“This Is The Final Battle, With You American People At My Side We Will Win”, Trump Vows To Win Presidential Election Even If Falsely Convicted

Donald Trump vowed to continue running for president even if he were to be convicted as part of the 37-count federal felony indictment that was issued against him this week. Donald Trump promises peace with Russia & China by expelling the warmongers, globalists & deep state from government if he wins the Presidency.

I’ll never leave,” Trump said in an interview aboard his plane. “Look, if I would have left, I would have left prior to the original race in 2016. That was a rough one. In theory that was not doable.”

Trump is not legally prohibited from running for president from prison or as a convicted person. President Trump will speak to the nation on Tuesday night following his indictment in Miami, Florida. The president will speak from Bedminster, New Jersey five hours after the latest political indictment by Democrats against Trump.

This is the latest unprecedented move by a lawless regime.

The former president leveled harsh criticisms at special counsel Jack Smith and argued that the case against him was politically motivated and flimsy. “These are thugs and degenerates who are after me,” he said.

Trump predicted he would not be convicted and said he did not anticipate taking a plea deal, though he left open the possibility of doing so “where they pay me some damages.”

He sidestepped the possibility that he would pardon himself should he win the presidency in 2024. “I don’t think I’ll ever have to,” Trump said. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

While Trump said campaign fundraising had skyrocketed since the indictment was issued, he conceded it was an unwelcome development.

“Nobody wants to be indicted,” said Trump. “I don’t care that my poll numbers went up by a lot. I don’t want to be indicted. I’ve never been indicted. I went through my whole life, now I get indicted every two months. It’s been political.”

He repeatedly invoked the Presidential Records Act to assert he’d done nothing wrong. His remarks came as he flew between speeches to Republicans in Georgia and North Carolina. The trip came one day after Smith unsealed a 37-count indictment against Trump, including accusations of violating the Espionage Act, retention of classified documents and obstruction of justice. Trump is set to appear in court Tuesday in Miami.

What role the most recent indictment will play in the GOP presidential primary is not yet clear, though following the New York indictment the former president saw a boost in his poll numbers and fundraising support as Republican voters rallied around him.

Trump’s campaign is looking to replicate the performance, with his team sending out appeals to supporters in hopes of generating small-dollar contributions.

trump-classified-documents-27811.jpgAll day Saturday, there were signs that Trump’s staunchest backers were unmoved by the news. Supporters lined the side of the highway running parallel to the runway at the airport in Columbus, Ga., many waving flags and standing atop trucks to get a view of the “Trump”-emblazoned jet touching down. Upon deplaning, he was greeted by a group of supporters on the tarmac, some holding “witch hunt” signs.

At the Georgia state party convention, the crowd was filled with people wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, and some audience members called out “We love you” while the former president was speaking.

Shortly after, Trump made a pit stop at a Waffle House restaurant where he was mobbed by diehard fans — one of whom offered to give the meatloaf-loving ex-president a copy of her mother’s recipe. Then Trump headed to the airport, where he posed for pictures with police officers.

In an indication of the hold Trump maintains over the congressional wing of his party, the former president was joined on the trail by North Carolina Rep. Richard Hudson, a Trump backer who oversees the House GOP campaign arm. Trump was also joined by Marjorie Taylor Greene, a firebrand Georgia congresswoman and loyal ally.

“This is the Final Battle. With You at My Side…” – Donald Trump Declares Final Battle Against Deep State, Globalists, Warmongers, and Communists at North Carolina GOP Convention

President Trump gave a final answer to America Saturday night regarding whether he will leave the race if convicted in court and potentially sent to prison.

In an interview with Politico on his plane Saturday evening, Trump revealed that even if he is convicted on the bogus federal indictment by counsel Jack Smith, he will continue running for re-election no matter what.

As TGP’s Cassandra MacDonald previously reported, Trump announced on social media Thursday night that he had been informed that he had been indicted in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into his handling of classified documents.

He will be arraigned in Miami on Tuesday. The Biden regime decided to indict Trump over having classified documents at the Mar-A-Lago.

Trump traveled to Georgia and North Carolina for the GOP convention.

During his address in North Carolina, Trump declared, “This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country.”

Former US National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn commended the speech saying it was “absolutely biblical.”

“If we don’t take these measures and instead continue down this path toward Marxism, this beautiful experiment in democracy, run as a constitutional republic, called the United States of America, is finished,” Gen. Flynn said.

“Come alive Americans and get involved in your country, your county, your church, your community, your families, whatever it takes but no more sitting this one out. You’re either on the side of America (which is most of us) or you’re on the side of the globalist elitist communist takeover,” he concluded.

Donald Trump promises peace with Russia & China by expelling the warmongers, globalists & deep state from government if he wins the Presidency.


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