There Was No «Lizz Truss», The Clear Sign of UK Non-Existence – Bobana M. Andjelkovic
There Was Only Elisabeth Truss – The Clear Sign of UK Non-Existence

In the article, The Importance of Language, Martin Heidegger’s insights on the importance of language and connection of language and thinking were presented.  Here, there is an application of Heidegger’s views on superficiality and linguistic engineering especially implemented in English language, by its native speakers, who violently imposed it as the new Lingua Franca.

First of all, previous UK PM was not  «Lizz» Truss. Her name is ELIZABETH Truss. Maybe her mother or father or grandparents, husband, children, cousins… could call her Lizz. The World should not. Why anyone should accept NLP idiocracy by which we have to familiarize with «Lizz» and treat her actions in a mild manner? She is total and complete illiterate idiot – why should anyone familiarize with that? 

We, Serbs, could not care less if international English language has nick-names for its idiots in order to accept them better and to treat them as human beings (which they are mostly not). Elizabeth Truss is an exceptional, the first class moron – she was ready to catapult a nuclear bomb. She does not know basic geography of Russian Federation, while trying to be taken seriously by Russian FM, Mr Sergey Lavrov. She is sick and insane. No more arguing about her political attitude – it is futile and oxymoron.

There was also «Bill» (William, actually) Clinton and «Tony» (Anthony, actually) Blaire who bombed Serbia – their ‘nice’ nick-names did not make the bombing easier. Those two sick creatures will always be considered assassins and war criminals. There was also another assassin, Wesley COHEN Clarke, but COHEN was always skipped to be mentioned.

As far as it is to be concerned in here, the name of the previous UK PM is Elisabeth Truss, and she is one of the latest UK morons, the world had to deal with. It is not problem for Elisabeth Truss that she is moron – it was problem for The World. There is no nice words and there is no decent language to describe the level of idiocy of that so-called human being. UK global propaganda is supposed to convince us it is about some ‘person’ who is human and will stand for human interests. But, it is not that – Elisabeth Truss is retarded moron and there are no better words to describe this human waste. It is about the moron of UK origin – so, UK has to deal with its morons, not The World. The World owes her or to UK nothing!

UK has to withdraw its morons within its borders and educate them about international affairs. UK is not an empire anymore – it is a group of small (internally divided) islands near European continent – and, that is it. And the end of its world dominance has happened long ago. This ‘empire’ does not exist anymore, the Sun never shines there anymore. It is literally dark in there – which wanna-be-global-britain has deserved long ago.

The fact that UK allowed itself to have illiterate and retarded moron, Elisabeth Truss, in Downing street – showed to The World that UK will do anything in order to try to keep its world dominance by fulfilling some formal causes… It is also important to note that USA – the main UK’s (and Netherlands’) rabid dog also has demented and moronic creatures in White House, Pentagon, Senate and Congress, who pretend to be human beings.

But, it is not about the naked human form anymore. It was very long time ago, when UK was able to direct The World – now, it can not even direct its own idiots who represent it. Elisabeth Truss is (as well as retarded Boris Johnson, who was supposed to become the new Brzezinski), an ignorant progeny of UK incestuous scum and there is no any need that The World treats this creature in some other manner. The World only has to warn UK not to delegate its morons to world affairs anymore – because, no one will take both those morons and UK seriously anymore.  

The World has been considering politeness for a long time. But, regarding UK nationals – it is an oxymoron. Those people and individuals do not deserve to be considered humans. After long time efforts, trying to find any healthy ground for UK creatures to consider them human – it is not possible. These are random people – people by chance. They don’t even know they are human. They try to behave as if they were humans – and their evil appeared even in more clear way. Since the evil is by their own will, the world has to outcast them – The World does not need human evil and scum. It should be eliminated.

If those sick and deranged creatures can consider themselves human, while performing inhuman activities, why anyone would need to consider those inhuman creatures as human? That is one of the most basic senses of human self-preservation – not only in individual level, but in the level of entire countries, peoples, or nations.

UK representatives in international affairs are sick and they should be offered help in order not to be so psychopathic and psychosomatic sicks and destructive to The World. UK should be put under severe international surveillance and psychiatric care  – if the so-called sovereign countries can be considered psychological characters – then UK, USA, NATO, EU and some of their pawns should be put under very severe international psychiatric surveillance, since they all display very sick behaviour toward other countries, peoples,  nations, non-Western organizations.

Nobody owes them anything – it is rather other way round. When nations come to egocentric manner of behaviour, it means they are in decline, working on their own destruction, but trying to destroy everything, because they can not accept its own decline.

The World should help them in the best possible way – to put them under psychiatric surveillance and deprive them of the right to make any decisions. Slap them in the face in order that they get back to their senses – if possible at all.  If it is not possible, it means their natural order of time shows they should disappear. UK may be given the last chance to well behave or to became the underwater myth and the new Atlantis. Did Francis Bacon predict it?

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