shown little willingness to police their offerings.” He fervently wishes Fox could be “impeached.”

And he’s not alone.

On the program “Morning Joe,” Anand Giridharadas of MSNBC questioned whether Fox News “is a thing that should exist in America.”

Nicholas Kristof from the Times wrote, “We must clear an ecosystem of mass delusion spread by Fox News and many Republicans” in a recent opinion piece.

And Oliver Darcy from CNN again pointed fingers at AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Charter, and Dish—which host channels like Fox News—and said, “it is time TV carriers face questions for lending their platforms  to dishonest companies that profit off of disinformation and conspiracy theories.” (source)

Journalists who should be the people fighting the hardest for a free press are going to the mat to shut down those who they believe are engaged in Wrongthink. It’s like we woke up and instead of 2021, we’ve been transported straight into Orwell’s version of 1984.

And here’s how a real Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment works.

Once the opposition has been crushed and silenced, all that will be left is state-run media.

Like the Xinhua News Agency in communist China, everything that is published will be government approved. Let’s take a look at that news agency (emphasis mine):

Xinhua News Agency or New China News Agency is the official state-run press agency of the People’s Republic of China. Xinhua is the biggest and most influential media organization in China, as well as the largest news agency in the world in terms of correspondents worldwide. Xinhua is a ministry-level institution subordinate to the State Council and is the highest ranking state media organ in the country alongside the People’s Daily. Its president is a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party…

…The news agency has faced criticism of spreading propaganda and criticising people or movements critical of the CCP.

Xinhua is a publisher as well as a news agency—it owns more than 20 newspapers and a dozen magazines and it publishes in several languages, besides Chinese, including English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese and Korean. Scholars have noted that Xinhua tailors its pro-CCP message to the nuances of each audience. (source)

The United States of America is behaving like Communist China and Americans are not just watching, they’re cheering it on. The major mainstream networks are all vying to don the cloak of being the state-approved media outlet and they’ll probably all get a kick at it to make us believe we have a choice about the “news” we consume.

Today it might be libertarians and conservatives in the domestic terrorist crosshairs. But I assure you, if these people have their way, the target will be ever-moving until nothing is left but a shell of our great country, picked clean by the elite who planned the ultimate coup.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 02/13/2021 – 20:30
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