This week, Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed” discuss a wide range of COVID vaccine-related news.

Highlights include United Airlines calling for vaccine passports, Moderna suggesting that people will need COVID vaccine “boosters” and multiple media outlets, including The Atlantic, talking about how vaccine side effects are “a sign the vaccines are working.”

At the very end of the video, Mary and Polly ask you to register for the Feb. 10 webinar where world renowned experts discussed the many unanswered questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine. If you’re interested in viewing the recorded version, be sure to sign up for The Defender’s daily email.

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Read the full this transcript (edited for clarity and brevity):

Polly: Welcome to “This Week” with myself, Polly Tommey, and Mary Holland from Children’s Health Defense. We’re going to be covering the headlines of the week.

Mary: We have so much to cover. Every week’s more.

Polly: We’re going to start with this whole mandatory vaccines. Let’s start with United Airlines. The CEO, Scott Kirby, has said that mandatory vaccines will become what most companies do. He says vaccine passports give people a strong incentive because that’s the way they can get their life back. He asks other businesses to demand employees be vaccinated, and he says, people will just accept it, just as they’ve been accepting wearing masks.

Mary: Yes, very interesting. And I would just point out that United is what’s called the flag carrier in the United States, so arguably is the most influential airline in the United States. And they also mentioned in that article that Tony Blair is asking for standardization of the UK of these global passports. So there’s a lot of different companies, a lot of different entities working on these digital passports. And now they’re even starting to talk about how do we coordinate that globally.

Polly: I really can’t understand why we’re wheeling Tony Blair back out again. I’m not going to go on about it, but honestly, we’re seeing all of the oldies come out.

Mary: Yes, we are. I think they’ve been interested in these issues for a while, likely.

Polly: And then of course, ITV, they put out something that said, “What would a vaccine passport allow you to do?” So the UK government will help facilitate a vaccine passport. Denmark and Sweden already announced the launch of similar programs. Greece confirmed they will embrace vaccinated visitors. Denmark proposes a digital vaccine passport, and Microsoft has already started working on an encrypted vaccine certificate in Hungary. Those who have been vaccinated receive a plastic card which allows them to stay out past curfew. I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation, curfews and plastic cards and stuff.

Mary: They quote a lot of countries already signing on to this. And another point about that article, Polly, is that they sort of say, “Well, this isn’t the first time. We’ve had vaccination requirements before, they just weren’t digital.” And they make the point that likely this isn’t just going to be for travel. This is also going to be for concerts and for sporting events. So there’s a big push that we’re starting to see right now on these passports, which by the way, China has been using for quite some time.

Polly: People are very concerned about this, but from where I’m sitting, I’m seeing a lot of people saying “We’ll sit it out. We will not bow down to these vaccines. We will sit it out, whatever the cost is.” So I’m one of those people.

Mary: Me, too.

Polly: We’re going to go back and talk about the marketing a bit later on, but for now, let’s move on to the BBC saying that the Oxford jab offers less South African variant protection. The South African variant has been in the news a lot at the moment. Oxford AstraZeneca’s vaccine offers minimal protection against the mild disease from the South African variant. I’m just quoting what they’re saying. Professor Sarah Gilbert from Oxford, she’s the Oxford lead vaccine developer, says they’ll likely have a modified Oxford jab by the autumn. We all know where this is going, don’t we?

Mary: This is all about the boosters and getting us ready for the annual coronavirus jab, just like the annual flu jab. That’s where this goes. Every year there will be the terrifying new strain, and if you don’t get your new-and-improved vaccine, you won’t be protected. So that’s the beginning of this narrative.

Polly: And we’re seeing a lot of it in the press at the moment, many headlines talking about how you’ll need to get one, maybe even as soon as this, this autumn. If you’ve had one right now, you’re going to need another one.

Mary: A booster.

Polly: We’ll stay in England a second, the mix and match, what we call in England, pick and mix. It’s extraordinary that there’s no data on this.

