The Vampire Ball Is Ending – Perrin Lovett

Some years ago, a young adult me was in an elevator in a US State capitol. I found myself in the company of a giant rodent wearing a suit. I’m not sure if it was a Republican or a Democrat, or if there’s a difference, but it was middle-aged, greasy, smarmy, and malodorous. In an instant and for no discernable reason, the creature gave poor advice unasked for. I suppose that’s one of the things greasy, talking political rodents do in elevators. It said, “Make your money first. Then have children.” As it spoke, its small, beady eyes furtively scanned this way and that. It wrinkled its snout and snorted. Mercifully, the doors then opened and the oily beast scurried away, likely in pursuit of other people’s money or children. Or maybe just cheese. 

I did not want the creature’s advice, though, at the time, I was already kind of following it. Americans made many terrible mistakes and I was no exception. Sometime through the following decades, I happily forgot that sad episode, only recalling it last week when I heard good, and thus, opposite advice discussed between two good men. On or about March 13, 2024, President Vladimir Putin sat down for an extended interview with Dmitry Kiselev. It was a real meeting between a real leader and a real journalist, something practically unknown in the West.

Please watch the discussion or read the transcript in Russian. Or read the transcript in English. Or listen to an English-subtitled translation

Mr. Kiselev coaxed an interesting story out of Russia’s humble and rather soft-spoken leader. When Putin’s children were little, there was a house fire. Putin braved the flames to rescue his babies. Only once they were all safe outside, did he remember his cash money was burning inside. The men agreed this illustrated the point that the correct order is children first, and money second. 

Unlike Putin’s earlier interview with Tucker Carlson, this one largely dealt with Russian domestic policy and governance issues. Families with children was a theme Putin raised over and over. In Russia, as in all nations that want to survive, great societal concentration is placed on facilitating, easing, and maximizing the lives of families with children. In degenerate places like the fallen US, great emphasis is placed on maximizing profit for usurers. That was the problem I addressed in last week’s column

Again, usury is the fuel and substance of globalism and financial capitalism. It is a slow, torturous form of premeditated murder, and it may be thought of as the hallmark or standard of malicious, neocolonial Werewestern evil. Real Westerners cannot say they weren’t warned: “The stranger that liveth with thee in the land, shall rise up over thee, and shall be higher: and thou shalt go down, and be lower. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him. He shall be as the head, and thou shalt be the tail.” Deuteronomy 28:43-44. In his Inferno, the Divine Comedy, Dante placed usurers in the third ring of the seventh level of hell. They are below and worse than violent murderers, and reside permanently with blasphemers and sodomites on a sandy plain ever pelted by a rain of hellfire. Usury, Dante and Virgil observe, offends both God’s divine goodness and the following art of God’s nature. See Canto XI (for those like me, unskilled in Italian, I recommend Jean and the late Robert Hollander’s exemplary English translations of the Comedy, 2000-2007). 

Usury may also be thought of as a form of vampirism. While Dracula was primarily concerned with controlling, corrupting, and destroying society, he did so from a position of relative material wealth. Even his nobler and immensely more likable literary predecessor, Varney, was driven in no small way by his desire to reclaim certain monies and retain the higher material lifestyle money affords. This comparison leads me back to something President Putin said, a now-famous comment of simply nuclear rhetoric.

Not quite an hour and a half into the conversation, when asked by Kiselev about his role in championing the hopes and aspirations of billions of decent souls around the planet against the wicked depravity of the Western elites, Putin said:

“Нашу борьбу за свою независимость и истинный суверенитет они связывают со своими чаяниями на свой собственный суверенитет и независимое развитие. Но это усугубляется тем, что в западных элитах очень сильно желание заморозить существующее несправедливое положение вещей в международных делах. Они привыкли столетиями набивать брюхо человеческой плотью, а карманы деньгами. Но они должны понять, что бал вампиров заканчивается.”

