Ukraine Off The Radars – Brecht Jonkers

Ever since the hugely successful breakout attack by Hamas on October 7, in which Palestinian freedom fighters humiliated the IDF in the eyes of the entire world by breaching their suffocating siege on Gaza and by attacking numerous Zionist colonies across the southern regions of the entity, worldwide attention has understandably been focused on Palestine.

This has come at the cost of previous foci of mainstream media, in particular the conflict in Ukraine. Looking at the reports coming in from corporate media channels across the Western world, it is nowadays hard to believe that just a year ago, these channels were oversaturated to the very brim with reports on Crimea, Donbass and Russia. Place names like Khan Yunis and Nablus have taken the place of Mariupol, Bakhmut and Marinka. The ubiquitous Ukrainian flags and rewriting of history to obfuscate the crimes of the Kiev government’s hero Stepan Bandera, have been pushed to the background, as the conflict showcasing itself on the streets of Europe and in the minds of Westerners in general, is the fundamental struggle between Zionism and the Axis of Resistance.

Partially, such a change is to be expected. The mainstream media, driven by sensationalism, after all cannot continue focusing on one particular subject for too long. The fact that they managed to keep Ukraine as a hot topic for over a year and a half, is already a major feat in and of itself, which showcases the importance that the “threat“ of Russian resistance against NATO unipolar hegemony has for the policy makers in charge of the media.

However, the situation goes deeper than that. It’s not just that other conflicts have taken temporary precedence in the media and in the public opinion of the world, and has pushed the fate of Ukraine to the side. The deeper and fundamental issue is that many, even in the West, have simply grown tired of Ukraine. The constant barrage of pro-Ukrainian propaganda that has been slammed in the faces of the inhabitants of Europe and North America in particular, seems to have had an adverse effect on the public sympathy for the cause. The fear mongering reports on imminent Russian invasion of Western Europe, at times reminiscent of the “Asiatic hordes from the East“ trope from the 1940s, may have bolstered the dedication of the already committed NAFO types, but has failed to convince the general public. And the idea that Russia is a looming fascist superpower that controls most of the right-wing populist political parties that have been on the rise across the continent, as some sort of shadowy puppet master, has failed to find entry amongst the majority of audiences.

The problem of “Ukraine fatigue” has been recognised even by major mainstream media outlets themselves, such as the Financial Times. “Don’t be too encouraged by EU leaders’ ability to avoid the worst,“ FT’s European economics commentator Martin Sandbu said in his December 2023 article, explaining that matters such as Hungary’s unwillingness to continue the limitless support for Kiev and the difficulties with which possible EU expansion is faced nowadays, show that the support for Ukraine can be very brittle.

Of course, we can’t expect a media outlet embedded completely within the sphere of Western liberal capitalist hegemony, to be opposed to war or critical of NATO warmongering. Where the aforementioned analysis succinctly realises that “We are contending with public opinion growing weary of a conflict that is dragging on”, it immediately continues by stating “because of our own delays in providing Ukraine with the most powerful weapons”. In other words, the Financial Times analyst blames the West for not yet being militarily involved enough. Apparently, 43.9 billion dollars worth of US military aid by the end of 2023 is not considered enough yet.

The continuous failures of the promised Ukrainian “counteroffensives” and the slow but steady Russian advance, most recently with the total Ukrainian withdrawal from the strategic city of Marinka, have demoralised the Western public. The “good news show” propaganda of Western media predicting the so-called imminent collapse of Russia and the steadfastness of the Ukrainian military and political system, are now being met with widespread ridicule. The constant media appearances of Volodymyr Zelensky in his obligatory khaki shirt, and particularly his brazen demands for ever more military support, have backfired and led instead to ennui in the minds of many Europeans.

Even the ruling classes of the Western powers cannot seem to escape this unavoidable fact. Military support for Ukraine was at an all-time low in November 2023, and a massive 50 billion dollars aid package to Kiev failed to pass through the Senate in early December. To be sure, the Republican decision to block the passing of this package had little to nothing to do with any anti-war sentiment, and was instead caused by a fundamental disagreement with the Biden administration in regards to border controls. However, the very fact that internal disagreements between US political groups seems to prevail over the previously near unquestioned bipartisan support for Ukraine, is a major sign of change in and of itself.

The imperialist powerhouse that is the United States, quite simply wouldn’t let military expansion of any kind be held up by internal squabbles if the military-industrial complex was confident that it would lead to results. These results however, have been severely lacking at the Ukrainian front, and with the Zionist entity itself in hot water and US military supremacy in the Red Sea hanging in the balance due to Yemen’s steadfast resistance, there simply are more pressing priorities for the Pentagon.