Mary: It is extraordinary, Polly. They are making it up as they go along. Interestingly, Dr. Dolores Cahill from Ireland, I have heard speak on this topic, and her view is that this may be a way to minimize the severity of adverse effects after the second dose because there will be less pathogenic priming for the second dose if it’s a different vaccine. It won’t be identical, and so it won’t arouse as severe an immune response. I don’t think we know that’s the case, but it’s an interesting explanation for why, with no basis whatsoever, in the UK they would be saying, “Oh, let’s just mix and match.” The U.S. so far has said, “No, we’re not going to do that.”

Polly: Yeah, I’m thankful for that because I really don’t think they know what they’re doing. And we have various quotes here of people saying that, “Look, these vaccines, because of the strains, are not going to be working on them. But don’t worry. We’re working on these vaccines, and they will be up to speed with the new variants.” So already they’re like, “Oh, thank you. Thank  you.” People are falling for it already, and when I say falling for it, please do your research before you just read the headlines and take it for granted. It’s why we do the show, to try and break it down for you.

Polly: Then “The Pfizer vaccine may not be the best choice for frail people.” You don’t say. “But it’s too early to make firm conclusions. Deaths have been reported from this vaccine, but it’s to note the deaths have not been linked conclusively to complications from the vaccine.” We’ve then got ABC News coming out saying, this is that headline, “Fact-check: No link between COVID-19 vaccines and those who die after receiving them. The CDC hasn’t identified any cases in which a vaccine causes a person’s death.”

Mary: Yeah, it’s quite extraordinary. There’s this big effort in the press now as more and more people are getting vaccinated, and we’re seeing really serious adverse events after the vaccination and deaths. There’s a huge effort in the press to minimize these side effects and to say, “Oh, no basis for alarm, no proof that these are related. These were frail people anyways. People die.” And I wanted to read you two quotes. One from The Independent saying, “The majority of these reports were in elderly people with underlying illness. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccine played a role in the death,” just overtly minimizing people’s deaths. And then the one that, I think it was almost a typo, but in The Express, it says, “Experts say this is a predictable outcome and can actually be a good thing. The immune system is working.” So you’re dead, and in the grave, you say, “Well, at least my immune system worked.” I mean, it’s crazy, Polly. It’s just crazy.

Polly: It is crazy. And I actually could not believe it when I read that.

Mary: I mean just astonishing. I mean, I think they probably didn’t mean to say that death is a good thing, but that’s what it says.

Polly: The headline actually was “Vaccine side effects: How the body responds and why being ill after a jab is good.” And it says, “Most people are concerned with ongoing reports of people falling ill and even death after a vaccine. Experts say this is a predictable outcome and can actually be a good thing.” Unbelievable.

Mary: And we saw a similar one like that, Polly, in sort of the brainiac American magazine, The Atlantic, where this woman, whose husband is a physician, got his second dose, and he had very severe adverse reactions. He had a high fever, he had chills, his teeth were chattering, and her article is all about, “Isn’t this great? We know his immune system is working.” That article concludes with the husband saying, “This is a million times better than getting COVID.” So there’s this big narrative of like minimize the side effects and sell the vaccine, no matter what. Even if people die, it’s not related. Don’t worry about it.

Polly: And we’re seeing posted on our social media, people who have got the vaccine, they’re celebrating it, and then they’re very, very, very sick afterwards. But people will still comment, “Well, at least you didn’t get COVID.”

Mary: At least you didn’t get COVID. I mean, I guess that’s to some extent, human nature, Polly, as you want to make the best of things. And so people say, “Well, at least I didn’t get COVID,” but I think that’ll only last so long.

Polly: Let’s chat about this headline: “Under-50s could get a jab on the job … ” This was a new thing, “jab on the job by spring as government mulls vaccines at work.” They’re talking about the younger people, the under-50s being able to go back to work, and don’t worry because they will come into your work and give you a shot at work. First of all, what’s happened to having vaccines in clinical environments? Wasn’t that something many years ago?

