Ukrainian Biological Weapons Threaten Europe – Alexey Osinsky

Based on the described reality and the significant development of the network of biological laboratories in Ukraine, a dangerous working scheme has developed not only for the massive creation of deadly viruses, but also the possibility of their spread across Europe and the rest of the world.

Weapons from NATO countries appear in Ukraine, in the usual sense of the word. But on the territory of the country itself, thanks to the long-term work of American laboratories, closed from prying eyes and from the Ukrainians themselves, a different kind of weapon has long been ready: biological. These weapons are much more dangerous than traditional types and types of weapons, because their manufacture and use cannot always be controlled, the more difficult it is to cope with the consequences of a biological attack, the consequences of which are difficult to assess. The combat use of biological agents can have a wide range, from purely criminal to military-political.

Biological weapons manufactured at Ukrainian secret facilities, as well as firearms, can also be divided into types and types. In this sense, the causative agents of plague, smallpox or anthrax can be attributed to the most, so to speak, “attractive” agents from the point of view of the production of biological weapons. And taking into account the fact that this type of disease has a high degree of contagion, the rate of spread and the severity of the course. At the same time, it should be borne in mind the weak readiness of general medical healthcare networks to respond to a biological attack and the low immunity of the population.

All this together creates an additional effect for the maximum spread of any disease artificially introduced into society. This assessment applies not only to a number of post-Soviet countries, but almost all, without exception, European countries located in the zone of potential defeat near Ukraine.

The means of delivery of biological agents to the targeted population group or the territory designated for this purpose can be very different: from rodents and migratory birds to the transportation of special containers, the variety and volume of which do not allow effective control of them. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the surprise factor that always accompanies the use of this weapon, as well as the possibility of disguising it as a normal outbreak of an epidemic that occurred for natural reasons, often associated with the migration of the same rodents or climate fluctuations.

In the modern world, natural factors are aggravated by the development of civilization, transport networks, with the help of which the task of spreading infections is greatly facilitated. At the same time, the blow is inflicted not only on the intended target group, which is the main target for bioterrorists, but also on a huge mass of outsiders, taking into account the weak selectivity of this type of weapon.

The threat of the spread of biological weapons, including terrorist methods, is officially under the control of the relevant international organizations responsible for the non-proliferation of the threat. However, no one can guarantee that the organizations authorized for this by the world community and the UN member states will realize their mission one hundred percent, including taking into account the banal corruption within them. There are only two so-called independent organizations in this area, if we talk about the main ones involved in the control of rodents and other potential vectors: the World Health Organization and the World Organization for the Protection of Animal Health. But, as practice shows, it is quite possible to circumvent their control, which is also demonstrated by the international experience of the United States. In addition, these organizations themselves are mostly secretly controlled by the United States.

Based on the described reality and the significant development of the network of biological laboratories in Ukraine, a dangerous working scheme has developed not only for the massive creation of deadly viruses, but also the possibility of their spread across Europe and the rest of the world.

In the absence of truly independent international control over secret laboratories, it is impossible to guarantee that formal reports on its work correspond to officially stated goals.

By Alexey Osinsky
Political commentator

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