They’re Worried: CNN Moves into Full Propaganda Mold – Uses Far-Left “Expert” Hired by Katie Hobbs and Soros-Funded Sheriff in Hit Piece on AZ Audit (VIDEO)

Here’s today’s lesson on why YOU CAN NEVER trust fake news CNN. Hat Tip to The Storm Has Arrived for catching this embarrassing fraud of a report. CNN put out a pathetic hit piece trying to discredit the Arizona Audit and the Cyber Ninjas auditing team. The so-called “expert” that they interviewed for the piece,…
The post They’re Worried: CNN Moves into Full Propaganda Mold – Uses Far-Left “Expert” Hired by Katie Hobbs and Soros-Funded Sheriff in Hit Piece on AZ Audit (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Here’s today’s lesson on why YOU CAN NEVER trust fake news CNN.

Hat Tip to The Storm Has Arrived for catching this embarrassing fraud of a report.

CNN put out a pathetic hit piece trying to discredit the Arizona Audit and the Cyber Ninjas auditing team.

The so-called “expert” that they interviewed for the piece, Ryan Macias, was hired by corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, whose job it is to stall and eventually shut down the process. CNN labels Ryan Macias as an “independent” which is a complete joke.

And then CNN they bring on Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone and present him as if he is a non-partisan law enforcement officer – after he was funded millions in his campaign by George Soros.

CNN doesn’t even try anymore.
What a joke network.

The post They’re Worried: CNN Moves into Full Propaganda Mold – Uses Far-Left “Expert” Hired by Katie Hobbs and Soros-Funded Sheriff in Hit Piece on AZ Audit (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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