Mary: It really is sort of, among other things, Polly, this whole sort of put the jab everywhere for everybody, it is actually having the effect, if not the purpose, of sort of dismantling medicine. It’s this idea of population medicine, no individual scrutiny about what your risk factors are, what’s your family history, none of that. It’s bringing the vaccine to you, and there’s nothing more important for your health than getting the vaccine. And it’s just, it’s quite extraordinary. But what they’re doing in the UK as is  happening here is, they’re first sort of suggesting there are these priority groups, it’s the most vulnerable. And then they’re working their way down to sort of the least vulnerable.

Polly: Yeah, we’re a little bit behind the UK with ours. Thank goodness.

Mary: Well, I guess it’s over 11 million people in the UK have already received the vaccines. So that was the number in these articles.

Polly: Okay. Well, and the young people, again, I’m seeing them saying, “They’re going to have to take this vaccine. They need a life. They want to get back, they want to get out.” And they’ve been promised this life, but as I said to a young person I know very well in England, if you get this vaccine, forget the side effects, you’re still in lockdown. You still have to wear masks. What actually has changed for now? Nothing.

Mary: Right. Nothing, right. There’s still going to be the masks. There’s still going to be the social distance. There’s still going to be very little going on in the economy right now.

Polly: It’s very sad. Right. “Moderna reveals how long it’s COVID-19 vaccine may last.” I kind of laughed at this. I know I shouldn’t, but the CEO of Moderna says, “Look, it may prevent infection for a year, maybe two. It was all maybe … They don’t know.

Mary: Polly, I want to just remind people, the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccine are not licensed. They’re not approved by the FDA. They have emergency use authorization, which means they quote “may be effective.” Not “they are effective.” They imagine that the benefits outweigh the risks. There have been other drugs that went through full clinical trials, that were approved, that turned out to be disasters. So the idea that these warp speed vaccines never used in humans, messenger RNA technology, are going to be perfectly safe is, I think, wishful thinking.

Polly: I actually spoke to someone yesterday who said, “Look, but, Polly, they are approved.”

Mary: They’re not approved.

Polly: Well, they’re approved for emergency use.

Mary: Yes, but that’s not approved, as in licensed. We expect that likely, they will have observed these for about six months, and by June or July, we expect the FDA will license them and the CDC will recommend them. But that has not happened yet. Right now, these are our emergency use authorization products.

Polly: And when they license them, of course, the fear of everyone is, will they then mandate them?

Mary: And they likely will, Polly. They likely will, and we and other lawyers in the United States and elsewhere are gearing up for that because we don’t believe there’s going to be really a basis to mandate them. And yet people like Art Caplan have told us that within a week of licensure and recommendation, they are expecting many companies to mandate. So the private sector is likely to be the first place, and we will be ready for that. And that is going to be a big deal.

Polly: And people, that’s why you have to stay close to Children’s Health Defense. Sign up, go to, put your email address in, and keep up to date with what’s going on. I feel so safe and secure knowing that Children’s Health Defense is fighting on our behalf. So thank you. You have a lot of lawyers there.

Mary: We work with lots of lawyers around the world who are working on these issues, Polly. No one group of lawyers can do this alone. We have to be in touch with one another. We have to tell one another what we’re seeing and what our theories are, and we are doing that. And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is a very well-qualified, very experienced plaintiff’s lawyer. And so he comes from the environmental law fights and brings all that expertise to the vaccine area. So we’re very fortunate.

Polly: His famous quote, “I’ll die with my boots on” or “fighting with my boots on,” or whatever. So this man is fighting for us with everybody at Children’s Health Defense. So please, everybody get involved. We need everybody.

Mary: We need everybody. Polly, we can win this. We can absolutely turn this around and say, “No, I am free. I have human rights. My rights are not contingent on my vaccination status.” But that is going to take a lot of people. Courts aren’t going to act in isolation. They’re going to need a lot of boots on the ground that support that view.