That is, in English:

“They associate our struggle for our independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. But this is aggravated by the fact that there is a very strong desire in Western elites to freeze the current unjust state of affairs in international affairs. They’ve spent centuries filling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realise that the vampire ball is ending.”

They then briefly discussed ordinary people sensing the truth above and through the never-ending lies of the elites:

“Dmitry Kiselev: But now you have painted a perfectly fair picture of people seeing some hope in Russia. How is it that Western propaganda, with all its power, its colossal resources and tools, has failed to banish Russia, isolate it and create a false image of it, although it strived to do so in the heads of billions of people? How did that happen?

Vladimir Putin: Because what I just said is more important to people. People all over the world feel it in their hearts. They don’t even need any pragmatic explanations for what is happening.”

The good and wise people in Russia know who they are, what they have, and the stakes involved in keeping it; hence, they just reelected Putin by 87% of the popular vote. Putin knows the vampires have been practicing their dark arts worldwide, leeching off of every nation they can corner. From South Carolina to Greece to Niger to Sri Lanka, people live under different perceptions of a reality very different from that of today’s Russia. Some are waking up faster than others. There is ample pragmatic evidence, enough to count as hard proof, of the assorted evils of the Western elites and their system of usury, sodomy, and vicious blasphemies. Many or most victims of these crimes do not necessarily see or understand the full picture because they are too deeply embedded in it. Nonetheless, being mostly good people not totally devoid of intelligence, they do at least feel the oppression. And nothing can prevent the truth of even the suggestion of righteous resistance against that oppression from entering into their hearts or subconscious thoughts. 

Once more, literature offers a glimpse of reality and perhaps commentary thereon, the Divine Comedy being an archetypal example. Paradiso affords an estimation of the eternal and Heavenly Glory. Purgatorio is a display of Christian life, constant attempts to do right in the face of original sin. Inferno is, of course, a warning against sin. Within Inferno, it could be that Dante was giving his readers a cautious preview of some of the traps, fallacies, and inversions that later accompanied the Enlightenment. While that great subversive movement synthesized all manner of sin into one civilization-destroying scheme, all of the individual sins and maladies were long since known to virtually all men. That is why the characters Dante and Virgil encounter in hell come from many varied times and cultures, both real and mythical. 

As in Dante’s century, in ours, we are confronted with the age-old problems. The ruling elites of the West still pretend they are benefits. Many are aware of the dangers and oppression but do not know exactly how to break free. Thus, if only through their hearts, they look to better examples. At the same time Putin’s Russia is economically and militarily smashing the vampires’ reign to pieces, it is also reordering all of Russian society to foster better conditions for families and children, for the growth and enjoyment of the coming generations that will see the continuing existence of Russian culture. In Russia, families with children receive tax breaks, mortgage structure relaxations, financial subsidies, generous healthcare, education, and other benefits. The US does the same thing, except that it spends far more and the majority of benefits, privileges, and perk payments go to the vampires via their corporations, especially their banks. While it was popular, the fake hick Lunsford’s song lyrics were intentionally diversionary. Short, obese people eating Fudge Rounds constitute a minuscule portion of US “welfare” spending; there’s nothing more obese than a vampire. 

Some of our enemies literally consume human blood as part of their satanic rituals, particularly the blood of children. However, for the most part, they feed on the life energy, spirit, and productivity of their victims—whole process vampirism. There was a distinct reason Putin chose the words he used to describe them. As if with Holy Water and Crucifixes, it is imperative to fight these monsters, to wage war against them. To bring their hellish ball to an end. This is our battle in the eternal war between God Above and the devil below. We are reminded: “Uninterrupted war with sin goes to the heart of man. The worst outcome here would be pacifism, the reconciliation of grace and sin. This would be neither a reconciliation nor a compromise, but the victory of sin.” See Dugin, Alexander, The Rise Of The Fourth Political Theory, London: Arktos, 2017, p. 14.

The victory will be ours. Know that and feel it in the heart.

By Perrin Lovett

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