U.K. to deploy door-to-door covid vaccine “hit squads” – Ethan Huff – NaturalNews.com

(Natural News) The government of Great Britain has announced that in order to get more people “vaccinated” with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), jab-armed “hit squads” are now being deployed throughout the island to help boost compliance. Plandemic goons have already been spotted roving neighborhoods in Bolton and Blackburn, two areas of England that have supposedly…

(Natural News) The government of Great Britain has announced that in order to get more people “vaccinated” with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), jab-armed “hit squads” are now being deployed throughout the island to help boost compliance. Plandemic goons have already been spotted roving neighborhoods in Bolton and Blackburn, two areas of England that have supposedly…
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