Polly: And also, everybody, because Facebook is cracking down like you wouldn’t believe, as you know … We’re live on Facebook right now on Peeps TV. But also know this, if you sign up to Children’s Health Defense, and we are working on platforms, we will be able to tell you immediately where we are if we get taken down. So that’s another reason that you need to stay close. Okay. Right. The Independent wrote this week: “Annual vaccines and … ” here we go again, “and autumn boosters. I mean, really we talked about how they were saying that they may not work against these new variants. And then before you even know it, out comes the headline, “Autumn boosters could be required to combat new variants, the minister says. The booster and autumn is needed to tackle mutations.” So again, they literally warn you on one day with a headline. A day or two next, they’re saying, “Okay, you’re going to need this.”

Mary: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So preemptive … They call it preemptive programming. They’re sort of telling you this might happen, and then when it happens, you’re not as shocked as you otherwise would be. And obviously, Polly, no research about what is the cumulative impact of these vaccines is going to be, none. Who knows what the cumulative impact of several messenger RNA vaccines is going to be? They don’t know. Hasn’t been researched.

Polly: They don’t know. Okay, let’s go on to The Atlantic wrote this week: “The second COVID-19 shot is a rude reawakening for immune cells. Side effects are just a sign that protection is kicking in as it should. They’re a natural part of the vaccination progress. It’s evident that the immune system is solidifying its defense against the virus.” There’s a big list of sickness and flu-like symptoms, and it warns you, you are likely to feel awful. And there’s all sorts of stories of people feeling awful. But at the end it says, “At least you won’t get COVID.” Now, while … I know we’ve discussed this already, but people are asking why is the second COVID shot being hailed as something a little bit more worrying? Even oncologists are saying to cancer patients, “Brace yourself for the second vaccine. It’s going to be bad, but you’re going to get through it and you didn’t get COVID. So be grateful for that.”

Mary: Yeah. So that, it’s a well-written article, and the writer explains why the second dose is more challenging for most people than the first. And some people, not for everybody, but she’s describing her husband, as mentioned before. And what she’s explaining is that when you get your first dose of the vaccine, what’s called … sort of two parts of the immune system, and the innate, the sort of the more primal part of the immune system responds after the first dose. But she explains that when you wait three weeks after the first dose, that’s giving time for what’s called the adaptive immune system to mobilize, developing these antibodies, developing this internal body memory for this antigen, right, this spike protein that you’re going to develop an antibody against. So when you get that second dose, her theory, she explains rather clearly, is that then you have this double assault of your immune system, the innate and the adaptive immune system. Many people in our world call this typical pathogenic priming.

So the first time, your body is sort of sensitized to the antigen or to the bad stuff. And then the second time, your body is really mobilized and is attacking in a much more serious assault. But people are actually having severe adverse effects and dying even after the first dose. But I know from having studied the HPV vaccine, Polly, which like these MRN vaccines is a very potent, reactive, reactivogenic vaccine, that the more times you get the vaccine, the more severe the side effects. So the children who get the HPV, the really horrendous side effects typically were after the second and third shots. And as you may remember, they actually reduced the HPV recommendation from three shots to two shots. And many people believe that may have been because each time the adverse events get worse.

Polly: And yet the CDC says there’s no cases of death whatsoever.

Mary: Well, but Polly, when you don’t look for things, you don’t find them.

Polly: Right. And sadly, we’re getting a lot of reports of miscarriage. So pregnant women taking the vaccine … One MD, many of you have seen this, it went viral, announced that she was 14 weeks pregnant and she then recommended everybody get their vaccines, encouraged others to do the same. And at 14-and-a-half weeks, she then tweeted the tragic news that she’d had a miscarriage. She’s not on her own. This is not the first one of people reporting back to us or on social media that they’re losing their babies in pregnancy because they’re having the shot. It clearly says that this has not been tested on pregnant women. If you read the insert.

