Four-time deportee and Mexican mass murder suspect Francisco Oropeza, a demonic Santa Muerte worshiper, offers yet another reason to seal the southwest border of the United States. No one in the Biden Regime knows how many Oropezas have entered the country or have been “paroled.” But Mexican illegals aren’t the only serious public safety threat. So are Salvadorans in the MS-13 “street gang,” who like Oropeza, have a history of involvement in Satanic activity that justifies their savage murders. Of course, Traitor Joe is less worried about MS-13 members who enter the country than he is about completing the Great Replacement. His Salvadoran counterpart, Nayib Bukele, on the other hand, is fighting MS-13 and other gangs with mass incarceration, and is doing more than Biden to stop the savages from entering the United States.
El Salvador notched 6,657 homicides in 2015 for a murder rate of 104 per 100,000 people, which made it No. 1 on the planet Violent deaths in El Salvador spiked 70% in 2015, figures reveal, by Nina Lakhani, The Guardian, January 4, 2016]. At the time, the Central American country’s murder rate even surpassed that of my homeland of Venezuela, which recorded an alarming 90 per 100,000.
Eight years later in 2022, El Salvador recorded 496 homicides, which was 57 percent less than 2021’s [El Salvador has the lowest homicide rate in all of the Americas, even below Canada?, Q24N, February 7, 2023]. El Salvador’s homicides have been plummeting for nearly a decade. And not because Salvadoran criminals have decided to get out of the murder business.
Rather, Bukele is putting them out of business. In March last year, El Salvador declared a state of emergency after cops reported five dozen homicides in one day. Ernesto Castro, the president of El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly, supported the measures:
El Salvador’s legislative assembly approved a state of emergency law early Sunday to tackle a spiraling homicide rate – driven by gangs Barrio 18 and MS-13 – after the country’s police forces reported 62 homicides on Saturday.
Constitutional rights including freedom of association and the right to a state-sponsored defense in court will be suspended for 30 days to better target criminal groups, according to the decree. Security forces will also be allowed to intercept phone calls and hold suspects in preliminary detention for longer periods of time under the new emergency decree.
“We made it right for the people of El Salvador,” Ernesto Castro, president of the legislative assembly, tweeted after announcement of the government decree. “We approved a state of emergency to allow the Government to protect the life of the people of El Salvador and to tackle criminality head on.”
[El Salvador proclaims state of emergency as homicides soar, by Stefano Pozzebon, CNN, March 27, 2022].
“The measures to be taken will be implemented by the relevant institutions and announced only when necessary,” Bukele tweeted. “For the vast majority of people, life continues normal. God bless us all.”
He sancionado y publicado en el Diario Oficial, el decreto de RÉGIMEN DE EXCEPCIÓN, el cual entra en vigencia este mismo día y tendrá una validez de 30 días. https://t.co/RExyJZHc6n
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) March 27, 2022
Better yet, authorities have collared some 65,000 criminals and constructed a massive new prison, the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism, that can hold up to 40,000. In March, the government added 2,000 criminals to the 2,000 sent there when it opened in February. And Gustavo Villatoro, minister of Justice and Peace, says few of the those arrested will be freed:
The government announced the mass inmate transfer with a slickly produced video posted on social media. It showed prisoners forced to run barefoot and handcuffed down stairways and over bare ground, clad only in regulation white shorts. They were then forced to sit with their legs locked in closely clumped groups in cells.
Gustavo Villatoro, the government’s minister for justice and peace, said the suspected gang members would never return to the streets, even though about 57,000 of those arrested are still awaiting formal charges or a trial.
“They are never going to return to the communities, the neighborhoods, the barrios, the cities of our beloved El Salvador,” Villatoro said.
[El Salvador: 2,000 more to prison, vows will ‘never return’, by Marcos Aleman, March 15, 2023]
Naturally, the MSM convulsed, and the usual suspects, worried more about criminals than victims, attacked Bukele’s government. Human Rights Watch offered the boilerplate lachrymose leftism:
Salvadoran security forces have committed widespread human rights violations since the adoption of a state of emergency approved in late March 2022, in response to a peak in gang violence, Human Rights Watch and Cristosal said in a joint report released today.
