U.S. embassy in Kabul urges Americans to leave immediately

(FOX NEWS) – The U.S. embassy in Kabul told Americans in Afghanistan to leave the country immediately in response to an increase in violence, and to not “rely on U.S. government flights” in the process.

“The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to leave Afghanistan immediately using available commercial flight options. Given the security conditions and reduced staffing, the Embassy’s ability to assist U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is extremely limited even within Kabul,” the embassy said on its government website Saturday.

The warning comes after the Taliban ambushed and killed the director of Afghanistan’s government media center on Friday in Kabul, with a Taliban spokesman saying the official was “punished to [sic] his deeds.” The terrorist group on Friday also captured its first provincial capital, Zaranj, located in the southern Nimroz province.

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