Mary: And yet they’re pushing it on everyone, Polly. It wasn’t tested on frail elderly people, either. It wasn’t tested on people with three underlying medical conditions like diabetes and obesity. And yet it’s being pushed on those people first.

Polly: Yeah. It’s very sad. And please do your research because they are listening to you and believing you when you say, and maybe you believe it too, that this is a good thing for your baby. But really and truly, there is … we haven’t tested it. It’s not looking good from where we’re standing. So please be careful if you’re in the health profession and you’re saying these things. A question that came in from more than one peep for you, Mary, is can they by law forcibly vaccinate us at work or ever? Can they come to our door? Can they actually do this?

Mary: No. So there’s no country in the world that I know of, Polly, anywhere that will strap people down and vaccinate them against their will. That is not possible anywhere today. It may happen, but that is not awful. The way that this happens is that there can be mandates. Right now, Greg Glaser, an attorney with Physicians for Informed Consent, and I just published an article in The Defender about can the federal government mandate these emergency use authorization vaccines. And that is a clear answer no. States and state institutions cannot mandate them. Some private institutions are trying to mandate emergency use authorization vaccines, and we think that is unlawful and that courts will find that. There was a case related to an anthrax vaccine back 15 years ago for soldiers in the military, and the soldiers won because they have a right to refuse, unless there’s some really supervening thing.

However, the real risk here, Polly, for those of us that do not want to take these vaccines will be, once they are licensed and approved and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, at that point, there will be, I believe, lots of private institutions that will mandate these vaccines. We talked about in a recent week that 70% of CEOs at some Yale summit said they would want to mandate these vaccines. For sure, there will be lawsuits left right and center against these private mandates. But there is precedence for those mandates based on flu vaccines and other ones. So right now you will be able to say no, and they will be able to seek accommodations or medical exemptions. But at that point, it will be more difficult. And people are going to have to make some hard choices.I don’t want to sugar coat this. People are likely to have to make hard choices, especially if they’re working in healthcare institutions like a nursing home or a hospital. I think those places are going to be right out of the gate to mandate these vaccines, and it’s going to take a while before this gets completely litigated. There’s no question in my mind that a COVID mandate is going to go to the Supreme Court, zero question in my mind. But that’s going to take time.

Polly: And because I have personal reasons for this, I’m very concerned about the military at the moment. In the military, it’s optional. You do not have to have it, but my fear, with the history of the vaccines in the military, is the minute that the FDA approves it, it’s going to be …

Mary: I think that’s a realistic fear. We’re not there yet, but that’s not an unrealistic fear.

Polly: Well, and on that note, the good news is that the Pentagon says an unspecified number, enough for them to write an article about it, of troops are refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. There’s 11 million military personnel, and the vaccine is voluntary because it’s emergency use just as I’m speaking, so they would face no penalties that they normally would face if they refuse vaccines in the military. But they do say, when it’s fully licensed by the FDA, it may be mandatory, says Jonathan Hoffman, the Pentagon spokesman. But for now, it’s ultimately a voluntary vaccine. I hope we have a good lawyer standing up for them on this.

Mary: We had a great lawyer who worked on behalf of the soldiers for the anthrax vaccine, and we will be in touch with that person. I mean, this will not go unchallenged, Polly. That’s for sure.

Polly: Well, because we love our military, and they do good … They did really good things for America. I’m very passionate about that. Right. And we’re going to have to touch on this subject. Not my favorite subject, but let’s do it. It’s important. The New York Times wrote that anti-vaccine activists emboldened in California. They’re far-right activists. They’ve got signs saying, don’t be a lab rat. COVID equals scam. They’re bringing Bobby Kennedy in wherever they can. What’s going on?

