The malign narcissism makes its adepts show the same traits. Not surprising to see them “marching as one”. Not accepting dissidence. The malign narcissist assumes “ME” and my group as good and divine while the others are seen as disposable.
In recent years, one of the few fields of knowledge not influenced by political accumulation of power is psychiatry and more specifically the studies on malign narcissism. Despite variations, we can agree to recognize the overwhelming importance of malign narcissism in society. Many studies and observers insist on describing very rightly the progress of a malign, destructive social pathology not able to be cured. The worst is the possibility of taking over the totality of a country or a series of nations dominated by the totalitarianism as political expression of such a narcissist society.
In times of mass hysteria, as it as often been observed, organized narcissism becomes the seed of totalitarian nations as much as other political hells. From Hannah Arendt to Claude Lefort, every look into the totalitarianism past proves how totalitarianism gives you the chance to belong to a superior “healthy and strong” community whose leaders never commit a mistake in front of subhumans declared “dying peoples”. In present-day society, many observers as long as universal experience teach us that something very narcissist has taken over politics. Society, indeed, whenever it succeeds over the traditions of peoples, imposes a sort of predatory principle: we are not in touch with reality, we are only looking at the mirror of society. The assets we hold are not really valuable, because the only valuable thing is to take and control what is not ours. Depredation, lack of boundaries, need of status, devaluation of whoever narcissist don’t need. Malign narcissism is a social cancer that can easily become genocide. The only condition is to take over the State and its violence. Slowly, politics has been focusing on feeding social malign narcissism through the slogan “your rights are the rights of get estatus”. Rights are nothing to do with estatus.
The malign narcissism makes its adepts show the same traits. Not surprising to see them “marching as one”. Not accepting dissidence. The malign narcissist assumes “ME” and my group as good and divine while the others are seen as disposable. Himmler used to say: “We must be loyal and sweet with our people and only ours”. We know the destiny Himmler planned for others. The narcissist only relates to “important people” because he deserves privileges and impunity. And very decisive: a narcissist only seeks victory even by stabbing you if necessary but never for one moment he can accept to be defeated. In case of defeat, he commits suicide rather than accept a mistake. A society based on narcissism invents a “science” that never commit a mistake. (…)
In the last years, narcissism have grown coinciding with a loss of interest in reality, other peoples and cultures, politics have introduced a total narcissist way to deal with masses. There is no citizens nor peoples anymore. What politicians seek is to connect with the isolated narcissist individual to whom politics gather against “our enemies”. “The invisible enemy” of pandemics, for instance. (…)
Months ago, Western masses began to hear a monolithic speech: “we are the good without regard for our deeds”. Clearly, the most self-centered society suffered a sudden attack of “Ukraine loving” and Russian hate. In November 2017, Western leaders refused to ban “nazi organizations” in the UNO. Why? in 2014, a coup d´etat took place in Ukraine. The democratically and constitutionally elected president of the country fled in order to save his life. All was planned and executed by CIA and by politicians like Victoria Nuland. Just like happened in Chile, but openly displayed to masses. The new owners of the country were openly nazis and racists, working side by side with people like Biden´s son who has business with the gas boss of Burisma. Today in Ukraine there is plenty of monuments to Stepan Bandera, one of the bloodiest supremacists involved in several murders of “low peoples” in 1941. Right Sektor and Azov, are nazi organizations whose slogan “Slava Ukraine” means “we are the pure race”. No secrets. The most significant is that, in the course of assaulting power, 50 people were burned alive in front of Western televisions. And it was all right. No blame, no tears. Nothing. No demonstrations on the streets neither in Madrid nor in Vienna. Nothing. Crimes Hitler hid in concentration camps now were displayed without fear of scandal. Hannah Arendt wrote “disregard for facts is the very essence of totalitarianism”. The smell of totalitarian expansion of narcissism is clear enough. Since 2014, Donbass as Russophone region as much as other minorities had been targeted by “OUR” Ukraine, causing 14 thousand victims now increasing that number thanks to bombing “separatist” population “friendly” with Russians.
On the other hand, when two months ago the propaganda began crying “WE” are invaded by Russians, a sort of hysterical hate was born against the “Russians”. Facebook invited costumers to hate Russians. As I have said before, malign narcissist society only finds agreement when it aims for a scapegoat on whom to project aggressions, corruption, predatory nature, dictatorship cult, sins and bad image. Many “experts” are successful in accusing Putin to be Stalin, while the president of Ukraine leader of a so-called Nazi army, Zelensky,!! is insisting on accusing Russia of being “nazi”!! Malign narcissism gathers masses by three visible goals. The first goal is to bind masses to total government, the second one, is to project the deeds and plans of the narcissist on the scapegoat and, last but not least, the goal aims to offer a narcissist victory, because, what can defeat us if we are a community based on overwhelming majority? Since we are sheer amount, we can not lose. But, ¿what about in case of defeat? Since narcissism can not admit neither a mistake nor a failure, we must accept rather suicide. it is better to die under a atomic fallout rather than stopping East expansion.(…) Narcissist is very territorialist, that means there is no living people in “separatist” regions, only a piece of land to keep ours. ¿Who was bombing people of Donbass?¿Who invades Ukraine through bloody coup in 2014? ¿Who wants to keep its sources?¿We talk about deeds or rather scapegoat?