They Will Kill Him Rather Than Let Him Win – Elizabeth Nickson

Inside the Criminal Gangs Planning to Steal 2024

In late winter, I wrote a series on election fraud. The day after the last, the man I had written about Saturday, Peter Bernegger, a freaking hero, was arrested. Later that week another subject, Christina Bobb, Trump’s lawyer, and the Republican National Committee’s voter fraud expert, had to fly to Arizona and turn herself in.

The left can no longer win on the merits of their ideas, much less their actions. They have created one catastrophe after another. The only way they can win elections is steal them. And they have developed three hundred separate, specific, methodologies to do it. In my opinion, and that of others closer to the coal face.

Dominion Voting Systems is Canuckistan’s contribution to the great eliding of truth that is Marc Elias and the Democrat party’s massive election ‘improving’ enterprise. They are acutely aware of any attack. Dominion has sued everyone not nailed down, to some success, mostly via Soros’s corruption of the judiciary. And Canada’s left is a vicious monster, its leader nationally in power for almost a decade, and they hunt for enemies, no matter how small, as assiduous as our cat in the summer field.

I spent last evening watching the voter rolls fill up with applications from people without ID in real time. HAVV is the U.S. Social Security website, specifically the Help America Vote Verification System. It keeps track of those trying to register to vote. HAVV shows the number of people who have with a verified social security number. And those applications which did not turn up a real person.

All the swing states are under assault from “new voters”. In Pennsylvania alone, in one week, one-third of applicants could not be verified. Pennsylvania was stolen so hard in 2020 I imagine it to be still reeling. The site showed that in just one week in Ohio, 1068 out of 1333 new applicants did not match to any records. A lot of deceased people in Texas, Alabama and Missouri were applying for voter id in the weeks I studied. Here’s the site: look at each week for your state. I’m not saying the government website is corrupt, but many of the people applying for voter id in the swing states, are, most certainly, being paid by the financial system that was set up under the auspices of Arabella Associates, the Clinton foundation, the Open Society Foundation, Tides and the Chinese Progressive Association.

Omega4America has managed to identify the corruption of the voter rolls in 26 states. But nothing has been done. All the Secretaries of State, all of them, all of them, have refused to do anything. As we know from Omega’s work, this video here, many hundreds of thousands of “voters” permanently live at Mailboxes Unlimited, or in seasonal campgrounds, in warehouses, hospitals, municipal buildings or short-term rental suites, all of which are illegal addresses by the way. That one method certainly stole the vote in Georgia, you can watch the video here. The steal in swing states ranged between low to high six figures. Each state was decided by low five figures pointing towards a tight race. it was not. Trump won at least four of the swing states by six figures.

Last month this documentary was released, I think by Capital Research Center. It is crude, and repetitive. Its substance, however, traced the building of the financial structure of The Big Steal, using just one of the cartels filled with faked-up grass-roots charities. It’s called Arabella Associates and was originally sourced in the Clinton Foundation. Eric Kessler, below, worked in the Clinton White House and is the brains behind the operation. Arabella stands up the people and organizations. Most organizations are just websites that pay people to do something, stuff ballot boxes, bundle votes, fill out votes, door-step. Once revealed they tend to go dark, leaving just the web address and a lot of social justice fluff.

One funder, a Clinton fan, Hansjorg Wyss, a Swiss manufacturer of medical equipment, Synthes, has spent $57 million standing up 350 democrat operative groups. These groups start as 501 (C) 3’s and then morph into 501 (C) 4’s which have more latitude to act as political operatives. There is so much money flowing through these grass roots election outfits – there are literally hundreds of thousands of them being tracked and identified by Omega by America – no one could identify how they misuse the funds. Most of the Arabella 350 organizations have the same administrative staff. Something called The Hub Project coordinates. Say what you like about the Clintons, they know how to work “civil” “society” to their advantage.



How much money? Arabella has been tracked spending hundreds of millions of dollars setting up thousands of “grass-roots” operations. The Open Society spent $250,000,000, Tides $500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000, all in 2022. 2024? Add 50%? 100?

the sleaze swing


Quite separate from Arabella Advisers, fractal computing has done a mind-blowing analysis of Soros’s Open Society Foundation’s operations in 2022. With a quarter billion to spend, they gave it to 149 organizations, which Fractal tracks, via several levels, using IRS 990s, staff, etc. At the second tier view, we are looking at 149 groups who pass the money onto other groups, tens of thousands of them. You can watch the entire video here. In the video, you can use your cursor to hover over each dot, revealing the group, its funding, its principals and who is paying who to encourage the vote in your town or state. There will be dozens of them, hundreds in Philadelphia.

