The War Of continental Liberation Or The Liberation Of Captive Nations – Iurie Rosca
The tactics of suppressing dissidents as a necessity of total control over the vassalized countries

We are captive nations of the globalist plutocracy, which has devastated us economically and morally, has vassalized us politically and is using us blindly against its strategic enemy – Russia.  The entire history of the last three decades andsomething is but a continuous march of the collective West on the ex-communist area in order to colonize and exploit it.  Within the framework of applying this strategy, it does not matter to westerners what political regime is in Russia, nor what exactly is its leader, Tsar Nicholas II, Stalin or Putin. Geopolitical expectations remain unshakable: Russia must be destroyed.  And only after the final destruction of Russia does it become possible to exercise an absolute domination over the entire Eurasian continent.

Yesterday, March 10th, the puppet regime in Chisinau, controlled by the command centers in the West, pounced on Iurie Rosca to suppress the voice that radically differs from the cacophonic chorus of the political-media and associative network that feeds its accounts and propagandistic zeal from the generous funds of the global plutocracy.

Your humble servant, the journalist Iurie Rosca, received three strikes at once: from the Prosecutor’s Office, of the Intelligence and Security Service and of the social network Facebook.  And all this would have gone unnoticed, if the power had not had as a reliable ally the dominated press, which unleashed a new wave of harassment of the undersigned. The individual who gave this directive to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Secret Service is a certain Iulian Groza. But let’s take them one by one.

The prosecutor’s office says it was notified of itself

The Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had complied with Groza’s political order and that it was examining the story during a criminal trial. That gentleman summons the Prosecutor’s Office by the following text:

“I was trying again! Public complaint: The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova and the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova. I ask that the procedural measures be taken as a result of the verification and investigation of the deeds of the citizen Iurie Rosca in the light of the signs of offenses provided by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, including those provided by art. 140 of the Criminal Code” (source:

A few things emerge from the above message. First. It results that this person has tried some times before to use repressive apparatus of the state against myself, but without success. Second.  Both the Prosecutor’s Office and the SIS had an instantaneous reaction to the execution of that order, catching on the fly a message placed by this terrible guardian of ideological purity. The current regime in Chisinau, consisting of a cohort of consumers of foreign grants such as those offered by Soros, has long sought to send me to prison.

Iulian Groza refers to article 140 of the Criminal Code of Moldova, suggesting to the subordinates from the Prosecutor’s Office and the SIS how exactly to achieve the suppression of the journalist Iurie Rosca. I am quoting below the full article in question:

” Article 140. War Propaganda

(1) War propaganda, spreading of pretentious or invented information inciting to war, or any other actions aimed at unleashing war committed verbally; in writing; on radio, television, cinema; or by any other means shall be punished by a fine of up to 500 conventional units or by imprisonment for up to 6 years, in both cases with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to practice certain activities for up to 5 years.

(2) Commission of the acts set forth in par. (1) by a high-ranking official shall be punished by a fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 conventional units or by imprisonment for 3 to 7 years, in both cases with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to practice certain activities for up to 5 years.”

As a pretext, circulated on all TV stations and other offices of the pressetitutes of the globalist plutocracy, it would have served a sentence torn from the context, more precisely, from a video of 39 minutes and 3 seconds, which sounded like this

As a pretext for the above accusation was used a phrase cut out of context, which was circulated on all TV stations and other offices of the presstitutes of the globalist plutocracy, more precisely, from my video conference made several days ago and entitled  ”War as a necessity and as a chance for the survival of the world” ( duration 39 minutes). Here is this phrase:

“Keep in mind! Pray not for the end of the war, but for the continuation of this war and for the victory of Putin’s Russia over satanist globalism.”

Obviously, this is a perverse attempt to manipulate public opinion by truncating and distorting my message. I also recall here that since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and the 11th of March I have made 11 videos with vast comments on the premises, the stakes and the possible consequences of this war. I take full responsibility for these public interventions. And who has a minimum of discernment, an elementary capacity of analysis and at least a touch of common sense, cannot fail to find that in my extensive comments there was no trace of “war propaganda”, as claimed by the one who denounced me at the Secret Service and the Prosecutor’s Office.

