US Military Sought To Experiment On Africans For Big Pharma: Kremlin

The allegations involve Metabiota, a firm with links to US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter

The Pentagon planned to use its biolaboratories in Africa to test unregistered medicines on local populations for the sake of “big pharma,” Tass reported on 19 July, based on documents found in Ukraine.

According to the Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, documents found by the Russian military at a US biolaboratory in Ukraine indicate that the Pentagon planned to use the US army to test unregistered medical drugs on the local population in African countries. The testing would involve biolaboratories and facilitating agencies, such as Metabiota, which has links to Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden. The results would then be provided to US regulatory agencies “in the interests of the so-called big pharma.”

“We have repeatedly pointed to the company’s ties with the son of the US incumbent president, Hunter Biden, and government organizations. Notably, Metabiota’s representatives admit that, as a matter of fact, they are establishing ties to ensure the Pentagon and other American agencies’ work abroad,” Kirillov added.

He also said that Ukraine’s Science and Technology Center and other Pentagon contractors were taking an active part in these activities.

Since the early 2000s, NGOs funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others have been distributing experimental vaccines and drugs to vulnerable populations in Africa and India, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries, with accounts of forced vaccinations and uninformed consent. Since then, carrying out large-scale clinical trials of untested or unapproved drugs in poor countries, where administering drugs is less regulated and cheaper, has become common.

The issue of US biolabs in Ukraine became controversial following US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland’s acknowledgment of such US labs in Ukraine following Russia’s February 2022 invasion.

The acknowledgment also came amid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the Covid-19 pandemic, was developed in a US military-funded biolab in Wuhan, China. Some have speculated that the virus was developed as part of a US bioweapons program.

“Take note of Metabiota’s commercial offer marked ‘confidential,’ which was found among documents at one of the biolaboratories in Ukraine. The offer is addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and concerns training of specialists in infectious diseases in Kenya and Uganda,” General Kirillov noted.

“The document demonstrates that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) and the Department of Homeland Security were involved in the study of pathogens in African countries, while the US Agency for International Development and a number of European Union structures were engaged in making these activities look like ‘humanitarian cooperation,’” he said at a briefing on the analysis of documents concerning US military biological activities.

According to Kirillov, Russia found evidence showing that Metabiota, in which Hunter Biden is a key investor, had been involved in the study of the H7N9 bird flu virus and that it had played a leading role in the implementation of Predict, a USAID-funded project which claimed to study coronavirus types in bats and other animals to predict a possible future pandemic.

According to journalist Sam Husseini, such work is typically portrayed as preventative or defensive, but is actually “dual use” by nature. He notes that, “’Biodefense’ is often just as easily biowarfare since biodefense and the products of biowarfare are identical. It’s simply a matter of what the stated goals are.”

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