On November 28, during an event organized by Pro Italia (an Italian sovereignist organization neither on the left nor on the right), the coordinator of Urgences Panafricanistes Italy, Sâa François Farafín Sandouno, (as a guest) attacked neo-colonialist and globalist policies which favor immigration and trade in mainly African men. Here is his speech:
“Good evening everyone, I am François Farafín Sandouno, an Afro-descendant born in Rome. As a theme, I will talk to you about thalastic immigration, that is to say maritime immigration. Today we are witnessing to an immigration of Africans to Europe, an immigration which is rooted in the plundering of Africa by predatory exogenous Western forces, who are in incestuous cohabitation with the endogenous African forces Immigration is a bleeding, a hemorrhage.
This is obviously a problem for Italy, but also first and foremost for the African continent. No continent, no nation, no country, no civilization can progress without its human strength, without its living strength. t is to tackle the migration issue, many political forces in Italy, both on the right and on the left, are instrumentalizing. On the right, they stigmatize immigration, the migrant who arrives in Italy, but we do not seek never to analyze the causes of the problem. On the other hand, there is a neoliberal left subjugated to big Capital, a left which has betrayed its old ideals: the defense of social rights, the rights of workers, the fight against imperialism to which it is today enslaved. She defends a vision of globalist, neoliberal, aiming to amalgamate, to approve, to build a world without borders, without identities.
To speak of immigration is to question two things: the plundering of Africa (this is where the right and the left must begin) and the question of globalism. Globalism is attacking all peoples today: in Africa, Italy, France, Spain …
We from the NGO Urgences Panafricanistes, a non-governmental organization that I lead in Italy and which is chaired by the anti-colonial activist Kemi Seba, we face the causes. We are fighting everywhere in Africa against neo-colonialism, Françafrique, the CFA franc. We were the first organization in this 21st century to popularize the issue of the CFA franc, French neo-colonialism, and not just that. However, it should be noted that neo-colonialism finds its legitimacy with certain corrupt African leaders. Our approach is not to say that everything that happens in Africa is the fault of the West or the White Man. There is collaborationism. A civilization is destroyed from the outside only if it is eaten away from the inside. Principle valid everywhere. We from Urgences Panafricanistes were the organizers (through the Anti-CFA Front composed of more than 700 anti-colonialist associations) of the mobilizations in 2017 against the CFA.
Mobilizations that have had an echo around the world. In the 21st century, as Kemi Seba says, every people have the right to decide their own fate, but you can’t decide your own fate if you don’t have your own sovereignty, if you don’t print money sovereign. And there is a similarity between the CFA franc and the euro. The best way therefore to stop emigrations from Africa is to allow our continent to self-determine, to let Africa decide for itself its economic, political, military, intellectual and ideological destiny. Slogans like “let’s help them at home” are heard on the right … but No! The best help for Africa is to let it help itself.
Thomas Sankara, who revived Burkina Faso in 4 years, is proof that if Africa is sovereign and relies on itself, it can progress. I want to clarify something else: the Pan-Africanist battle for African self-determination is not a struggle between blacks and whites. We face the same enemy. The enemy is the stateless neoliberal hydra, which has no color, has no religion. Its only religion is green money. The popular masses of Africa and Europe are not opposed to it, as Sankara said. Long live the independent and sovereign peoples at home! ”