And if serious use is to be made of art. 140 of the CP “war propaganda”, then under its incisor falls the entire network of the dominant press, which from the first second of the triggering of these military hostilities was registered with weapons and luggage in the aggressive camp of the West, practicing without stopping a debauched propaganda of war. Did any individual in the NGO network, such as Mr. Groza, react to this endless propaganda machine gun in the most violent terms of the mainstream media, which is controlled in the West and aggressively supports the Kyiv regime? What about those state institutions? Why is it? I’ll tell you a little bit downhill.

The head of the Security Service shows his servility in front of a mercenary

We reproduce below the text of the press release of the Secret Service:

“Update: By order of the Sis Director no. 20 of March 10, the list of sources with online content that promotes information that incites to hatred and war, under the conditions of the state of emergency, approved by the Parliament’s decision No. 41/2022 was completed with the portals:;;

The Information and Security Service reiterates the public appeal to the media sources in order to prevent the immediate dissemination and elimination of false articles/information and those containing hate speech and/or violence”.

The source also provides the link with the scanned Order, signed by the director of the SIS Alexandr Esaulenco. So, the three modest alternative media resources we had were blocked.

In these conditions, is there any point in talking about the violation of freedom of expression, the right to opinion and democratic values? Come on. The game is over. Since Covid-19 plandemic scam the suppression of all democratic freedoms and the dictatorial exercise of state power has become the norm everywhere. And the exceptions only confirm the rule.

Needless to express my regret that at the head of our security service is a totally unprofessional, incompetent person who has not any patriotic spirit. Otherwise, he would not have such obedient reaction to a request that comes from a potentialforeign agent of influence, which the service in question would have, on the contrary, to watch them closely and combat. But just as Esaulenco understands that the country is under the control of the Americans and their European jacks, he also does what he is ordered to maintain his position as a big boss.

Portrait of an impostor sold to the globalist plutocracy

Let’s see, however, what the person was carrying that pounced on my humble person with such fury. On a cursory Internet browsing we find without surprise Iulian Groza is a typical grant eater form NGO network who is placed in various state functions by the international financial mafia.  This guy raised, trained and funded by the centers of influence in the West, sufficiently infected by the plague of the blind worship of the West to serve as a pawn of foreign interests.  He used to work for several years at the Foreign Office, also catching a post of deputy minister. And at the moment he appears as the executive director – attention! – of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, a NGO that is part of the vast army of this network. To be sure that this person is a mercenary, a docile tool of the international banksters it is enough to go to the website of this so-called institute and see who finances it. Of course, on the first place invariably we find the Open Society of the international financial gangster George Soros, followed by other centers of financing the subversive activities of legislative, institutional, economic and psychological colonization of the states of the world.

Let’s try to sketch a group portrait of this vast network of mercenaries that constitutes a real army of non-military occupation, whose exponent is Iulian Groza. This slew of brainwashed cosmopolites, fanatical in the spirit of the dominant ideology until the annihilation of any reflex of autonomous thought, exercises a key role in the domination strategy of the Antlantist corporatocracy. Their task is to shape the collective mentality, but also to tailor the state’s policies in all areas of activity – from foreign policy and fighting corruption to health and education – after the path imposed on the countries situated in position of vassals of the American planetary empire.

In order to succeed in distorting the masses’ perception of reality, Western strategists first needed the formation of an army of soldiers of the country’s colonization front. And after 30 years of selection, schooling and organization in a spider web that covers the whole of society, Western command centers manage extremely easily to generate docile parties and governments like today’s Moldovan puppets.

So, in the person of this impostor we are dealing with an ordinary guy who provides services to those who pay for it.  Nothing personal, just business. Money doesn’t smell. Therefore, this aggressive and self-sufficient individual manages to perform wonderfully the task of agent of foreign influence on the decision-making process in our country.

A potential spy in the supreme body of national defense and security

Let’s go back to Iulian Groza, who caused the whole scandal. This consumer of foreign grants and therefore a servant of foreign interests, who displays so much arrogance and self-confidence, also holds a very important position. It is this function that makes the Prosecutor’s Office and the Security Service so docile. He represents the political power, the government, the regime in Chisinau in all its abomination as a bunch of impostors fished from the Soros network, fromthe embarrassing ghost who was parachuted into the office of head of state to the ridiculous parvenu in the leadership of the Parliament and the Government.

So, we find out that this grotesque character is a member of the Supreme Security Council.  Our snob in the gallery of the puppet theater is listed last on the list of this extremely important state body for national security.