Things were made even worse for Zelensky when the Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Valery Zaluzhny broke ranks and spilled the beans in an interview with The Economist, stating that “there will be no deep and beautiful breakthrough” and admitting that the war is at a stalemate. The grinding down and wearing out of Ukrainian troops and the gradual destruction of its billions of dollars worth of fancy Western military equipment, suits Russia just fine. Despite the ongoing ridicule in corporate media about Russia not being able to “blitz” its way to Kiev and Lvov, the fact remains that the major goals of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine are continuing at full speed, as well as the success in keeping Ukraine out of NATO by the simple virtue of ongoing conflict.

The rise of nationalist and anti-globalist forces across Central Europe in particular, has further eroded the support for the EuroMaidan clique in Kiev. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has consistently criticized Anglo-American warmongering towards Russia and the use of continental Europe as a weapon and shield this would entail. Concretely, Budapest remains committed to blocking any talk of Ukrainian accession to the European Union. The Hungarian government also blocked a further 50 billion dollars EU aid package in December.

Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico has echoed these policies, openly backing Orban in a joint recent press conference with his Hungarian counterpart, and adding that further funneling funds into the pockets of Kiev will only result in Europe itself being poorer, and Ukraine losing the conflict regardless. Slovak member of the European Parliament Miroslav Radakovski has gone several steps further in a recent statement, accusing the West of “killing Slavs” and risking a general Slavic retaliation as a result. The MEP furthermore called the European Union a “vassal of the United States” and emphasized that any peace talks regarding Ukraine must take place without US involvement.

All of this is not even mentioning the very real possibility of a return of Donald Trump to the world stage as President of the United States. Trump has already set alarm bells in motion in the halls of the Atlanticist elites since early last year by refusing to commit to Ukraine’s side of the conflict, leading to an ongoing campaign of fear mongering against his presidential bid that has so far been largely unsuccessful, as his victory in the Iowa caucus has shown.

Naturally, the promises of a man under whose administration Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were assassinated and the US embassy to the Zionist entity moved to al-Quds, must be taken with a major grain of salt. However, it cannot be denied that the globalists in both Democrat and Republican parties are highly uncomfortable with the populist and generally non-interventionist agenda that the voter base of Trump has been displaying.

It is clear that the Atlanticist elite is getting fearful about the potential future of their Ukraine project, which they started back in 2014 with the so-called “EuroMaidan” coup and the subsequent forceful pull of Ukraine into the US-EU sphere of influence. West European governments in particular have been stepping up trying to bolster Kiev’s ranks, with over 3 billion dollars worth of renewed British military support set to come in.

EU propaganda efforts against Russia have also been doubled in recent days, with the defence minister of Germany warning of a “Russian invasion” in as little as five years time, a statement echoed by a British “military expert” and armed forces veteran in The Telegraph. One would have thought that Brexit would have meant that the UK would involve itself less in continental European matters and instead focus on its own plethora of domestic issues, but apparently the City of London has different ideas when it comes to imposing British influence upon the European continent. In related news, German tanks are once again rolling over Polish land, this time ostensibly to construct a Baltic military corridor aimed directly at Russia. Any similarity to earlier and extremely bloody chapters of European history in those regions, is surely entirely coincidental.

The drums of war are beating louder than ever before in recent memory, particularly in Western Europe itself. Propaganda efforts carrying a distinct reflection of the old adage of the Asiatic Hordes from the East (minus the Bolshevik moniker they used to bear in previous iterations) are omnipresent in corporate media, with anyone raising any doubt about the Atlanticist agenda being branded either a “fascist” or a “Stalinist”. After all, logical consistency has never been a requirement for making a lucrative career in West European mainstream media or politics.

However, at the end of the day it is worth considering why this loud drum beating is needed in the first place. For much of the past years, it was enough to emphasize Ukraine’s “capacity to win this war”, to show a grim looking Zelensky in front of a green screen, or to shout some Stepan Bandera-inspired slogans in a microphone. That time is now over, it seems. Media channels have rerouted efforts into trying to convince Europeans that the Russians are coming for them next, that their children and their homes are under direct threat from a Beast from the East. Of course, the problem is that there is absolutely no evidence for any such claims, quite the contrary. But it seems that European political pundits and propagandists adhere firmly to the idea that a lie could possibly become the truth. If only repeated often enough.

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