Ukraine Admitted That It’s Just A Gigantic Testing Ground For Western Weapons – Andrew Korybko

Objective observers were already aware of this “politically inconvenient” fact but now the cat’s out of the bag and released by none other than that crumbling former Soviet Republic’s top military official. This means that the proxy war’s perpetuation is artificially manufactured for the purpose of selling and testing weapons, not “defending democracy” like the American elite falsely claims.

US-led NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine is sold to the Western audience as a so-called “civilizational struggle” between “democracy” and “autocracy”, but the cold reality is that it’s actually driven by ulterior motives such as those connected to the Golden Billion’s influential military-industrial complex (MIC). Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov candidly admitted this in an interview with Politico when declaring that “We have a combat testing field in Ukraine during this war.”

Objective observers were already aware of this “politically inconvenient” fact but now the cat’s out of the bag and released by none other than that crumbling former Soviet Republic’s top military official. This means that it can be discussed by the public without anyone being smeared as so-called “conspiracy theorists” by those who aggressively gatekeep the “official narrative”. After all, that selfsame narrative has now evolved to acknowledging that this conflict is at least partially driven by the MIC’s interests.

Elaborating upon that, this military-strategic insight suggests that influential lobbyists associated with this sphere and those lawmakers who’ve invested in that industry are doing their utmost to indefinitely perpetuate this proxy war. The problem, however, is that the MIC doesn’t have the capacity to sustain the scope, scale, and pace of the Golden Billion’s military aid to Kiev due to their already dwindling stockpiles that’ll take plenty of time to replenish.

This development could theoretically create an opportunity for prioritizing a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian Conflict exactly like the Congressional Progressive Caucus earlier considered prior to retracting its related statement. Those of their fellow elite who pressured them to do so aren’t just colluding with Kiev to meddle in the upcoming midterms, but probably also have a stake in perpetuating this proxy war due to their possible connections to the MIC that’s immensely profiting from all of this.

With this in mind, it compellingly appears as though the MIC, its lobbyists, and those members of the elite that are tied to them in some way or another want to scuttle any talk of a diplomatic solution to the conflict in order for related requests to continue piling in indefinitely. If everything was peacefully resolved, then this industry wouldn’t just receive less orders, but also couldn’t test their wares in actual combat conditions. For these reasons, they need to perpetuate the conflict for as long as possible.

Everything makes sense when viewed from this perspective, especially when remembering that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson reportedly sabotaged Russian-Ukrainian peace talks last spring that were supposedly on the brink of achieving a real breakthrough prior to his intervention. Powerful members of the elite can’t allow a diplomatic solution to the conflict since it’ll harm the interests of the influential MIC that they’re connected to, ergo their endless meddling and psy-ops.

All of this means that the proxy war’s perpetuation is artificially manufactured for the purpose of selling and testing weapons, not “defending democracy” like this same corrupt elite falsely claims. To that end, the elite are plotting to break the emerging stalemate that’s objectively in Russia’s military-strategic favor and could predictably reduce the urgency for more military-industrial orders, which is where the latest talk about a dirty bomb false flag comes into play.

As was explained in a prior piece, that scenario is completely against Russia’s interests and entirely in Kiev’s, especially since it could enable the latter to indefinitely receive military aid from the West. That driving motivation also serves the corrupt US elite’s interests since it would benefit their partners in the MIC, though it remains unclear whether this plot will go through or not. In any case, everyone should remember that every provocation related to this conflict is connected to the MIC in one way or another.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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