This January 6th Congressional Soap Opera Is Final Swirling End Of Media And Democrats’ Credibility – Charles Hurt

“Washington Times” opinion editor Charlie Hurt blasted the House January 6 committee Thursday night with FNC’s Tucker Carlson.

TUCKER CARLSON: I mean, if you take three steps back, what we’re really watching is members of Congress talking about themselves again.

CHARLIE HURT: Yeah, absolutely. Because the alternative is for them to have to talk about policies, and if they talk about policies, they have to talk about… not just their failures, all the failures we see right in front of us. You know, gas prices, crime, an open border, fentanyl deaths you can go through the list is endless.

And if anybody got out of Washington, any of these people got out of Washington to talk to normal people, they would realize that American people are very, very concerned about a lot of things. This is not one of them.

But then, step back even further and you look at the just a cavalcade of lies that Democrat politicians have made in their promises to get elected, ever since, even before Joe Biden became came to Washington. Whether it’s solving health care problems for poor people, ending poverty or providing public education to people.

They failed on all these front

I call this the third failed impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump, the reason they have to talk about this stuff is because they can’t talk about those other issues. They have to distract everybody from it.

But it’s even crazier than that because when you get to the issue of security, when and you start thinking about what people whose businesses were destroyed in these riots that Democrats supported in the year running up to the election, and you think about the security, think about the parents whose children they fear for their children going into an elementary school today and Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House. They have not done a damn thing to protect children in schools. Yeah, beyond that, the third branch of government, the judiciary, we have Supreme Court justices living under the threat of their family being assassinated and Nancy Pelosi will do nothing about it.

All she can talk about is this day a year and a half ago when she was afraid or they were afraid of some goofball trespassing, nutty rioters coming through the Capitol.

I think all this is goings to backfire and I think what we’re seeing right here and I think it’s great.

I mean image you just showed of all the networks of obedient people, obedient networks showing this thing on command, I think what we’re seeing is the final swirling of credibility for the media and Democrats going down the drain.

I think they’re going to pay a price and I think this spectacle right here is going to make it even worse for them because the difference between their concern here and the concern of anybody else, including schoolchildren in elementary schools, it’s breathtaking.

TUCKER CARLSON: You and I entered journalism about the same time over 30 years ago, seemed honorable then but it is completely shameful now.

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