And why would we be surprised that the slits in question are placed at the bottom of this list as an exponent of the “civil society”, if at the very top of the list we have “Maia Sandu – President of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces”?  With such a commander-in-chief why wouldn’t we yet have another “watchful eye” of Soros devil fish?  That’s why I said that the current government is nothing but the Soros government.  Nothing more dangerous and disgusting could be.

It is precisely the reason for so sudden promptness with which reacted Prosecution office and the Secret service to the demarche of this servant of the western patrons.

The geopolitical rupture in Ukraine as a re-establishment of the world

The war in Ukraine was inevitable. The West’s offensive in the ex-communist area, successfully carried out for over three decades and resulting in the economic devastation and political vassalization, got bogged down. Russia has decided to retaliate against the aggression of the West, which uses Ukraine as an war machine against Russian. One of the basic goals of creating an anti-Russian Ukraine lies in the American strategy of non-admission of Eurasian continental unity. Or, in other words, Ukraine is reserved the function of dynamiting the corridors of energy and commercial cooperation between Russia and Europe in the interest of the US and, at the same time, at the expense of both the Russians and the Europeans.

I would like to mention here two books signed by French authors, which we translated and published at the People’s University, which are extremely useful for understanding the essence of today’s military conflict.  Herve Juvin, “The Western Wall did not fall”, and Ivan Blot, “Colonization of Europe”. They describe in great detail the military, economic and cultural domination of the American Empire over Western Europe, which persists devastatingly since the post-war period, the same model of domination and control extending, after the fall of communism over the countries in our area.

A historical iron law: any peace is a provisional one, being the result of a war

I’ve said it before and I repeat it. The unipolar world has failed. And a geopolitical re-establishment of international relations is impossible without a war. This is precisely how it has been throughout the entire history of mankind. What else did the “Pax Romana” means than Rome’s domination over peoples conquered by force of arms.  And it was so until and also after The Roman Empire. But did the Peace of Westphalia mean something else? Let’s remember. The Peace of Westphalia is a peace treaty concluded in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years’ War. And the Peace of Paris? Remember again. The Paris Peace Conference began on January 18, 1919, with the objective of debating the new political-territorial configuration and solving the complicated economic and financial problems resulting from the First World War. What about the Peace of Yalta?  The Yalta Conference of 1945 was also the consequence of another world war.  The victors met to establish the post-war order and balance of forces between the allied powers in the war.

With the collapse of the USSR, the world entered the zone of endless geopolitical turmoil, produced specifically by this imbalance aroused by the implosion suffered by one of the two poles that ensured the strategic balance on a planetary scale.

The “unipolar moment” followed, when the American Empire insisted on establishing its domination over the entire world. The weaker countries were forced to succumb to the pressures of the hegemon. But Russia and China, having recovered and accumulated enough economic and military potential, are no longer willing to tolerate the role of vassal assigned by the Americans, claiming their right to remain independent subjects of international politics. Hence all the frictions between these superpowers, which resulted in the war in Ukraine.  In other words, the declining empire, the US, can no longer maintain its world domination, because several states became capable of challenging its supremacy.

Nature abhors vacuum. The same principle is true in geopolitics.  Therefore, the war was an inevitable one.  And the catastrophic defeat of the US and its satellites is an imminent one. That is precisely why the Altaicists are now struggling to make Ukraine a new Afghanistan, to produce the Yugoslavization of Ukraine by stirring up, financing and arming it against Russia, as well as by sending mercenaries from all over the world, by releasing criminals from prisons and by distributing weapons to civil population without any control.

So, Pax Americana is on the verge of collapse. And with the dissolution of the American colossus, the entire post-war geopolitical architecture imposed by this one will also dissipate. That is, the decomposition of NATO will happen just as suddenly as the breakup of the Warsaw Pact.  And the EU as a superstructure of American domination over Europe will emerge as quickly and spectacularly as the USSR three decades ago.

The historical parallel is downright striking.  Today’s USA faithfully reproduces the USSR from the period of the end of the communist empire.  The same gerontocracy usurped power in the state, the same ankylosis in adapting to new international realities, the same ideological dogmatism (Marxism vs. Liberalism), the same exhaustion of the economic model, the same disappointment and disenchantment of the world towards the “American miracle”.

The parallel between the fate of the Soviet and American empires reminded me of the book of academician Hélène Carrère d’Encausse from France, which bears the title “The Shattered Empire: The Revolt of Nations in the USSR”.  It is precisely the revolt of the captive nations of the American hegemon that will shatter this colossus with wooden legs.

