Ukraine “War” – The Level Of Disinformation Is Making Me Sick. Is There Even A War? Ukraine Army Has Dissolved!  – Andrew Anglin

Russia is going for basically a zero civilian casualty approach, even as they are being accused of “genocide” and all kinds of other lunacy. The media is saying “why is it taking them 4 days??? Russian army meets no resistance and the Ukraine Nazi Army has dissolved!

The only possible reason I can think that the media is claiming that Ukraine is somehow “winning the war” because of their “fierce resistance” and that Putin has “bit off more than he can chew” is that they are setting up a narrative for a false flag.

“Oh, Putin was losing so badly he had to release the gas – he gassed millions of civilians!”

Otherwise, what is the point of lying about it?

I mean, in a few days when the capital falls, people are going to be like “wait, I thought you said Russia was losing and Ukraine was shooting down hundreds of aircraft daily?”

I’ll tell you – I’m reading this stuff all day and it is hard for me to find good information. Russia is really not trying very hard to get good information out there. I guess they know it will all be censored, and there is not really any competing with the ZOG media machine that controls the narrative.

In actual fact, if Russia was willing to do a war like America does war – with high levels of civilian casualties – this war would take about 45 minutes. There is no possible way that this current strategy could go any faster than it is going. There is no resistance, there is just the human shields thing.

This is not really even a war.

I have been watching Jews lie for a decade now, and I’ve never seen anything like what is happening with the coverage of the Ukraine. I’ve never seen anything even close to it.

On CNN and Fox News, as well as every other news channel, they are talking about how the Ukrainians are fighting hard and Russia is suffering heavy losses.

What they don’t ever, ever do is show you any footage of combat.

Look at this, from a Western-backed Ukrainian publication:

These are numbers just pulled out of nothing.

They shot down 27 planes and 26 helicopters – and blew up 146 tanks and 706 armored personnel carriers – but there is no video of any of it?

I’ve seen one 12-second clip of an alleged Russian tank that was destroyed, and it looked fake. The claim that 146 tanks were destroyed is so monumentally lunatic, I don’t even know how to process it.

This is actual footage from Kiev in the last 24 hours:

There is no war in Kiev.

There are Chechen doom squads just north of the city, apparently stuck in traffic.


Along with troops already in the city – just driving around – the city is completely surrounded.

That’s not only according to Lord Miles, but according to the Mayor, Vitali Klitchko.

He said it was impossible to evacuate the city because there is no road out – it’s all covered with Russians.

There is not only no serious fighting in Kharkiv, the city has effectively surrendered.

Where are the videos of the Ukrainian civilians taking out tanks with water balloons?

Where is the video of the Ukrainian military, at all?

The reason is – they don’t want you to see what the actual Ukrainian military is doing. They are taking up positions in residential buildings to try to force Russians to fire on apartment complexes.

Here in Mariupol, Ukrainians are sheltering in a kindergarten.

Here’s a Ukrainian MP condemning this “human shields” technique.

They’re not showing the bombings because it is all just Ukrainian military installations getting BTFO.

Russia is bombing out all military installations and then encircling cities. I imagine they are going to start broadcasting that civilians should kick the military out of their apartment buildings.

The Ukraine military is fleeing everywhere, and not even trying to fight.

But it is really the most disgusting thing to turn on Fox and CNN, or check any news website, and hear about how bad Russia is losing, while they offer no details and just keep talking about “the fierce spirit of freedom” in the Ukraine people.

1 thought on “Ukraine “War” – The Level Of Disinformation Is Making Me Sick. Is There Even A War? Ukraine Army Has Dissolved! – Andrew Anglin

  1. Covid “scam-demic” allowed Western corrupt governments to implement totalitarian censorship and information control. Going forward, everything you read, see and hear from “mainstream” and some “controlled opposition” outlets will be FAKE. They are still using primitive cut and paste to fool the masses but very soon, they will be using “hollywood” style CGI and then it’s game over for the already stupid and ignorant sheep. Welcome to 1984 in 2022.

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