“Ukraine is A Done Deal. It’s Flattened And They Lost” – Steve Harrigan From FOX News Upon Return From Ukraine

FOX News reporter Steve Harrigan was on America’s Newsroom on FOX News this morning and he discussed his perceptions of Ukraine after returning from there recently. The situation in Ukraine is very sad and dire.  Ukraine cannot beat Russia.  They are surrounded.

Mediaite reported on Harrigan’s discussion on FOX:

Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan returned from Ukraine with a grim message about the future of Ukraine, but also a prediction that the Russian people “are going to rise up” and overthrow Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I think Putin is being bled. And he will be bled for years and it will take years. Maybe the oligarchs who are making as much money will hurt. Maybe the Russian people will rise up,” said Harrigan on America’s Newsroom on Monday. “I think for me, Ukraine is a done deal. It’s flattened and they lost. But the next story, I think, is Russia. The Russian people are going to rise up and throw this guy out.”

Co-host Julie Banderas, filling in for Dana Perino, asked Harrigan if he forecasts a coup and whether it’s “too late” for that.

“You know what, I think this is a long-term tragedy,” he replied. “We’re watching people get slaughtered. And we’re going to watch it for years to come.”

Here is Harrigan’s interview:

Meanwhile, talks between the leaders of the two countries were paused today until tomorrow per NBC.

Talks between Ukraine and Russia took place via video link before a “technical pause” was called until Tuesday, according to a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who is leading Kyiv’s delegation.

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