Ukraine And The US Have One Thing In Common – Obama/Biden Ran Coups In Both Nations

In 2014, the Obama Administration was behind a coup to install a leader in Ukraine.  Less than a decade later, the same group installed Biden in the US with a coup. 

See below the article about the actions that Obama and Biden took in 2014 to rid Ukraine of its Russia-leaning President and replace him with a leader picked by the Obama regime and others in Obama’s State Department. This was discussed at length in 2014 after a phone call from Victoria Nuland was leaked showing that the Obama Administration, including Joe Biden, was picking the next leader for Ukraine after being behind the riots and violence that led to the Russian-leaning President’s demise.

Then as all this was going on (as noted in the video from 2014 at the end of the post), Obama was out giving speeches supporting democracy in Ukraine.

Obama inserted a President in Ukraine in a coup.  He and others then used the knowledge they gained and did the same thing in the US in 2020!

In both cases there were riots.  Perhaps some of the people in those riots were innocent.   But the riots were violent in the summer of 2020, there were billions in damages in major US cities and 25 dead Americans.

In 2020, the Democrats had a horrible class of Presidential candidates.  Hillary was gone and there was no one who could win against President Trump.  Despite all the Democrats through at him, President Trump had a base bigger than any candidate in US history.

The Democrat primaries started and it appeared that the old and cranky communist, Bernie Sanders, was going to run away with the nomination.  The Democrats couldn’t have that.  So as you may recall they set up Biden to win the 2020 primary in South Carolina, then the other candidates backed out of the race, and Joe Biden was given the nomination for the Democrats.

Next, the Democrats and elites stole the 2020 Election for President after months of riots across the nation that caused so much damage and death, and BOOM, Biden was awarded the Presidency.

The Democrats and supportive RINOs did it again.  They installed their pick for President.  Different country, different day. 

FLASHBACK: Leaked Tape in 2014 Showed State Department’s Victoria Nuland Saying “F*** the EU” then Plotting Ukraine Coup Using Biden’s Help

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  In 2014 the State Department’s Victoria Nuland was caught on tape planning a coup in Ukraine using Biden’s help.

Victoria Nuland is currently serving as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the Biden – Obama Administration but she was with the State Department under Obama as well.  She was instrumental in the affairs in Ukraine at that time.   We’ve written about Nuland in the past, especially when it relates to Ukraine.  Recently when Nuland was before the Senate no one asked her about her past actions with the Obama gang.

But back in 2014 Nuland was very busy in Ukraine.  She was seen passing out cakes to protesters in Kiev, Ukraine at that time.  A few weeks after this the protests in that country got violent and a number of individuals died during these riots.

At this time, Nuland made a call with another American, Jeffrey Pyatt, to discuss the events in Ukraine.  She mentioned Jake Sullivan in the call as well as Joe Biden.  In their phone conversation, Nuland and Pyatt discussed who should join a unity government. Nuland notified Pyatt that after the review of the three opposition candidates for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, the US State Department had selected Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Joe Biden was involved in their decision.  It was a coup.  The Americans had picked their candidate.

The video below from that time discusses the call and the actions in Ukraine at that time. See below starting at about the 14:00 minute mark.


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