We have no choice. The collapse of the American colossus is a painful and bloody one. The torments of the birth of a new world require major sacrifices. But otherwise, it just can’t be. That is the very logic of the entire history of mankind. Hence my thesis “War as a necessity or the chance of the survival of the world”. The rest is televised propaganda and a naïve reaction of a weeping old woman. Peace is but an interlude between the infinite string of wars that will accompany human history until the end of the world.

What will follow after the Americans withdraw from Ukraine, just as they withdrew from Afghanistan? And after the victors sit down at the negotiating table to establish a new world order, which will be a radically different one than the one that the globalist elites covet.  Here’s a very likely scenario, which I totally agree with.

What will the post-war look like after the defeat of the Americans

The scenario below can only be overturned by an eventual, but still unlikely, expansion of the war and its entry into the terminal phase of the nuclear holocaust.  For the rest, its probability is a maximum.

The American withdrawal from the European continent, accompanied by the dissolution of the two complementary domination structures – NATO and the EU – will determine the reunification of the Eurasian continent. This vision was prophesied by Carl Schmitt in his theory of ”big spaces”, coveted to achieve General Charles de Gaulle,  predicted by the great French geopolitician and philosopher of Romanian origin Jean Parvulesco, and theorized  by the  Russian Orthodox thinker Aleksandr Dugin in the Theory of the Multipolar World.  We called this post-American worldview Eurasian destiny.

The Bretton Woods system, which ensured American supremacy from 1944 until now, is disappearing with cosmic speed. The dollar printing press no longer has any value. The war in Ukraine blew it up. Sanctions against Russia have the boomerang effect.  The U.S. debt to the globalist plutocracy exceeds 20 trillion. America’s financial bankruptcy will be a quick, total and irretrievable one.

The economic and financial collapse of the US could cause the territorial breakup of this federation and the emergence of a series of independent states such as Texas, Arizona, the entire South with a strong Hispanic presence could detach from the federation.

The collapse of the US will entail the rapid withdrawal of all U.S. military bases in Europe and, very likely, in the world. For at least two reasons. The financial inability to support them and the revolt of the European nations against the American military occupation. The military withdrawal from the continent will proceed simultaneously with the withdrawal of American transnational corporations. They will go bankrupt in series as a result of the collapse of the center and the economic system based on the domination of the dollar in international trade.

Therefore, the military decolonization and economic decolonization of Europe will entail political decolonization. Sovereigntist political forces will become dominant in all European countries.

The slogan of the historical period announcing itself with implacable force will be “Yankee, go home! “.  The peoples of Europe will drive Americans out to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  And they will never again tolerate their brutal interference in the affairs of our continent.

And as geography makes history, Europe will reach a strategic partnership with Russia and China.  Grasping the bitter historical lesson of the perfidious imperialist policy of the Anglo-Saxons, who dominated the world first through the British Empire, then through the American Empire, Europeans, Russians and Chinese will take care to keep away the tentacles of this two-headed monster.

I come back once again to what was said above. The plucking from the deadly iron hug of the US can only occur in the context of major geopolitical ruptures such as Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

Viewed from a correct historical and geopolitical perspective, Russia’s actions turn out to be merely a reaction to the continuing offensive of the collective West. For Russia, Ukraine is the last defense redoubt. In the face of this aggression, materialized also by the killing of about 14 000 civilians in 8 years in the Donbas and Luhansk area by the regime in Kiev, Russia has nowhere to retreat. That’s why today’s operation is just a counter-offensive.

We could say so. From a Russian perspective, this country is once again engaged in a patriotic war like the one in 1812 against the invasion of Napoleon’s army or Hitler’s Nazi hordes between 1941-1945. It is actually a new War for the Defense of the Fatherland.

The victory of continentalist forces over Atlanticist forces is fortified these days in the purifying fire of war in Ukraine. The counter-offensive of the Land Civilization against the Civilization of the Sea enters its decisive phase. After a period of more than three decades of triumphal march by the Atlanticists in our area, the offensive of Thalassocracygenerated a vigorous response reaction of the Tellurocracy.  Recovering from the historical trance, the latter contrattacked.

The slogans “Down the nomenklatura!”   and “Down the mankurts![1]” regains its actuality

My generation, which rose up against the communist regime and foreign domination, remembers how we chanted at our rallies “Down the nomenclature!”. At that historical period we were fighting the communist nomenklatura.