The 89-page report, “‘We Can Arrest Anyone We Want’: Widespread Human Rights Violations Under El Salvador’s ‘State of Emergency’” documents mass arbitrary detention, torture and other forms of ill-treatment against detainees, enforced disappearances, deaths in custody, and abuse-ridden prosecutions. President Nayib Bukele’s swift dismantling of judicial independence since he took office in mid-2019 enabled the abuses.
[Widespread Human Rights Violations Under El Salvador’s “State of Emergency”, Human Rights Watch, December 7, 2022]
That assessment, of course, is how we know Bukele is on the right path. How accurate the number of those arrested might be is open to question, but one thing is clear: El Salvador’s most violent criminals are being jailed.
Governing a Third World country is no easy task, especially one such as El Salvador that has been plagued by rampant crime and political unrest. So let’s get real. El Salvador has been a total train wreck for 40 years. Its brutal civil war from 1979 to 1992 compelled about 500,000 Salvadorans to flee to the US in the 1980s alone [El Salvador: Civil War, Natural Disasters, and Gang Violence Drive Migration, by Cecilia Menjívar and Andrea Gómez Cervantes, Migration Policy Institute, August 29, 2018]. And consider these data: Immigration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras grew 25 percent from 2007 to 2015, while migration from Mexico declined [Rise in U.S. Immigrants From El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras Outpaces Growth From Elsewhere, by D’Vera Cohn, Jeffrey S. Passel, & Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, Pew Research, December 7, 2017]. That is why the Salvadoran population here dramatically increased to make it the fourth largest Hispanic group at 2.47 million, trailing only Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans. No wonder El Salvador, by the way, now relies on remittances from U.S-based “migrants” to keep the country afloat economically. Remittances in 2020 were 24 percent of its gross domestic product [Remittance Inflows to GDP for El Salvador, St. Louis Federal Reserve, March 23, 2023]. That’s $5.9 billion of the nation’s $24.56 billion GDP.
Now, a significant number of those Salvadorans here are members of MS-13, Barrio 18, or other gangs, which means that POTUS 45 Trump’s claim that Mexico isn’t sending its best applies to El Salvador. As of 2017, MS-13 alone boasted more than 10,000 members in the United States [Department of Justice Fact Sheet On MS-13, DOJ.gov, April 18, 2017]. Street gangs claim some 60,000 active members in El Salvador, so we have to hope that Bukele’s emergency law, backed by that massive sweep, caught most of them.
Those gangs have a significant transnational footprint [El Salvador Profile, Insight Crime, September 15, 2020]. They aren’t as sophisticated as the Mexican drug cartels, but their criminal activities are the same: extortion, kidnapping, extortion, human smuggling, drug trafficking, and, of course, murder … and lots of it. Among MS-13’s infamous crimes was the kidnapping and Satanic ritual murder of a 15-year-old girl in 2017.
Such murders explain Trump’s subsequent comments in 2018, when Fresno County Sheriff Margaert Mims asked him about sanctuary policies that stopped the arrest of MS-13 members “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,” Trump said. “These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before” [Anti-Trump media take president out of context to incorrectly claim he called illegal immigrants ‘animals’, by Brian Flood, Fox News, May 17, 2018].
That’s actually unfair to the many majestic creatures of the animal kingdom, but regardless, at long last a president spoke his mind. Now, with Biden, more of those animals are crossing the border. Then again, there is Bukele, elected in 2019, who quickly moved to protect his countrymen from the criminal scourge. That helps Americans who might otherwise confront these rapists and murders after they jumped the border.
If Open Borders, Inc., and its auxiliaries get their way, Bukele will be toppled and replaced with a globalist stooge who will do nothing to stop criminal violence, and El Salvador will collapse into chaos again. An unstable El Salvador will send illegal aliens to this country, which is what the Treason Lobby-Human Rights Axis of Evil and its rootless cosmopolitan allies want to see across Latin America.
A stable Central America will send many fewer of its poor to the US en masse, which will slow Traitor Joe’s Great Replacement. As for the criminals, the best thing for Americans is keeping Bukele and similar iron-willed leaders in Central America in power. He’s jailing gang members and other criminals there, so they won’t kill girls in Satanic rituals here.
Pedro de Alvarado is a Hispanic dissident who is well aware of the realities of race from his experience living throughout Latin America and in the States.
As a native of lands conquered by brave Spaniards but later subverted by centuries of multiracial trickery and despotic governance, Pedro offers clear warnings to Americans about the perils of multiracialism.