Tucker Carlson Goes All In, Calls Out US Biowarfare Labs In The Ukraine – Andrew Anglin

There was some question as to where Tucker Carlson would go in the face of this Russia situation, with the entire media pushing the war hoax, and him no doubt being pressured to go along with the narrative by Fox, which has been completely unhinged in calling for a World War with Russia.

Even I wondered what direction he would go, but this week he proved he’s got 2Pac on in the background when he and his team are putting together these scripts, like “I ain’t a killer but don’t push me.”

On Wednesday, he basically had my exact take on the biowarfare labs thing. The idea that the US was funding these labs in the Ukraine, and then failed to destroy them before the Russian invasion – or, you know, after it started and they knew the Russians were going to be rolling in in a matter of days – sounds like a schizo fake news conspiracy theory.

Everyone following the situation heard people saying this before the Russian military came out and said it, and even when the Russian military came out and said it, I didn’t mention it. I know the Russians are much more honest than the West of course, but when I saw the Russian military say it, I thought about it for a second and then was like “ah well, they probably just read one of those schizo threads on /pol/ and decided to amplify it.” I wouldn’t really blame them for putting out a couple of hoaxes, given how many hoaxes the US is bombarding the world with.

But then this week Victoria Nuland admitted to it at a Congressional hearing.

Tucker covered all of this in the opening segment of the show, which you can see here.

 Video Link

It was uncanny that immediately after Tucker’s show, he handed it over to Sean Hannity, who opened his show with that heinous short-haired woman saying that akshually, what Vicki was talking about is a program where the US is helping the Ukrainians to decommission labs set up during the Soviet era.

So to be clear: her claim, which she backs up with “Pentagon sources,” is that between 1991 and 2014, these labs were just sitting there, doing nothing, with the plague and anthrax I guess just in fridges in unused buildings. Then in 2014, when the US took over the country, they sent in teams to decommission these labs, and 8 years later, they’re still working on it.

Even Jack Posobiec pointed out how jarring it was to go from Tucker breaking it down to Hannity saying “don’t think about this, it’s fine, we need to keep focused on trying to assassinate Putin to save democracy.”

Note that this issue of labs has also been addressed by John Kirby at the Pentagon, who just completely denied the whole thing, as if Vicki had not made these statements at all.


I guess he’s calling Vicki a liar? I mean – Vicki said it.

They’re all going nuts over this.

Jen Psaki had a long thread on it, also not addressing the Vicki statement, which she concluded thusly:

Well. There is some kind of clear pattern here.

Even before Russia moved into the Ukraine, the US kept saying they were planning a “false flag.”

It was baffling to hear that term from the US government, which has been claiming for decades that false flags don’t exist – that they’re just a conspiracy theory delusion.

What was obvious to me is that this would allow the US to commit an atrocity against Russians and then say “see, this is the false flag we warned you about.”

Apparently, that is still on the table.

Of course, they could also do their own false flag, gas some Ukrainians, then claim Russia did it because they were losing the war. This narrative of “Russia is losing the war” doesn’t really make any sense, because it’s like, everyone following this knows that they’re not losing the war, and the only reason it appears to be going slowly is that Putin is optics cucking and trying to minimize civilian casualties. He keeps going along with these civilian evacuation ceasefires, which always result in Ukrainian soldiers either firing on their own civilians or just saying the evacuation has to be canceled because Russia is planning to fire on civilians.

Obviously, however, Russia is gaining ground every day and this isn’t going to go on forever. Eventually, Russia will take the country, regardless of how many weapons and Scottish grandfathers the West is able to ship in.

Part of the goal is obviously to maximize casualties and destruction to buildings and infrastructure by prolonging the conflict. If they keep falsely claiming that the Ukraine can win the war, then they can keep justifying sending these weapons and extending the conflict. (As a side note, cable news ratings are up during this conflict, so the media itself has reason to do whatever they can to keep this going. I don’t think that’s a big factor on the macro level, but on the micro level of Sean Hannity and his producers seeing a ratings explosion, he’s going to be pushing for prolonging the conflict.)

But “Russia is losing” also lends itself very much to a false flag.

The reverse false flag also works – if the US gasses Russians and says they did it to themselves, that is going to cause Putin to escalate.

I’m glad to see Tucker is keeping it real though.

He’s keeping it so real that Russian TV is dubbing his segments and playing them in Russia.

Imagine: “This American can actually explain the situation better than we can – let’s go to him.”

I shouldn’t have doubted him.

But on those first few shows after Russia went in, he seemed a bit wobbly. I don’t think anyone can blame him for saying “war is bad,” but we need the context of the fact that Putin simply didn’t really have any choice here, and the real responsibility for this conflict rests exclusively on the shoulders of people in our own government.

Sides have been chosen.

At this point, I think it’s fair to say that nothing is going to get any less weird than it is right now for quite a while.

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