Today, a new species of nomenklatura, of social parasites devoid of any attachment to national values and to the Fatherland. It is about what in the political literature is called NGO-cracy, expertocracy and mediacracy.  That is, the domination over a society, exercised by the army of mercenaries financed from outside and subservient to foreign interests, hostile to our national interests.

Here’s the new nomenklatura that we need to get rid of. We must understand the essence of this cohort of cosmopolitans, of mankurts, of neo-kominternists, of neo-Trotskyists at the mercy of the most abhorrent international criminal groups, led by monsters such as George Soros and Bill Gates. This evil network brought together charlatans with a bow tie like Iulian Groza and odalisk from Soros’ harem like Maia Sandu.

Therefore, the decolonization of our countries, which will inevitably follow after the shameful escape of Americans from our continent, necessarily presupposes the application of a lustration. This lustration must repeat the lustration pattern applied to former communist nomenklatura and collaborators of the organs of repression in a number of countries in our area 30 years ago. This time, however, those placed on the list of dubious elements will be NGOs and artisans of disinformation in the dominant press.

They must be banned for life from occupying any public office and appearing in the public space. They must be listed in the security service records as persons who have worked in the interest of foreign forces, monitored and subjected to prophylactic measures of ideological detoxification and loyalization to their own country.

The derating of society from these hostile elements must exclude any abuse or violence on the part of the state. An immediate measure that is required after the collapse of the American colossus is the dissolution of all non-governmental organizations and media structures that were funded from outside and served as “devices of struggle” in the cognitive war waged by the globalist plutocracy against our peoples. All these foundations, centers, institutes, televisions, portals, etc. must be prohibited by law. It is also necessary to prohibit any external financing of non-governmental organizations and media structures.

Note. Without this vast war machine, made up of many thousands of mercenaries on the ground and “media weaponsof mass destruction„ which destroyed any capacity for thought and imposed mental control, the emergence of political simulacrum such as PAS (the Action and Solidarity party) and of political ghosts like Maia Sandu would have been impossible.

This governance of political puppets must be pushed aside. This regime of foreign occupation will be scattered by the winds of major changes that are expected to grow stronger and stronger.


I would like to make some final remarks in order to explain the main goals of my enemies and detractors. Methodical harassment, permanent denigration, demonization and distortion of my public image pursue two goals at the same time.

First: „decredibilization„ of my public message in order to determine its rejection by the public. In the disinformation technique, this is called “compromising the source” or the sender of the message. In addition, the ordinary people do not know that televisions do not transmit information, but psycho-emotional states that implant themselves directly into the subconscious of the victim.  People who watch TV become carriers of information viruses, without discernment, without critical spirit, without the capacity for autonomous analysis.

Televisions and other media warfare devices, specializing in my denigration, manage to induce attitudes of hatred towards me of an intensity and virulence carried to paroxysm. Being intellectually and psychologically ravaged by these weapons of mass destruction, all sorts of “outraged citizens” are machine-gunning with warlike messages on social media.

The desire of these “useful idiots” of the System is to see me dead. Messages like “A bullet in the head deserves this Rosca!”, “Hey you, the traitor, we’ll kick your guts out!” are flowing on social media.

This brings us to the second goal of the strategists behind the mainstream media network: instigation to assassinate Iurie Rosca. ”If he’s the incarnation of absolute evil, we must to kill him by all means!”, are dreaming with patriotic zeal all kinds of troglodytes and TV consumers. And frankly speaking, in this atmosphere full of visceral, fanatical, demented hatred, I wouldn’t be surprised to find myself with a knife in my back or a bullet fired into my belly. In addition, such an ending is perfectly convenient. An „outraged patriot„ cut off the throat of Rosca and thus saved the country from him.

I have been working as a journalist for over 40 years. I had a long career as a politician, I use to be several times Member of Parliament and Government.

I was a dissident under the Soviet regime and I survived. Now I am a dissident under the globalist regime.

To be a dissident twice in one lifetime under two totalitarian regimes is a huge privilege.

But to see the fall of the Soviet Empire and then the American Empire and to survive both of them is a divine gift.

Iurie Rosca


[1] Mankurt is the term for an unthinking slave in Chinghiz Aitmatov‘s novel ”The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years„ (see Wikipedia).

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