Americans have grown sick and tired of greedy and corrupt Zelensky, and one of those people who’s had just about enough is the most popular US TV journalist, Tucker Carlson, and he let the puppet know exactly how he feels during last night’s show.
Americans are in a real mess right now. I read an article recently that said people are falling behind in their bills because the cost of food, gas, and utilities has skyrocketed: with prices rising nearly across the board, it’s getting harder to pay for basic necessities, causing some Americans to fall behind, Missy Crane writes.
To that point, 32% of adults have paid a bill late in the past six months, according to a recent report by LendingTree — and 61% of them said it’s because they didn’t have the money on hand to cover the cost. About 40% said they are less able to afford their bills compared with one year ago, the report found. Most said they fell behind on a utility bill, credit card payment or cable or internet bill.
So, how do you think it makes Americans feel when they can’t make ends meet, and no help is coming their way, to see this pipsqueak from Ukraine, going on TV, and demanding more money from us, after he’s received BILLIONS of our hard-earned tax dollars already?
I’ll tell you how it feels… crappy.
And many Americans have grown sick and tired of it. And one of those people who’s had just about enough is Tucker Carlson, and he let greedy and corrupt Zelensky know exactly how he feels during last night’s show.
You can watch the videos below:
Tucker Carlson To The Beggar King's Christmas List
— The Columbia Bugle
"Up yours buddy!" pic.twitter.com/ddPq6O80zZ(@ColumbiaBugle) October 14, 2022
This is infuriating. This was never our fight. It’s a regional issue that the Euros should have handled.
Here’s what people online are saying:
“Revolving doors with payments to our politicians.”
“Tucker Tucker Tucker, you already KNOW why he is making these obscene demands! He has all the ‘goods’ on the FJB Crime Family Cartel, ms. Lindsey graham, mcturrtle, the mcstain crime family, the kerry crime family and ALL of the other criminals lording over the USA.”
“many have aligned the title of ‘anti-christ’ to zelensky his demands of money and weapons are always granted. why? every congressmen/women not standing against giving ‘Billions’ to a foreign government and weapons from our military to the point the US is seriously depleted should be put in prison for treason say goodbye to America bc God cannot bless this land when evil is abundant
America’s destruction … is by design The ONLY reason we’re involved is because Ukraine has been a haven for the political global elites to do all kinds of nasty and illegal things. That’s what I believe and nobody will convince me otherwise. ““Zelensky is as much an installed puppet president as Joe Biden is.”
“He must have a lot of dirt on the clowns in Washington”
“Zelensky is a globalist stooge.”
“And he will probably get it, ,less 10% to the “big guy” of course”
“I’d rather support the people of Iran than this Ukranian money laundering scam.”
“This is money laundering on a grand scale and Biden is in it! Also, how does Z have time to pose with his wife for a Vogue cover during a war? Something stinks.”
“A good number of the rebuilding contracts will go to China. The Ukraine President has more than hinted this notion.”
“Z and the previous installed puppet president have been bombing n killing their own people since 2014. When is biden gonna say we dont support terrorists?”
“Zelensky is probably blackmailing Biden.”
“Z probably has so much dirt on Hunter, it’s not even funny”
“He offered the Chinese an opportunity to rebuild Ukraine. Usually, we pay off our politically well-connected with contracts for those projects (Iraq is a good example.) Another form of kickbacks. But China? We send billions so that CHINA can rebuild their corrupt nation? We’re going to pay China? Biden money: China, Ukraine. China money: US taxpayers. No thanks.”
“Because whoever is running the US treasury now is so competent? The whole debt financing thing is already a ponzi that finances the communist democrat party. They are extremist bloodthirsty for power because their agenda has little public support.”
“He thinks he can make these demands because of the years he has spent laundering money for western politicians. And so far, he’s right.”
If we don’t take power away from these crazy radical Democrats this midterm, Biden will have us all be working in labor camps to pay for the Russia/Ukraine “war.”