And then at a third level of analysis they call the Nebula level, you can see those groups passing money onto yet another thousands of groups. Some of this is legal. Some of it is not. It is impossible to track, to catch, the complexity, the repetition. The use of one dot for four months after which it disappears, makes catching them almost impossible. Unless you use quantum computing. fractal or quantum computing can link 200,000,000 transactions per second. But no one in the election integrity groups are using it, they all use relational analysis, primitive by comparison.

they are all inter-married

Fractal built the digital infrastructure for the TSA No-Fly list, the digital infrastructure that stopped Ebay’s auction fraud, and the tech for State Farm and other insurance companies dealing with auto theft rings.

In the photo below, you can see dots out beyond the nebula of financial connections. These are groups linked, not by money but by staff or board members or some other relationship to the Open Society. There is so much money flowing from one group to another, the center of the nebula is white. Each group is anything but local. They are funded, staffed and organized by operatives out of the Clinton or Soros gangs.

galaxy view of third level financial flows


The third big player in the election scheme is Tides Foundation. Tides began in San Francisco in the 80’s as a cover for dark Hollywood money seeking to “save” trees and water. It became massively powerful as a result and is very very very rich, the richest, the Big Daddy of Democrat iniquity. Tides, like all national and international environmental NGOs, is loathed beyond measure in rural regions around the world. Tides has proved so destructive of the lives of actual rural people, it has had to move on to predating people of color. Most of Justin Trudeau’s Privy Council is made up of Tides operatives, and they are responsible for Canada’s green fiscal catastrophe.

This is a map of the operatives that Tides funds in the U.S. alone. It spends between half and one billion dollars annually. This below, is called the cluster view. Every dot in an organization. At this juncture they are all working on the election. There are 2500 clusters, but they give to another 37,000 operative organizations across the U.S. Again, claiming to be ‘grass roots’, steered from head office, and at least some of the staff in a grass roots outfit are out of New York, D.C. or San Francisco.



These three massively rich organizations, form, according to the owner of Fractal and the founder of Omega4America, Jay Valentine, the central nervous system for the left. This is what funds all the lawfare, co-ordinates all the attacks, plots and plans and develops the talking points.

Tides set the path, the dark money, the subterfuge of local groups. Tides has received $680,000,000 from the federal government over the past twenty years and a substantial amount is passed onto the Chinese Progressive Association, also headquartered in San Francisco.

The Chinese Progressive Association runs a balancing act between the Chinese Consulate in SF – they run all their statements and actions through the consulate – and the American progressive movement, which is largely run by members of the American Communist party. The Association boasts that they flipped Virginia via just the methodology described above, lavishly funded grass roots operative organizations in every hamlet, village, farm region, slum and immigrant barrio in Virginia. It is believed that one hundred members of Congress already work for China, the money is simply so seductive.

The Chinese Progressive Association is geared towards defending China by bringing down President Trump. It guides and directs U.S. Communists to flip elections. Their grand stratetgy is focused on the South, which they call The New Confederacy. The South is the backbone of Republicanism, Conservative Christianity, and they aim to break it, via the large black, latino, and Chinese communities seeded, sometimes strategically, through the South. In the election upcoming, Tides and the Chinese Progressive Association will target all their resources into the South. The CCP literally has voter registrations drives all through the American South and the Northern swing states. Hence you will see at HAVV that Alabama is under assault by “new voters”.


CCP direct action in elections was started in 2019, with Seed the Vote in Wisconsin. ‘Detroit Action’ is another Chinese outfit. ‘The New Georgia Project’ in Georgia and Lucha in Arizona, which boasted making 8 million phone calls and 1.8 million door knockings in 2020. This coalition, whipped together by agents of the CCP, has managed to elect many Marxists, including Raphael Warnock, and John Ossof. The Keystone Pipeline was shut down via indigenous protests run by Judith LeBlanc, a member of the Communist Party USA. You have her to thank for gas prices. Daniel Blackman, another Communist using poor blacks as weapons, was given the head of the EPA for six southern states. Any growth was immediately halted. Deb Harlan, the Secretary of Interior, is a straight-up Marxist. Julie Su, the Secretary of Labor, is another CCP puppet. Tides helped put them in power via its guidance and donations to the Chinese Progressive Association. Do you think they are going to sit out this election?

It was also Tides, allied with the Chinese Progressive Association, which whipped up and funded the BLM protests. Those things had been planned for months, cells set up in every vulnerable city, waiting for just the right trigger, which happened to be in Minnesota, which has a markedly vicious and powerful left. Hysterical, ignorant BLM activist/kids, certain that the country was irretrievably racist, filled out the ballots in the hundreds of thousands.

What will they pull in the next months? What ghastly passion play will they inflict on us? Every tiresome lie, every manufactured crisis, every false flag hysteria is meant to hide the fact that the left has failed so badly, in everything, it has lost all authority and gone rogue.


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