Mary: I know lots of people who are activists in California, and none of them were at that rally, none of the people that I knew. But there were good, decent people who genuinely want to educate people who are getting vaccinated who were there. There may also have been provocateurs there. We have to be careful in our movement at this point because there are a lot of people, I think, in the private sector, in the press, and in government who would like to depict people who stand for health freedom and choice and informed consent, they’d like to paint those people as right-wing extremists and even paint them as violent. And so that article quotes Dr. Richard Pan from California, the senator and pediatrician, many times saying, “Oh, these people are escalating, and it’s misinformation and it’s disinformation, and they’re such a threat.” And that’s a narrative that really serves the pro-vax crowd and the people that are selling the vaccines and that are minimizing the vaccine harm. So we have to be thoughtful about how we advocate because they want to paint us as crazy, violent extremists. That’s just the reality.

Polly: And while we’re on the subject, let’s talk about the marketing of all of this, with the Super Bowl and all the incentives and the, what I call slow brainwashing. But there’s lots of incentives and things, are there not? It’s a very clever marketing campaign.

Mary: Listen, a lot of money has been spent on all of this. So not only do they minimize the side effects, but they’re trying to say, “Oh, it’s so great. There’s so many advantages to getting these vaccines.” I’m not a big football fan, but 7500 free tickets were given to healthcare workers who’d been vaccinated at the Super Bowl. That’s lionizing these people, making them into heroes and telling people, “Oh, you’re next in the queue. These vaccines are scarce.” As humans, things that are scarce, we tend to think of as very valuable. Gold or diamonds or whatever is scarce is valuable. And so they’ve said, “Oh, there’s not enough vaccines available. You have to wait your turn,” sort of hyping up the value of the vaccine. It goes hand in hand. So this is the carrot, and then there’s the stick, right? “We’ll throw you out of your job. We’re going to mandate it if you don’t comply, but here’s the carrot. You’ll be able to travel. You’ll be able to go to concerts. You’ll be able to go to stadiums. You’ll be able to get your life back,” even if that’s not true.

Polly: And in past weeks we’ve discussed how companies were giving money bonuses as well to employees that got vaccinated. And people are suffering financially at the moment, so …

Mary: Millions and millions, Polly, around the world. You bet. It’s very manipulative.

Polly: On that note, we’re going to start to get into the good news now, peeps. You’re going to like this. In the Texas Tribune, caregivers … This is a headline, so they’re a bit worried about this. “Caregivers for home care for the older disabled Texans don’t want the COVID vaccine.” That’s the headline. “But they are being warned,” in this article, “they could start losing their job if they don’t get vaccinated. But many are saying they are more afraid of the vaccine than of COVID.” So to you, I say, well done for doing your research.

Mary: Polly, it is extraordinary. They point out that these home healthcare aids are primarily young women of color, and only 10% of them have allowed themselves to be vaccinated. These are smart women who see what these vaccines do. They work for elderly people. They know the score, and they know that they may actually have to lose their jobs or they’ll have to make a hard decision at some point. But for now, while they can exercise their freewill, they are. So it’s very exciting.

Polly: Yeah. I was proud to read that. More good news, “State lawmakers are pushing to curb governors with lockdown powers. They’re irritated by this sweeping use of executive orders during the COVID crisis, and state lawmakers around the U.S. are moving to curb the authority of governors and top health officials to impose emergency restrictions such as mass schools and business shutdowns.”

Mary: So they quote a lot of states are really having the legislators look at having legislative overrides over these governor edicts and sort of mandates. And there’s a quote here that I really love. One person, I guess a business owner, said, “One person, one pen shouldn’t be the difference between my business surviving or its demise. That should be something that is run through a legislative body.” And I agree entirely. You can’t let these people be kings and queens. And they talked about flatten the curve for two weeks. That was a year ago. Enough already.

Polly: And also, India, very proud of India at the moment. In Indian Express, “Why has Pfizer’s vaccine application for India been turned down for now? So the subject expert that looked into Pfizer’s proposal did not recommend that the drug controller general of India approve the application.” It says, “After detailed deliberation, it is due to concerns over serious adverse events and the fact that additional safety information had not been generated.” And then they go on, “Incidents of palsy, anaphylaxis and others have been reported.” And what was Pfizer’s response? They withdrew the application quietly and went on their business.” Nothing to see here. What do you say about that? I’m kind of proud of India.

