US Democrat Declares “Woke War One” Against Russia For “Daring” To Safeguard Its Traditional Values

Dem Congressman Says Arming Ukraine is About Protecting Woke Values – Because Russia is mean to gays and transgenders, writes Paul Joseph Watson. Yes, really.

Raskin released the statement after 30 “progressive” Democrats watered down their call for peace talks in a letter to Joe Biden. Raskin (D-MD) is apparently concerned that any slide in support for Ukraine represents an abandonment of woke values

“Moscow right now is … a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export,” said the statement.

As we have previously highlighted, the bizarre intersection of sending advanced weaponry to foreign conflicts in the name of defending far-left identity politics reared its head right at the start of the war.

Back in February, the head of MI6, who includes his preferred pronouns in his Twitter bio, faced backlash for suggesting that a large part of the war in Ukraine was about “LGBT+ rights.”

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022,” tweeted Richard Moore (he/him).

One of the principal organizers of Dublin’s gay pride parade also decided to add the colors of Ukraine to the LGBTQ rainbow flag, presumably to ensure support for all ‘current things’ were covered.

Neil Munro at Breitbart elaborates on a poll that shows reduced support for U.S. economic aid to Ukraine’s government, and that the Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin is justifying the military campaign against nuclear-armed Russia as “a war in defense of woke values”.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) speaks at the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol on Oct. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

“Moscow right now is … a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export,” Raskin (D-MD) said in October 25 statement that was issued after 30 progressives withdrew their plea for peace talks.

Russian president Vladimir Putin is an “imperialist” and a “colonizer,” Raskin said in his letter, which was released just two weeks before the Democrats are expected to lose in the midterm elections.

The October 25 poll asked: “What type of ongoing aid from the U.S. for Ukraine are you most likely to support?”

Just 40 percent supported a continued inflow of weaponry and money to Ukraine, according to the poll of 1,079 respondents by the Trafalgar Group.

Twenty-five percent opposed any aid.

Thirty-one percent favor a continued transfer of weaponry — but not money — to Ukraine, whose economy and infrastructure have been wrecked by Russia’s guided weapons.

Ukraine Aid Survey Trafalgar Group

Other polls shows strong support for Ukraine, but weaker GOP support and much worry about nuclear weapons.

The Raskin statement justifies President Joe Biden’s strategy in the Ukraine war and also seeks to counter the rising worries among right-of-center advocates and the establishment’s foreign policy professionals. Other Biden supporters are pushing back about public worries. “They’re tactical nukes — they’re just bigger versions of what a conventional attack would be,” said Neil deGrasse Tyson, a Harvard-trained scientist and “science communicator.”

GOP leaders are also showing the first signs of a split.

Multiple GOP candidates are urging limits on air for Ukraine. “We’ve got to stop the money spigot to Ukraine eventually,” GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance told a TV station in Ohio.

I think people are gonna be sitting in a recession and they’re not going to write a blank check to Ukraine,” GOP House leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), told Punchbowl News in an October 28 article. “Ukraine is important, but at the same time, it can’t be the only thing they do, and it can’t be a blank check.”

But establishment GOP advocates are also pushing back against the public’s concerns. The GOP leader in the Senate, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a statement on October 21, saying:

The Biden Administration and our allies need to do more to supply the tools Ukraine needs to thwart Russian aggression. It is obvious this must include additional air defenses, long-range [weapons], and humanitarian and economic support to help this war-torn country endure the coming winter.

growing number of establishment personalities are warning that the U.S. opposition to a compromise deal with Russia may push the Russians to escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.

U.S. officials have consistently refused to push Ukraine towards a negotiated deal, and have instead announced that Ukraine will set the terms of a peace deal. “Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,” Biden said on June 3. “It’s their territory. I’m not going to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.”

The Ukrainian government has also escalated the conflict. On October 25, for example, a group funded by the Ukrainian government held an international meeting in Croatia to claim control over the Crimea peninsula.

The peninsula was captured in 1783 by Russia’s Catherine the Great from the Turks — 62 years before the United States annexed Texas from Mexico.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) also spoke at the October 26 event, reinforcing prior U.S. declarations for the Ukrainian claim over Crimea. “Crimea is Ukraine,” she said.

In a short history of the region prepared for the conference, the Ukraine group does not even try to argue the Crimea was ever populated by Ukrainians.


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