Ukraine Fake Virtue Signaling. Brought To You By The Letter ‘Z’ – Seth Hancock

“Increasingly I despair of this country. The more I read and see, the more I am confirmed in my view that the ‘American Empire’ is reaching a final phase and that our ‘shelf life’ is expiring, just as all other great empires—Roman, Ottoman, British—have expired.”—Boyd Cathy 

 The level of propaganda being pushed these days and widely believed by the public is emblematic of a dying society. 

The Biden administration is once again extending the pause on federal student loans payments — this time, through the end of August. In a statement, President Biden cited a recent analysis from the Fed that if the payments were to resume, millions of student loan borrowers would face significant “economic hardship, delinquencies, and defaults that could threaten America’s financial stability.” Sarah Foster, an analyst at Bankrate, breaks down the impact of the extension on borrowers, the economy

Last week, The Liberty Loft reported on German states banning the use of “Z” to support Ukraine with penalties of up to three years in prison. 

When I first saw the headline, I thought it had to do with something related to the name of Ukrainian oligarch Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but that’s not the case. The Independent reported: 

 “Ukraine has called on countries to ban the usage of the letter ‘Z’ to show support to the war-torn country against Russia’s invasion. Several Russian military vehicles, with ‘Z’ written in white, had crossed the border into Ukraine after Russian president Vladimir Putin declared war on 24 February.” 

 Of course, this is utter absurdity, and I thought I’d bring you a little roundup of the virtue signaling and propaganda since the start of the conflict, ranging from the comically absurd to the downright dangerous. And, there are consequences to this insanity. 

 We’ll start with the most absurd, such as the foodie virtue signaling like UK shopper wanting supermarkets to change the name of chicken Kiev to chicken Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Or there’s the restaurant being threatened for serving the dish poutine, which is too close to Putin for the mind-controlled masses. 

 They’re going after Russian cats and even the Slovenian flag because it looks too much like Russia’s. 

We had Texas tyrant Greg Abbott virtue signaling telling business owners to remove Russian products from their shelve. And bar owners around Canada and America have done their part by pouring perfectly good vodka out.  

 David Knight likened this to the absurdity that was “freedom fries” decades ago because France didn’t join in on the military industrial complex’s wars. 

 Now, this could be written off as the laughable absurdity that it is if not for the real consequences of people losing their jobs, censorship and rewriting of history. 

 Facebook approves of targeting people of Russian decent as Zelenskyy publicly praises them for helping him win the propaganda war. DuckDuckGo has engaged in censorship and there’s an international PR campaign to browbeat everyone into submission, and it’s working. 

In Virginia, a substitute teacher was fired because he told students to consume sources from both sides of the conflict and formulate their own opinions. What a travesty, a teacher actually teaching kids to critically think. Certainly, that is never allowed in government schools

 University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer has been targeted for a speech made in 2015 in which he foresaw what we’re seeing today because of Western meddling into the affairs of others. 

As Paul Joseph Watson reported for Summit News, the Munich Philharmonic fired its chief conductor, Russian-born Valery Gergiev, for not publicly denouncing Putin. The Montreal Symphony Orchestra won’t allow Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev perform even though he did condemn Putin. In Czechia, the police have told Czechs that they’re monitoring social media and citizens can face up to 3 years behind bars if they express support for Russia. 

While we’re talking about music, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who composed The Nutcracker, is being cancelled for being Russian. Tchaikovsky’s been dead for nearly 130 years, and the virtue signalers need to remove him from history. 

Also rewriting history is The Space Foundation in Colorado which removed the name of the first man in space, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. 

 Then there’s the removal of outlets like RT AmericaCaitlin Johnstone writes: “And I can’t help but find it odd that the fight for freedom and democracy should require such copious amounts of censorship. You’d think a free society would have no objection to people trying to learn the other side of the debate about a war which NATO powers very plainly had a hand in starting, rather than being forced to consume only western mass media narratives which tell us this is happening exclusively because Vladimir Putin is evil and Hitlery and hates freedom.” 

 As we all know, sex sells, and they have “warrior” hottie Anastasia Lenna down for the fight, with the New York Post stating: “With her bravery and her newfound international fame, Lenna is leading the push for peace, making this 2015 quote she gave seem all the more prophetic — ‘God give me this beauty for a reason.’” 

 Oh, the disgraceful propaganda seeps through on that one. Of course, Lenna didn’t really join the fight as reported. No, she’s just being used to convince you to send your sons and, even more disgustingly, your daughters to die for the globalist cause. But hey, you could get Ukrainian citizenship

 Does it feel like it’s all scripted? All the fake photosfake gunsdumb politicians, Zelenskyy’s Grammy Awards appearance, it’s all a show. 

 As The Conservative Treehouse wrote: “Everything in modern warfare is storytelling. Question all of it.” 

 All of this will have a deleterious effect on us. It certainly doesn’t help the Ukrainian people who are being used as human shields for the globalist agenda. The various financial moves are setting up the collapse of our dollar. But, the war profiteers keep raking in the money, and this distracts from the COVID insanity. And it’s all leading to nuclear war

 Edward Curtin writes for the Off-Guardian: “Not wanting to sound hyperbolic, but I am starting to conclude that the nuclear madmen running the U.S./NATO New Cold War they started decades ago are itching to start a nuclear war with Russia. 

 The propaganda is becoming more militaristic day-by-day by the uniparty. And if you want to know what the uniparty looks like, it’s Sean Hannity and Sean Penn together demanding nuclear war. They’d have us believe they’re on opposite sides when nothing could be further from the truth. 

 “So long as the people continue to blindly obey and believe the propaganda, there will always be another threat, another emergency, another plot, or another scam meant to subdue and control them.”—Gary Barnett 

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