Ukrainian Children Taken Abroad To Orphanages, Sold To British Nationals — Ukr Leaks  Donetsk News Agency

DPR, Jul 27 — DAN. Former officer of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), head of the Ukr Leaks Investigation Center Vasily Prozorov said that children from Ukrainian low-income or refugee families are taken abroad for sale to high-placed British nationals.

“Let’s be frank: our children are taken outside Ukraine where they get into the hands of some shadowy adoptive families at best, or pedophiles or organ traders at worst, ” Prozorov said at the “Stolen Childhood” press conference  which addressed the infringement of the rights of Donbass children by Ukraine.

It is hard truth: Ukr Leaks has conducted an interesting investigation into surrogate motherhood and sale of newborns outside Ukraine. The people who sent case materials are representatives of a Ukrainian government agency engaged in the fight against human trafficking. Upon learning about the people behind the scheme and its stages, the senders realized that they could not defeat it on their own, he said.

 “A criminal group has long been ferrying children from Ukraine to Great Britain where they get into the hands of pedophiles, high-placed representatives of the British establishment. The group is led by former SBU agent Sergei Borisov. It is Borisov who selects children and prepares the necessary package of documents to take them away with the help of his accomplices, ” Prozorov said.

 Children from low-income or refugee families are taken abroad allegedly for education, medical treatment or “deliverance from the horrors of war.” At the expatriation stage, the traffickers get assistance from representatives of the Chemonics organization, an outsourcer of the United States Agency for International Development. The scheme is covered up by British officials who include diplomats and MI-6 agents, he said.

Earlier reports said that it took a DPR resident more than six months to reunite with her daughter who had been taken to western Ukraine without the knowledge of her parents and had to end up in an orphanage. The child had no documents, but her kidnappers promptly provided her with new ones.*jk

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