Too Little Too Late: France Votes On Law To Tighten Migration Control As Europe Is Overrun With Illegals – Paul Serran

Western Europe, like the US, is getting absolutely swamped by illegal mass migration. There’s no two ways about it.

From Italy’s Giorgia Meloni in the Mediterranean south, up to Rishi Sunak by the British Channel, passing by Germany’s Olaf Scholz – political leaders are under immense pressure from their constituencies to tackle – in a firm and decisive manner – the rampant illegal flood that is hurting their economies and destroying their cultures.

In France, things are not any different. President Emmanuel Macron goes from crisis to crisis, always tasking law enforcement to deal with the unemployed young migrants one step away from open rebellion.

So, there some movement. Senators in France have now opened debate on an immigration bill intended to strengthen the country’s ability to expel illegal foreigners that are deemed ‘undesirable’.

Open-borders advocates, as you would expect, criticized the measure as a ‘threat to the rights’ of asylum-seekers and other migrants.

The French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, in his opening remarks to the Senate, said citizens are looking to authorities for decisions in a Europe ‘surrounded by unstable lands’.

He stated that irregular immigration shot up by more than 60% this year.


Associated Press reported:

“’To speak of immigration is to speak of our sovereignty… those we want to welcome, those we want to separate from’, Darmanin said. The government said the measure would strengthen and accelerate the process for deporting foreigners who are regarded as ‘a serious threat to public order’.”

Three motions from leftist parties to outright reject the bill were voted down. The Senate debate is just the first step in a long and difficult legislative process.

The bill was postponed due to lack of support from a parliamentary majority, but now it seems ready to be voted.

“The upper house of parliament is dominated by conservatives who are opposed to giving legal status for workers who entered France illegally, arguing the move would create a ‘pull effect’ that encourages more migrants to come.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, speaking Monday on France Inter radio, rejected the conservatives’ claim and said the provision would benefit ‘people who’ve been on our territory for years, who are well integrated’.”

In the lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, Macron’s centrist alliance lacks a majority.


There, the bill will require votes of conservative lawmakers to pass.

Meanwhile, dozens of left-wing lawmakers and human rights activists staged a demonstration Monday in front of the Senate.

“Darmanin in an X post on Monday said that ‘What we seek is to be able to say yes or no to someone (seeking papers), and quickly’. He added that someone risking expulsion has a dozen ways to contest it, but he wants to ‘divide by three’ those legal avenues.”

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