Mary: I’m totally proud of India, but I want to sort of point out to you, Polly, that India was burned. So they allowed Merck and Glaxo to come in and do what they called demonstration projects for the HPV vaccine. And girls died, and there were severe adverse effects. It had not been properly studied. They were defacto clinical trials, and it was a national scandal, Polly. And they threw out the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, they threw out PATH, they threw out Merck, they threw out Glaxo. They’ve let them come back in, but they completely sort of revamped clinical trials. And there was a scathing parliamentary report about what had happened through this drug controller, the FDA of India. So they are once burned, twice shy. They are not going to do that again. They also happen to have their own vaccine producer, which is the biggest one in the world, The Serum Institute. So there’s probably a subtext here too. But I’m very proud of India. They actually probably just averted what could be a scandal six months down the line.

Polly: Now what’s going on at Children’s Health Defense this week? Have you got any news for us?

Mary: Well, we have a big event tomorrow, which we really hope people will sign up for, Polly. (If you’re interested in viewing the recorded version, be sure to sign up for The Defender’s daily email). So we’ve got an event called The COVID Vaccine on Trial: If You Only Knew. And we have a lineup of Bobby Kennedy and Del Bigtree and Sherri Tenpenny and Larry Palevsky and all kinds of people who are really going to shine lights on different aspects of the vaccine and what people should know before they make a decision. And we’ve got almost 20,000 people signed up. It’s going to be live. It’s going to be live on our webpage, but you have to sign up. We hope it’ll also be live elsewhere, but that’ll sort of depend. But we think it’s really going to be a really great educational opportunity for people.

It’s 7:00 PM tomorrow, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. And you can sign up on the homepage at Children’s Health Defense or on the homepage of The Defender. And we’ll put this in the link in it when this gets on The Defender website. It’s also being sponsored by Millions Against Medical Mandates and a few other groups.

Polly: And I have to say how proud I am of The Defender. When I was listening to the UK Column news, and they were talking about The Defender in England. And I seriously was so proud that The Defender is reaching ears around the world. So it’s actually doing sterling work. So again, people, it’s free. Go to, put in your email address. It will come into your inbox, and you will get the latest information. Lawsuits being filed, everything you need to know. It’s not just vaccines, either.

Mary: No. It’s much more than vaccines, and I think that is helping us to reach new audiences, Polly. It’s really about the corrosive anti-democratic effects of big pharma, big tech, big energy, big chemical. It’s really all of that working together, and we’re trying to cover that story in addition to a real focus on COVID. What is the COVID story? And we’re trying to stay up with that, and we’re trying to report every week now on the injuries and the deaths that have been reported so that people know what they’re getting into if they decide to do this.

Polly: And on that note, if you’ve been injured by a vaccine or know someone that has, or you’re being pressured at work or somewhere to have a vaccine, contact Children’s Health Defense. There’s an email address on their website, and someone will get back to you. They’re really good at getting back to you.

Mary: Absolutely. People are reviewing the emails that come in every day. I get emails from people every day.

Polly: And for the questions and comments that you have coming in from Mary and I, we’re reading those as well, so thank you for that. And if we don’t know the answer, we’ve got someone probably working on it right now as we speak. But to everybody out there, you’re not alone. I know a lot of you’re feeling very stressed out, especially people like in England who have been in lockdown for so long now. So just remember you’re very much loved. Pray big, and we’re all one big family, and Children’s Health Defense has got your back. And I’m more … I’m so proud, Mary to know you and everybody at Children’s Health Defense. Couldn’t feel more safe.

Mary: Likewise, Polly. Likewise.

Polly: We’re going to win this, people. So have a good week. We’ll be back next Tuesday with some more headlines and stay strong, pray big.

The post ‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Media Says Vaccine Side Effects Are ‘Good Thing’ + Airlines Want Vaccine Passports + More appeared first on Children’s Health Defense.

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