The Work Of Covert Agents In Russia – Alexander Dugin

“Another problem has come to light, which has a direct relation to many others. Thanks to Alexander Bovdunov for the good review of those who trained our diplomats at MGIMO and also acted as experts in international affairs,” Dugin wrote in his Telegram channel.

The philosopher noted that the analyst’s review “finally brought to light the connections of the banned Russian organisation … (US-based organisation – ed.) with our community of experts. Two things are striking (or rather, not): the first is the absolute unsinkability of Kotrunov and others like him. The man directed (and still directs?) the foundation that was unmasked in the story with the ‘spy’ British Stone, the man worked on Soros Foundation projects, which is undesirable in Russia….And he also heads RIAC, the Russian Foreign Affairs Council, for which Peskov and Lavrov are responsible’.

As Dugin points out, this is, in his opinion, ‘an absolutely wild situation, as if in the United States the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) were headed by…. the former editorial director of the American RT’.

It is impossible to imagine, but why is it possible here? – asks a frequent guest of First Russians.

The philosopher also notes that he ‘never ceases to be surprised by the absolute unscrupulousness of the Russian international community’, which is ready to ‘be friends and collaborate even with a devil, but with a devil of status, a foreign devil’. According to him, both the veterans of the 1990s and the youth are guilty of this. “Or here’s an example from MGIMO’s life: former deputy head of the US MacArthur Foundation in Russia Mikhail Troitsky feels great in the chair of the director of MGIMO’s Institute of International Relations. I don’t even want to talk about another MGIMO vice-chancellor, Mr Melville, who moved from MGIMO to the Higher School of Economics’.

Dugin notes that such international diplomats have ensured that “for years the work on the Iranian leadership has been sabotaged” and, despite the situation after SMO, “since Iran is much more necessary for Russia than Russia is for Iran, our ‘diplomats’ have managed to take the issue almost to the point of breaking relations, encroaching on the integrity of the Islamic Republic”.

“For years, the African leadership was ignored, where the completely hopeless or ‘harmful’ were sent into exile. Poklonskaya is an example of this. There was no mention of the rejection of sanctions against North Korea,’ the philosopher is indignant. Dugin recalls that every Western initiative was not taken seriously and ‘experts’ discussed ‘decarbonisation and Greta Tumbreg’.

“Now, after the Garbuzov scandal, all this comes out. But the main thing here is not just to ‘point out’, but to start solving and solving this problem. Fix it and solve it as long as there is someone to replace these ‘scientists’ with little social responsibility. Otherwise, we will have a collective Kozyrev,’ warns the philosopher. Earlier it was reported that historian and political scientist Valery Garbuzov was dismissed as director of the US-Canadian Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin drew attention to an investigation into who the ‘international experts’, entrenched in the education system, are and how their dependence on the West harms Russia.

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