The World Аs Manifestation Оf Тhe Feminist Mind

Fear not, the subway philosopher™ has no intention of dragging the likes of Jung, the Gnostics or any metaphysical musers into the fray, despite the turgid title of this piece. Rather, let’s take a look at the world from dirtside, the vantage point of a peasant peering anxiously up at his betters. There is cause for concern, as they say.

Let’s see – we’ve got enlightened jihadi head-choppers running America’s war in Syria. Woke Muslims, imagine that. They’re on our team. And American troops stealing Syrian oil for the Zionists is righteous, bro. Also, Ukrainian gopniki are fighting and dying in America’s war on Russia – American jobs are at stake.

Then there’s the trannies, the current vanguard of feminist ideology who’ve somehow managed to convince all western governments, corporations and institutions that it’s not just okay but a positive social good to sexually mutilate children. There’s the human rights tribunals up in Canuckistan declaring that if anyone in the Progressive Stack* feels offended, they have a human right to loot the offender’s bank account and send him off to re-education camp. So Soviet, how quaint.

There’s the family courts and their enforcement Gestapo, who for fifty-plus years now have been telling us that destroying their families and eliminating/impoverishing their dads is in ‘the best interests of the child,’ despite decades and volumes of research demonstrating the diametric opposite. And just by the way, the US government illegally finances and sponsors terrorist organizations (as do the Brits, et al), but it’s a felony if a citizen sends money back to family in Iran.

Hmmm… yeah. The Ukro-Canadian finance minister resigned recently over massive budget deficits, but only after siphoning off $20 Billion inflato-bucks to Ukraine, minus 10% for The Big Guy. Oh, almost forgot – a new ‘Department of Fixing Men’ has sprung up in Oz. Sounds strangely familiar. A grift like that is far too good to be true for the femwoke Iron Rice Bowl crowd – look for similar in a nation near you, soon. Very soon.

Then there’s the soy-boys with their half-caff lattes cluttering up public bathrooms exchanging blowjobs, at least when the junkies aren’t occupying the stalls. There’s the AWFLs and the green-haired lesbians babbling ‘something something my vagina’ at every opportunity. And we can’t forget the ‘thin blue line’ robbing citizens at gunpoint under the auspices of the racket known as Criminal Asset Confiscation (criminal not required).

Not to mention, lots and lots of welfare moms entrapping men into a ‘fatherhood’ consisting solely of lifelong child support payments under threat of bankruptcy and prison, even as those self-same moms protest the ‘reproductive rights’ men don’t have. Bonus: illegal-immigrant rape gangs and child-murdering diversity in jolly old England, along with anti-oil idiots who don’t seem to get that they’d be naked (literally), hungry and homeless without the stuff. Glued yourself to a freeway recently? Anyone?

And we’ve got the military, newly devoted to females who magically get pregnant at the mere thought of bullets flying, deviants anxious for surgical ‘validation’ on the taxpayer’s dime, and DEI career opportunists of every stripe, even as it not coincidentally loots taxpayers with over-priced and dysfunctional weaponry (no, it ain’t just America). USA features a Congress wholly bought and paid for by AIPAC, dancing the hora atop a pile of burning Middle East corpses.

A newer fad amidst all the noise and confusion is ‘land acknowledgments’ whereby the Karens of HR force evil white males to pay obeisance to the noble savages whose land they seized, thus depriving said savages of the utopia which climate activists insist on humanity returning to via ‘greening,’ in an orgy of strip-mines and tailing ponds involving some of the most toxic chemicals and processes in the known universe.

There’s vegans screaming about animal rights while bitterly fighting for the ‘right’ to off their own babies at birth. Homosexual males waving their flagpoles in children’s faces, in public. Mr. and Mr. Buttigieg in a hospital bed pretending to be the proud new birth-parents of kids they bought from the government, which undoubtedly stole them from hapless dads who have no legal rights to their own offspring. And speaking of HHS, aka the US welfare state, has anyone taken a good look at their budget (a cool $1.7 trillion) recently? The Pentagon is a piker by comparison.

Free speech is under attack everywhere, always accompanied by the nauseating bleatings of the Safety/Our Democracy fear cult. But it’s actually worse than that – ‘misgendering’ and similar wrong-think in fact requires forced speech: how many fingers, Winston? And we need to ban political parties (Ukraine, Germany) and cancel elections if the ‘far-right’ guy wins, because Russian influencers, don’t you know?

Both last and least, gaze sadly upon the sorry remnants of a once proud sub-group of civilization-builders, taught from birth a litany of lies ranging from women can do anything a man can do to faggotry is good to the patriarchy oppresses females and people of color. And trannies. And midgets (probably). And pretty much everyone. And men don’t ‘deserve’ a job if one of the victim classes needs it, competence be damned. Are we really surprised by the incels and grass-eaters lying flat on the sofa in their parents’ basements eating Cheetos, playing video games and rage-trolling on the webz?

This list is far from exhaustive. It includes every ‘democracy’ connected to the Anglo-US sphere of influence, where the only consistency you’ll find is that no one ever got a chance to vote for or against any of it. But I’ll rest my case and get to the point: the entire mess is unstable, chaotic, irrational, vicious, and shows unmistakable signs of descending into pure evil. With feminism as the dominant ideology of our time, women are running the show. The current state of the world can’t help but reflect that.

*Progressive Stack: the victim hierarchy.


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